Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 655 655 Scattered Sources of Pollution

However, in the end, Ning Shi's barrier was superior.

No matter how close the mist comes to the barrier, it disappears in a line of white smoke.

According to Ning Shi, she could only hold on for an hour, and if she needed to move, she could only hold on for half an hour, so Su You had to lead everyone to a pollution-free place within half an hour.

Thinking of this, Su You took out a bottle of dark blue potion from his backpack without hesitation.

Ning Shi was stunned for a moment when he saw the potion, because as we all know, the darker the color of most potions, the higher the concentration, the higher the value, and the better the efficacy.

Ning Shi had gotten many potions of this color from Su You before. They were actually potions for restoring magic. However, the colors of the previous potions were slightly lighter, but the efficacy of those potions was already very good.

Now the potion was almost black-blue, and Ning Shi could guess how powerful this potion would be without even using his own magic check.

"If you have this, how long can you hold on?" The bottle of potion in Suyou's hand that Vivian just made not long ago is called 'Continue Magic Potion', and the effect is just like its name, 'Continue' means continuous. mean.

This is not a potion that can instantly restore magic, but a potion that can increase the speed of magic recovery, and because the potion is very powerful, it lasts a long time and the recovery speed is also very fast.

Corresponding to its efficacy, this bottle of potion also consumes a huge amount of materials.

However, since you want to help the mermaid tribe, you can't just rely on a dozen of them. This is unrealistic. Some necessary expenses cannot be saved.

"Let's see..." Ning Shi took the potion and used his own magic elements to test the effect. Then his eyes lit up, but he quickly sighed: "This bottle of potion is very powerful, but it's just because it's so powerful. , with my current strength, I can only withstand half of the effect of the medicine at most... If combined with the potions you gave me before, I can last for about two hours."

After Ning Shi finished speaking, he paused and added: "It can move for two hours and remain stationary for five hours."

Su You counted the time and seemed to think it was enough, so she divided the bottle of potion into two, giving one half to Ning Shi and the other half to Youai.

As for Vivian, she only had more potions on her body, so Suyou didn't need to worry about this for her.

After distributing the potion, Su You raised his head and said to the others: "Everyone can see what the situation is like now. There is not much time. You should take inventory of your belongings. If there are any missing items, ask Duo Ya to make up for them. We will set off in five minutes."

Suyou gave some of the props on her body to Duoya and asked her to distribute them, while she and Ning Shi began to discuss the inexplicable pollution.

"Can you find the source of the pollution?" Because he didn't know what happened to lead to the current situation, Su You could only temporarily solve the current crisis according to the way he had dealt with pollution in the past, and this method was to find the source of the pollution and solve the source of the pollution.

Ning Shi nodded: "Yes, but I can feel that the source of pollution seems to be scattered... Just like the stone just now, it is broken and scattered in various places. The difficulty of cleaning has decreased, but the time has increased. ."

Su You wasn't worried about time. The space below was so big. Two hours was actually a lot. Besides, they couldn't be moving the whole time, so the duration of this barrier should be more than three hours.

Unless this source of pollution has scattered its body into countless pieces, scattered in every corner, then they basically don't have a problem of lack of time.

"Then let's clean up the nearest ones first. Ning Shi, if you have any needs, just ask us and everyone will cooperate with you." "Nothing at the moment, I'll lead everyone to find the source of the pollution first." Ning Shi thought about it and felt that he had nothing for the time being. If necessary, he directly raised his staff and lit a light ball. After a few seconds, the light ball exploded, and the crystal powder produced by the shattering fell all over the ground.

They moved automatically without wind, forming a line of gleaming light in the gray-black world outside the barrier.

With such an obvious expression, Ning Shi didn't need to say it. Everyone knew that if you follow this line, you should be able to find the first source of pollution...the debris.

After all the supplies were replenished, Ning Shi controlled the barrier to slowly follow everyone's movement, following the line of condensed light elements. The surrounding fog became much heavier, and they could already vaguely hear the rustling coming from around them. The rustling and eerie movement.

"Pay attention to your surroundings, there may be dark creatures attacking." Su You also heard these movements, but now the space here seems to be heading towards the dark realm, so their field of vision is very small and they cannot see clearly other creatures outside. The presence.

But although it can't be seen, the sound can be heard.

In addition to the rustling noises, there was also the sound of something sticky moving and dragging. This was obviously not a pleasant sound. Su You glanced at Gong Yu, who immediately took out his harp to cover up these sounds. It's a disturbing sound, and it also adds some gain effects for everyone.

As the melodious sound of the piano sounded, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, their stiff bodies gradually relaxed, and their movement speed increased a lot compared to before.

Soon, they came to the end of the light. Not far away, there was an unknown black object suspended in the air. From it, black air continued to flow out.

This is one of the pollution source fragments.

[Pollution Source Fragments·3]

HP: 10000/10000

Attack: 0

Defense: 0

Introduction: The dark matter from the abyss can continuously emit pollution. Although it is only fragments, the pollution effect is not reduced. The fragments will escape with the remaining power after being destroyed.


"Everyone, please stop taking action!" Su You looked at the last sentence of the introduction and stopped everyone from preparing to attack.

Ten thousand health is actually not much. Although there are only a dozen of them, and there are even a few non-combatants, they are all elites. Ten thousand health and there is still no defense. Everyone works together, and they It doesn't even take five seconds to destroy it.

However, the last sentence of this pollution source fragment obviously has a deeper meaning.

What does it mean to "escape with remaining power after being destroyed"?

How to escape?

Where to escape?

All this is unknown.

But Su You could feel that this was definitely not a good thing.

"Ning Shi, have you ever encountered fragments of pollution sources before?" Su You has never encountered this kind of situation before. She has seen many pollution sources, and even seen pollution sources that can 'reproduce', but she has never seen broken fragments. source of pollution.

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