She shed tears as she spoke, and the crystal-clear mermaid tears fell all over the floor, eventually accumulating into a small pile of beads under her body.

Su You felt a little suffocated, and also felt that she had a splitting headache at the moment.

There is always nothing outsiders can do to people who want to die, and the same goes for Suyou. All she can do is to have someone control Miriel's hands, and then let Vivian forcefully treat her.

Perhaps she guessed that there was something hidden, so Vivian rarely showed any unpleasant expression towards the self-inflicted patient, let alone gave up the job, but her mood was definitely not that happy.

After a lot of trouble, they finally rescued the mermaid who had mutilated himself.

In order to prevent her from harming herself again, Su You had no choice but to have her tied up first.

The already blind mermaid was not only wrapped in a hemostatic cloth, but also tied tightly, which made her even more pitiful.

If an uninformed person sees this scene, he will definitely think that Suyou and the others are the murderers who killed this beautiful and fragile mermaid... But fortunately, there are no outsiders here, and it is almost impossible to have outsiders.

"Millie, I hope you calm down first and tell me what you just remembered and how you want us to help you." Su You persuaded in a gentle tone.

If it weren't for the fact that Gong Yu's piano music was somewhat imitating in front of the mermaid, she would have wanted Gong Yu to play a calming and soothing song.

Miriel's eyes were gloomy, and she didn't know whether she heard what Su You said, but looking at her like this, Su You could only repeat what she just said.

This time, Millie finally reacted.

"I remembered...Ana...she saved me...she is the son of Shuangzhu...she..." Suyou finally heard an important name, but she didn't expect that Miriel would actually Cried again.

She cried so hard that she couldn't say a complete sentence intermittently, and the priceless mermaid tears that had been placed on the mainland covered the ground for free.

Su You was helpless, but she didn't dare to take the initiative to speak to affect Miriel's mood, for fear that the mermaid who had finally calmed down would go crazy again.

But from now on, it seems that Miriel is indeed not lying. She really knows the Son of Twin Pearls, and this ‘Ana’ is the Son of Twin Pearls.

Just knowing a name doesn't mean much, so Su You can only wait patiently for Miriel to calm down before continuing to ask.

Perhaps Su You's persuasion just now had an effect. Although Miriel cried for a longer time this time, luckily she didn't make any desperate move. After crying, she rested for a while, and then she could start communicating normally.

Suyou asked Miriel about 'Ana', and Miriel was silent for a few seconds, and then said: "Ana is Ana, she is an excellent mermaid, and she is also a child favored by the sea god. "

"She is the natural leader of the mermaid tribe, and the object of worship and admiration by all the mermaids..."

Su You: "..."

Suyou sighed inwardly again, and then listened carefully to Miriel saying a lot of praise for Ana.

It only takes ten minutes to listen to it.

Although most of them were Milliel's words praising Ana, Su You still got some information from them.

For example, Millie's blindness was born because her mother's body was damaged when she was pregnant with her, so she was also damaged. Although there was a reason for the incident, when she was a child, there was still a groundless rumor spread by the mermaid that "the sea god took away Miriel's eyes because he didn't like her."

The importance of Poseidon to the mermaid clan is self-evident, so even if they know this is nonsense, there are still mermaids who care about it and will alienate Miriel's family.

This was undoubtedly a great harm to Millie as a child.

Because of her eyesight, she was ostracized by her peers, so that when she was a child, she could only sit alone in a corner, listening to everyone's jokes, feeling envious, but afraid to show it.

Until one day, she was bullied again by several naughty little mermaids. At this time, a strange little mermaid stopped them.

From their conversation, Miriel learned that the little mermaid who helped her was named ‘Keyena’.

At the same time, she also knew that Keyena was the child who was favored by the Poseidon and given the 'double pearl' at birth.

A mermaid who is 'disliked' by the Poseidon will be bullied by everyone. Similarly, a mermaid who is favored by the Poseidon will also be admired by all the mermaids.

So since the day Keyena was born, her status has skyrocketed, becoming second only to the Mermaid King. Even the elders have to coax her.

Such a mermaid actually helped her, and Millie couldn't tell whether she was happy, excited, or feeling inferior.

After all, the difference between the two of them is like the clouds in the sky and the mud on the ground. One is hated and the other is favored. It is impossible for anyone to connect the two of them together.

But it happened that because of today's incident, the two of them met, and because of Keyena's initiative, they became close friends who would talk about everything for more than ten years.

All this is quite logical. Since Keyena can help, she definitely doesn't hate Miriel, and this also shows that she is a kind mermaid.

Whether she genuinely wants to make friends or simply wants to help Millie out of a predicament, this makes sense.

As for Miriel, it is even more impossible for her to refuse to be Keyena's friend.

Not to mention that Keyena helped Miriel. With her status, she was the only one who could choose friends. After all, no mermaid would refuse to be the friend of the Poseidon's Favorite.

Because of Keyena's existence, no mermaid dared to discuss Miriel's affairs, let alone bully her, so Miriel also lived a normal mermaid life.

Hearing this, Su You could also understand why Miriel's attitude towards the son of two pearls was like this. After all, in her eyes, Keyena had changed her unfortunate life.

For Miriel, calling Keyena a savior may be too much, but she can definitely be regarded as a noble person.

"A long, long time later, we all came of age. On the day of Ana's coming-of-age ceremony, Poseidon once again favored her. He appeared in person and sent her blessings..." Miriel said these words. At that time, there was no envy, let alone jealousy, but only joy.

Although this didn't happen to her, she was still happy for Keyena.

However, Keyena, as the person involved, obviously didn't look that happy, but after all, this was the blessing of Poseidon. Even if she looked unhappy, she couldn't show it.

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