Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 658 658 Blind Mermaid

"Who's visiting?"

After Su You and others arrived in another space, they heard a gentle voice coming from not far away.

Following the sound, everyone looked at the mermaid leaning on the stone in surprise, and then they all looked at the mermaid's eyes in unison - the mermaid's eyes seemed to be injured, and their eyes were unfocused. And the pupils of the eyes were gray-white that they had never seen on other mermaids.

Although she is a blind mermaid, it does not affect her stunning appearance at all. When many people see her for the first time, they may first marvel at the miracle of the Creator, and then feel regret and pity...

If such a beautiful mermaid had light in her eyes, would her beauty be even more breathtaking?

"Now that we're here, why don't you say anything... Could it be that I'm blind and you are all mute?" Her tone had a hint of teasing, and it was clear that what she said was not a nice thing to say, but in the ears of others, But it doesn't feel harsh.

"I'm sorry to bother you. We are invited guests of the Mermaid Tribe..." Before Su You could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by the other party.

"Since you are a guest, why are you here? Don't you know where this is?" The beautiful mermaid obviously didn't believe what Su You said, but her tone was still smiling.

However, what Su You said was really not a lie.

First, they are indeed invited guests.

Secondly, she really didn't know where this was.

Although Su You thought this mermaid was a bit weird, she still answered her question very honestly: "We got here by accident and don't know where this place is."

There's nothing wrong with saying it was an accident. After all, they didn't come here on an 'ordinary road'. Before they came here, none of them knew what was going on here, let alone that there was a mysterious mermaid here.

The mermaid said "huh" in confusion.

"I actually didn't lie..." The mermaid's tone was confused, and Su You and the others who heard her words were even more confused.

Not only that, besides being confused, they also felt a little creepy... What does 'really not lying' mean?

Is it possible that the mermaid in front of me can also 'detect lies' or 'read minds'?

Thinking of the five black lights that had disappeared, those with a big imagination couldn't help but start to think about whether the mermaid in front of them was a mermaid, or whether this was just an illusion created by the source of pollution for them.

Although Su You also felt that the mermaid's attitude was a bit strange, she did not doubt the mermaid's identity.

After all, if those black lights had the ability to create this illusion, it would not be destroyed by them, and Ning Shi also said that since coming here, she could not feel the existence of any pollution at all...

Even if she doesn't believe this mermaid, she should trust Ning Shi's judgment.

"If you don't know where this is, how did you get in?"

This mermaid still insisted on struggling with this question. Su You was a little helpless, but she could see that if she didn't answer this question, the topic might not be able to continue, so she told her about the formation and the underground stairs. .

Of course, she didn't say anything about the source of the pollution, because although the mermaid in front of her looked friendly, her position was unclear. It would not be too late to mention the pollution-related matters until she knew her identity.

"Array...underground stairs..." She muttered to herself, then fell into silence. Su You and the others looked at each other in confusion. Finally, thinking of the five missing black lights and the last fragment of pollution, Su You couldn't wait any longer.

"We didn't expect to be here. If we can, we also want to get out... I wonder if you can tell us where this is? How are we going to get out?" Su You asked in a sincere tone.

When the mermaid heard her words, her expression was complicated, and then she couldn't help but laugh.

"It's okay to tell you where this is, but if you want to get out... this is a forbidden area for the mermaid clan. Only dead mermaids can come here. There is no exit here." She said it clearly every word, but these words When it fell into the ears of Su You and the others, it was like thunder on the ground.

What shocked them was not that they couldn't leave here, but that this was actually a forbidden area for the mermaid tribe.

After learning the true identity of this place, everyone couldn't help but look around, but they didn't see anything like a forbidden area from this desolate scene.

Su You suppressed the shock and confusion in her heart and continued to ask: "Since this is a place where only dead mermaids can come, then why are you here?"

Her existence was obviously contrary to her words, but Su You didn't think she was lying... Could it be that what they saw was not a living mermaid? !

This idea was so terrifying that Su You couldn't help but pinch her fingers to relieve her inner tension.

"I'm here... of course because I'm also dead..." She smiled as she spoke, but something seemed wrong with this touching smile that matched her dangerous speech.

"..." More than a dozen eyes glanced at her vaguely, and almost no one believed that what she said was true.

Something seemed to flash in Suyou's mind. She tried hard to catch the floating thoughts and blurted out a question——

"Do you know about the 'Son of Two Pearls'?" Su You didn't know why she asked this question, but just for a moment, she thought of this and couldn't help but ask.

Such a subconscious reaction was something she didn't even react to. She even had to wonder whether she had been controlled by other consciousnesses for a few seconds.

However, what is surprising is that this seemingly unrelated question actually caused a slight change in the mermaid's attitude.

If her previous attitude towards them was very casual, it was as if an adult was teasing a group of children by bullying the younger ones... But after hearing the words 'son of two pearls', she felt that The casual and joking expression and attitude were completely restrained.

"I could I not know." She paused slightly after saying this. This gesture made Su You think that she might say something outrageous next, but she didn't expect to say "I forgot" 'It directly triggered the silence of the whole audience.

The mermaid didn't care about their silence, but continued talking to herself: "In my memory... I should be dead..."

"I don't know how I died, but when I woke up, I found that I was already here..." Although she lost some memories, she still remembered that this was a forbidden land for the mermaid tribe.

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