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Chapter 659 659 Forbidden Land

The mermaid tribe's forbidden land is not as magical as outside rumors say. It is actually just the mermaid tribe's 'cemetery'.

The dying mermaid will take the initiative to come here to find a suitable place to rest, and his shark beads will also be placed in the forbidden area.

If a mermaid dies outside the forbidden area, he will be sent in by the elders.

The mermaid, who originally thought she was dead, found herself in a forbidden area when she woke up. She was even more convinced that she was 'already dead'.

However, she had also wondered why she was dead but still had consciousness, could speak, and could move, but simply couldn't leave here.

She had thought about the possibility that she might no longer be alive, but just a soul wandering in the world. Although the soul was conscious, could move, and could speak, living creatures could not see her and could hear her. Miss her...

But the arrival of Suyou and the others obviously broke this perception.

They can see their own appearance and hear their own voices... If that's the case, then isn't she dead?

Or are these people also ‘dead people’, so they can see themselves...

"You don't look like a dead mermaid... Can you tell me what you know? Maybe we can help you." Su You didn't know that his words brought the mermaid back from his wandering state. .

The mermaid thought for a while and didn't know whether she really believed Su You or whether she really had difficulties and wanted to take advantage of these humans. Anyway, she decided to tell them some things she knew.

"My name is Miriel. This may be the only information I know about myself." Miriel couldn't see her, so her eyes were never directed in the direction of Suyou and the others.

She was talking to the air, as if she was communicating with them, or talking to herself.

"I can't remember how long I've been here. I don't know why I came here, let alone what happened..." This series of "I don't know" made Su You silent again.

Faced with such an 'ignorant' mermaid, what can she do? !

The problem is that people still really don’t know anything!

It's not pretending, nor is it lying!

"When I woke up, the only memory in my mind was of a group of ugly guys... I seemed to be locked up by them, and someone came to save me..." This sentence can really be counted among the many words Miriel said, The only one with some information.

According to her, she had been locked up and someone rescued her, but when she woke up, she found herself in a forbidden area.

So who was she locked up by?

What is the purpose of keeping her in check?

Who saved her?

And whether she was rescued and why is she here?

Su You knew that these questions could only be explored by herself. If she asked Miriel, the answer she would get would definitely be 'I don't know'.

"I mentioned the Son of Two Pearls before. You said you knew it, but you forgot." Su You worked hard to find a breakthrough, and at the same time, she also asked others to search for clues in the forbidden area.

Miriel seems to have discovered these human actions. Although she cannot see it, for blind people, several other senses are always more sensitive, especially hearing.

But she didn't stop her, because if she hadn't been unable to see, she would have searched this place long ago... The forbidden area is important, so isn't her freedom important?

Now that someone is doing it for her, Miriel is naturally happy.

"Yes, although I have no memory, I have a feeling that I know the son of two beads, and we should have a good relationship?" Her words seemed uncertain, but her tone was very firm. It's as if she can be sure that she knows the son of twin pearls, and at the same time, she also knows that she has a good relationship with the son of twin pearls.

Su You seemed to have thought of something and asked her with a smile: "Since you have such a good relationship with it, then if you are caught and locked up by bad guys, it will definitely come to save you, right?"

Miriel was stunned for a long time this time.

She seemed to be thinking about this issue so seriously that she completely ignored the existence of other people.

This time, Su You didn't bother her because she still hoped that Miriel could remember something. With so few clues, it was already very difficult for her to connect the person who saved Miriel with the Son of Two Pearls.

Su You casually found a place to sit down, and then habitually took out a pen and paper to record information.

She was now almost certain that the person who saved Miriel was the Son of the Twin Pearls. With the Son of the Twin Pearls' strength, unless the person who captured Miriel was at the level of the Elf Queen, it should be very easy to deal with other creatures.

If that's the case, then why is Miriel here?

In this regard, the only answer Su You could think of was that the Son of Shuangzhu failed to save people, or that something unexpected happened during the rescue process, so that the rescue operation that should have been very smooth was reversed.

No matter which possibility it is, it can explain the same problem - the person who captured Miriel is definitely very powerful.

Even if she is not at the level of the Elf Queen, she should not be far behind... But with someone with such strength, why would they want to capture Miriel?

After all, from the current point of view, there is nothing special about Miriel.

Either there is some secret in Milliel that makes it worthy for them to do this, or Milliel is not their target at all!

Their real target should be the son of the twin pearls!

Because he knew that Miriel had a good relationship with the Son of Two Pearls, he arrested her to threaten the Son of Two Pearls.

"I remembered!" Just when Su You's thinking was about to hit a bottleneck, Miriel's exclamation interrupted her thoughts.

She showed pain on her face, and she grasped the scales on her chest tightly with both hands. The force was so strong that it seemed as if she wanted to dig the scales off her body. The five slender and white fingers were now covered with blood... …

Everyone was startled by this sudden scene. Su You was stunned for a few seconds, and then immediately looked at Vivian.

Vivian pursed her lips, took her things, and hurriedly came to Miriel's side.

She first used magic to stop Miriel's bleeding, and then tried to use potion to treat her wound. However, the injured person did not cooperate. She not only pushed Vivian's hand away, but also knocked over a bottle of potion and a glass bottle. The sound when it fell to the ground and shattered was harsh and terrifying.

"Don't... dig it out..." Miriel seemed to be pinched by a pair of hands around her neck. She was panting violently, supporting her body with one hand, and still insisting on hurting herself with the other hand. the behavior of.

"Dig it out...go save me..."

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