Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 654 654 Pollution Leak

"Let me take a look." Su You rummaged through the last box containing specially marked items, and then dug out several boxes with workmanship skills inside.

Compared with other treasures, although these boxes are also inlaid with luxurious gemstones and crystals, they always feel flashy and useless, with only a beautiful skin.

But after playing with it for a while, Su You quickly gave up the idea - these boxes are clever boxes!

The so-called smart box is actually an item very similar to the real-world "Luban Lock". The slight difference is that the smart box is filled with parts, and the way to open it is to use the characteristics of the parts to make it 'open' on its own.

Speaking of parts, you should be able to guess that the clever box is actually an item related to mechanics. Unfortunately, Anjie is not here. Otherwise, if these boxes are given to him, with his current strength, he will definitely be able to solve them quickly. open.

But...even if An Jie is not around, Su You can still open this clever box.

"You two come here and smash them." Su You took out two hammers from his backpack and handed them to the two stronger ones. Then he put the machine box on the ground and took two steps back.

She just looked at it, and although she didn't know how to open this clever box, the designs of these clever boxes were relatively average, and if they couldn't be cracked by force, they would be destroyed.

So even if she cracks it with brute force, she can still get the contents.

In this case, there is no need to waste time trying to crack it.

His hands and feet for smashing things were very deft. He raised and lowered the hammer, and there was a sound of broken items. All the smart boxes were smashed to pieces, leaving only fragments of parts on the ground, and after losing the protection of the smart boxes, What’s hidden inside.

[One unidentified fragment can be picked up*1]

[Three unknown fragments can be picked up*1]

[Can pick up four unknown fragments*1]

Su You looked at the few fragments that could be picked up on the ground. He picked them all up first, and then after looking at the information, he found that one fragment seemed to be missing.

If there are one, three or four, then there must be one or two missing.

Of course, there may be more than four pieces, and there may be a fifth or even a sixth piece, but this is not within the scope of consideration for the time being.

"Lord, I think these fragments are a bit like the stones we placed on the stone gate before." One person looked at the thing in Su You's hand and couldn't help but remind him.

Su You nodded in agreement: "This should be the missing fourth stone, but it is broken and there is still a fragment missing."

It took her more than ten seconds to put the three pieces back together. The irregular shape was almost consistent with the groove outside the door, but everyone could clearly see that this thing was missing a part.

"Everyone is looking everywhere to see if there is anything missing." Su You asked everyone to search for the fragments, while he led two people to close the lids and hang up all the boxes containing priceless treasures that had been sorted out. I just made the locks myself and piled them neatly aside.

As for the box of unidentified items, Su You wasn't going to take it away, so she also had the box locked, but the lock style looked a little different, in order to distinguish it.

As for the few empty boxes, Su You also asked people to close them, but padlocks were not necessary because there was nothing inside anyway. These boxes are temporarily placed here. After Suyou goes out, she will ask Luya to send someone to pick them up... Just like what she said before, the things below are all gifts from her to Luya.

A few minutes passed, and someone finally found the last piece of 'Fragment 2' in a crevice in a corner.

Su You got the four fragments, and the word 'synthesis' immediately appeared on the item. After synthesis, the four fragments disappeared and were replaced by a whole irregular stone full of textures. In addition to the different shapes, the surface appearance It looks exactly like the three stones found outside.

"Lord Su, are we going out now?" Since they have obtained the fourth stone, what they have to do now is to find a way to get out from here, and then put the fourth stone up... As for what happens next What happens next is what happens next.

"Everyone get pickaxes and start digging from both sides of the stone gate." Su You took out a bunch of pickaxes and arranged for everyone to be divided into three teams.

One team is responsible for digging on the left side of the stone gate, and the other team is responsible for digging on the right side of the stone gate. The remaining people are resting and being vigilant, lest they encounter a sudden attack after digging out and have no way to resist.

The reason why they didn't dig directly from the middle of the stone gate was mainly because they were worried that there would be falling rocks later. If there were, then even if they dug through the stones blocking the stone gate, they would still have to deal with the next one.

And because they dug through, the falling rocks may even roll in directly. At that time, their internal space will be squeezed again.

According to this arrangement, they dug all the way out. When the distance was almost there, Su You asked them to dig in the middle, and then hollowed out the middle of the stone blocking the door.

After hollowing out, Su You found a gap and put the stone on his hand into the groove, and then it was a calm minute.

In this minute, nothing happened, and Su You just asked everyone to evacuate to the inside of Shimen.

Although this may lead to "catching a turtle in a urn", it is better than being squeezed outside without any room for movement or even room for resistance.

After a calm minute passed, Ning Shi was the first to notice the problem. The moment Su You saw the change in Ning Shi's face, she seemed to understand something.

Because what can make a light magician so nervous must be pollution.

"Everyone, come here, come close to me, and don't leave this circle of light." Ning Shi didn't care to explain anything to Su You. He immediately took out his staff and circled a spot on the ground, and then circled all a dozen people inside. .

After doing this, she also took the time to put a protective shield on each person individually, as well as some light-related buffs that could resist pollution to a certain extent.

After Ning Shi completed this series of operations, without her having to say anything, others also visibly found that they were surrounded by black mist.

"To make a long story short, Lord Su, just now I discovered that the pollution concentration here has risen sharply. My barrier can only last for an hour. If it needs to be moved, it can only last for half an hour."

Su You knew that the barrier Ning Shi mentioned should be the aperture that protected all of them.

Now everyone can not only see the gray-black fog surrounding it outside, but also see the fog trying to invade the barrier more than once.

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