But in private, when it was just the two of them, they no longer had so many scruples.

Keyena clearly told Miriel that she actually did not want to be the son of the twin pearls, nor did she want to be the favored one of the sea god. She just wanted to live as an ordinary mermaid.

Because of her specialness, she was deemed to be the destined king of the mermaid tribe, so the pressure on her has never been relieved since she was a child.

Although there are many people around her who care about her and take care of her, and countless mermaids admire her and envy her, she knows that all of this is just because of her identity as the 'Son of Two Pearls', and no one who really only cares about her. No... no, now there is, and that's Miriel.

She is the only mermaid who puts aside other identities and only regards her as Keyena when getting along with her.

"Ana said that she didn't like it, but she knew that she had so many things and it was her responsibility, so she would fulfill these responsibilities well..."

There are no problems in the plot until now. Su You has a rough outline of the person who is the son of two pearls, "Keyena".

Miriel 'looked' at her. Although she was looking, because her eyes were blind, it was more like she was looking in the direction of Su You in a daze.

"What happens after that? After Keyena becomes the Mermaid King..." Su You asked softly, but before she finished speaking, she saw Miriel shaking her head.

"No, Ana did not become the Mermaid King." Miriel showed a look of disgust: "That Mermaid King actually had a child who was blessed by Poseidon at the coming-of-age ceremony. Before Ana was born, all the mermaids thought He is the next Mermaid King..."

But Keyena was born.

Not only is she blessed, but she is also the son of twin pearls, which can be said to have powerfully suppressed the mermaid prince's limelight.

Su You silently completed these two sentences in her heart.

If the guess is correct, the next plot should be related to this mermaid prince.

Miriel couldn't see the complicated expression on Su You's face. She continued talking, her disgust for this mermaid prince was palpable.

"He himself thought so, so when Ana appeared, all the mermaids were happy, and even the mermaid king accepted his fate." Although the mermaid king definitely hopes that his child will be the next king, but destiny is like this, Poseidon A suitable king has been chosen for them. Even if it is not for the mermaid tribe, but for himself, they will definitely not go against Poseidon's wishes.

"He also knew that he could not become the Mermaid King, so he took the initiative to give up the throne in front of all the tasks..." Miriel sneered, and then continued: "You are really pretending! He doesn't want anything on the surface, but secretly he Secretly pestering Ana."

Although Millie didn't know what that person was thinking at the time, she still didn't like him.

Maybe it was because she felt that his presence had robbed her of her friends, or maybe she thought that the prince who was supposed to be the Mermaid King was not a mermaid who would be so generous as to give up the throne without caring... Anyway, she just watched it. That merman is not pleasing to the eye.

Fortunately, although Keyena did not dislike the prince, she had no intention of having more contact with him. "Nothing else happened after that, until the Mermaid King abdicated. Ana said that she would be very busy during that time and would not have time to come to me. I thought she was preparing to succeed, so I didn't care... "

Because of the Mermaid King's abdication, Miriel did not suspect anything, and even took the initiative to find a reason for Keyena's busyness.

Until a few days later, overnight, news spread throughout the mermaid clan that the mermaid prince was going to marry Keyena.

Because everyone knew that she had a good relationship with Keyena, they did not dare to ask Keyena, and they could not find Keyena, so they came to Miriel for answers.

But the problem is that even Miriel didn't know about it. She even heard about it from other mermaids, so her first reaction was shock, and then she felt that this must be a false rumor!

She has such a good relationship with Keyena and they are together almost every day. The mermaid prince may not even meet Keyena as many times as Miriel meets the elders of the mermaid clan... Of course, those elders are definitely not here. He was looking for her, but he was looking for Keyena.

"Later I asked Ana... She didn't answer me. She only said that she would take me to the palace to play in the future..." Miriel actually didn't care if she could go to the palace. Anyway, she couldn't see anything. Where to go? What difference does it make where you live?

However, she also understood from Keyena's attitude that this matter should be true.

It's not that Miriel doesn't want her to find a partner, but because she knows that Keyena doesn't like the mermaid prince at all. She can guess that the relationship between them is definitely not that simple.

But if Keyena doesn't say anything, she can't help it...

Hearing this, the picture on the mural once again appeared in Su You's mind - two thrones, but only one mermaid sat on it. This mermaid was not the son of Shuangzhu, and the son of Shuangzhu was replaced by the throne after this incident. harmed by people.

If the twin-beaded child on the mural refers to Keyena, then everything seems to be correct.

She was supposed to be the king, but she was not interested in this. Out of responsibility, she accepted it all.

This mermaid prince has always regarded the throne as his own, but a son of twin beads appeared out of nowhere and took away his position. He pretended not to care, but secretly found Keyena and reached a certain goal. trade.

Then the two people became partners. It might be difficult for Keyena to let her 'partner' sit on the same throne as her, but the mermaid prince had a special status, so the other mermaids admitted that there were two kings.

After that, Keyena gradually disappeared and handed over the power to the mermaid prince. The other mermaids may also sense that Keyena does not care about the throne.

They think this is wrong and problematic, but Nai He doesn't care, and the mermaid prince has probably done a lot for this position, so subconsciously, everyone basically acquiesces to the status quo.

"Later, they really got together. Although Ana still came to see me very often after that, the time was short, and I found that her whole person had changed a lot..."

Regarding this change, Millie couldn't say anything specific, but she could indeed feel the difference. After all, they had been together for more than ten years, and they might even know each other better than themselves, even if it was a subtle change. All can be found.

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