Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 657 657 Destroy the fragments

After rejecting two more possible methods, Su You thought for a while and then came up with the last method.

"Another way is to destroy every fragment of the pollution source first, but don't kill them completely, and then clean them up one by one." To put it simply, destroy each fragment once, but don't kill it, and leave it with residual health. , and then you can arrange for people to stay.

Because of the residual health, the mission can be completed even if only one or two people are left.

It's just that the risk still exists, but the fault tolerance will be much higher than before.

From the current point of view, there are only a few methods, but each method has flaws. All they can do is to find among these flawed methods, the flaws are not that big, or they can find ways to optimize these methods themselves. , to minimize the risk.

After some discussion, they decided on the following plan: First, beat each pollution source fragment to residual health. During this process, bury explosives and fuses. Because the pollution source fragment has only a little health left, the explosives It is absolutely enough.

Before leaving, Su You will leave at least one person at each place to ensure that there will be no accidents with the explosives. After all the explosives have been placed and all the pollution source fragments have been killed to residual health, , ignite the explosives.

With the plan in hand, they simply simulated the process and then started taking action directly, because half of the two hours Ning Shi said had passed and they had no more time to waste.

"Hit this one first." Su You pointed at the nearby fragment. While arranging for people to plant explosives that could damage about a thousand people, he was always paying attention to the fragment's health to prevent him from accidentally killing it. .

If it weren't for the worry that the movement caused by the explosives would cause a collapse underneath, Su You actually wanted to leave behind two thousand damaging explosives, which would be safer.

But there are people here, so even if the explosives don't kill him, it doesn't matter, they can do some last-ditch damage.

When the HP of the fragment dropped to three digits, Su You had already stopped most of the people. In the end, only two warriors with double-digit damage were allowed to hit the fragment with their shields again and again.

Perhaps because they had no intention of killing the fragments, no dark creatures appeared to stop their actions.

"You two stay, the others will follow me to the next place." Su You named two people to stay, and then waited for Ning Shi to build a separate barrier for them.

With this barrier, as long as they don't go out, there will definitely be no problems in a short time.

After the first location was arranged, they then went to the location of the second fragment, then the third...the fourth...

Waiting until the last fragment was attacked to its remaining health, they lit the farthest explosive fuse in order.

Considering that the lengths of the fuses are different, they also deliberately calculated the distance when taking action. Therefore, they knew which one to light first and how long it would take to light the next one.

‘Boom——’ There was a subtle roar not far away, and then they heard the second and third sounds from far to near...

The last explosion rang in their ears, and everyone stared at the place where the fragments were. Then, they saw four black lights in the distance flying towards their direction.

No one else knew what was going on. Only Su You had seen the introduction before and heard certain information provided by Ning Shi, so she could guess that this should be a source of pollution that was preparing to 'escape' and was looking for something to fuse with. object. Unfortunately, all the pollution source fragments present have been destroyed by them, and these black lights are currently in a "homeless" state.

When these five black lights were running around in a daze, Su You seemed to have thought of something, and immediately asked everyone to find the people scattered in the other four locations.

"Logically speaking, if all sources of pollution have been eliminated, these black lights should not appear..." Ning Shi's tone was urgent and confused.

Su You guessed the reason, so he explained for her and others: "I said before that there is still one fragment that has not been found, so they have not disappeared, but are looking for the location of the last fragment..."

It is true that it is not good news for them to find the last fragment and fuse it, but the current situation is that Su You and the others cannot find the last pollution source fragment.

These black lights and fragments belong to the same source, and they must be searching for the last fragment faster than they are, so Su You wants to use them to find the last fragment.

As for fusion... they can't find the last fragment anyway, so let's just fuse.

After gathering at the fastest speed, the few black lights scurrying in the sky seemed to have found the 'organization'. They changed their previous confused and chaotic appearance and rushed towards a certain direction with a clear goal.

"Follow!" Because of Su You's previous reminder, everyone guessed that they were going to follow these black lights, so they moved very fast.

As we chased each other all the way, the black lights seemed to sense that they were following us, but instead of trying to get away from Su You and his group, they deliberately slowed down... It was as if they were deliberately trying to seduce them to follow us. Same as coming here.

Su You and the others naturally discovered this, but since they had already come this far, it was obviously impossible to stop now, so they followed Hei Guang even though they knew it was intentional.

Soon, they returned to the place where they had found countless boxes.

And those five black lights 'passed through the wall' in front of them and entered another unknown area.

"Dig." Su You took out the pickaxe without hesitation and asked everyone to dig through this side.

Since these black lights can pass by, it means that there is definitely another dimension here.

Although Su You suspected that there should be a better way to open this wall, although the five pollution sources here had disappeared, the surrounding pollution had not dissipated much. Ning Shi was still under great pressure, so they simply There is no time to look for agencies.

Although brute force cracking is not advisable, in extraordinary circumstances, only extraordinary means can be used.

And it turns out that violent methods are very effective, because everyone only digs a few pickaxes, and they have already seen the new passage.

As the number of excavations increased, the number of people that this passage could accommodate gradually increased. When it could accommodate four or five people at the same time, Su You led people through it...

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