"I don't remember what happened next." Miriel's memory only stayed after Keyena married the mermaid prince.

But this part of the plot is still the most important, because this part of the plot includes Miriel being captured, and Keyena probably paid something to save her... and then Miriel wakes up and finds herself in the forbidden area. among.

As for why she knew this was a forbidden area, it was because Keyena had been to the forbidden area and told her what the forbidden area looked like. Although it was just a verbal description, Miriel came and sensed the existence of countless shark beads here. , even though she couldn't see anything, she still guessed where this place was.

Su You sorted out the plot and looked at the injury on her chest. After hesitating for a moment, she finally didn't ask the reason for Miriel's crazy behavior just now.

The progress here has obviously reached a bottleneck, but fortunately, under Su You's arrangement, others explored the forbidden area and found possible clues related to getting out.

The clue here is actually the formation, but the formation here is obviously different from the one in the water prison. After all, it is the formation in the forbidden area. It is more difficult, more complex, and contains more energy.

It is precisely because of this that Su You encountered a lot of difficulties when deciphering this formation.

But this is obviously the only way for them to get out of here, so no matter how difficult it is, she has to find a way to crack it.



On the other side, several hours had passed since Suyou left the eldest prince's palace. Luya had already led people to repair all the broken barriers and arranged stricter guards.

But when she returned to her palace, she heard from the mermaid she left behind that Suyou and the others had left to find the fifth elder, so Luya also went to find the fifth elder.

The fifth elder was there when she came over, but when he heard what she said, he expressed doubts.

"I was not in the palace before. Miss Su and the others may have left without finding me." In order to confirm this, the fifth elder specially called the guards.

Guard: "About three hours ago, humans did come to visit the fifth elder, but you were not there at that time, so they left."

Luya felt a little uneasy in her heart, because she knew that Suyou didn't know many mermaids in the mermaid clan. Since she came to see the fifth elder, it must be something very important, but unfortunately the fifth elder was not here...

According to normal circumstances, if the fifth elder was not found, Su You would have returned to Liuli Palace, but this was obviously not the case.

"Did you notice the direction they left?" Luya asked the guard.

The guard hesitated for a moment and said with a hint of hesitation in his tone: "It seems to be heading towards the palace of the eldest prince or the third princess."

The fifth elder was very smart. As soon as she heard what the guard said, she guessed what Su You was thinking and decisively ruled out the third princess.

"Miss Su must have something very important, but unfortunately I'm not here, so she may seek help from the eldest prince."

After coming to this conclusion, Luya took people to find her eldest brother, the eldest prince.

As for the fifth elder, it was already midnight. It was not easy for an elder like her to accompany him to visit the other princes and princesses, so he did not go with him. However, she also sent people to search for traces of Su You and his party in the palace.

Luya arrived at the eldest prince's palace and got what Su You told him from the eldest prince. She also heard the eldest prince's guess as to the whereabouts of Su You and his party.

So, Luya and others hurried to the water prison again. It's just that the water prison is guarded by the Great Elder's people. No matter how anxious Luya is, it is impossible for her to conflict with the Great Elder at this time. After all, the whereabouts of Su You and the others are unknown. If they really fall into the hands of the Great Elder, the Great Elder will What to do to them, what Luya did at this time would only intensify the conflict and make the great elder hate them even more.

In the end, Luya was persuaded to leave by the fifth elder who came over, and the task of finding out the information from the great elder also fell on the fifth elder.

It's just that this matter must be done tomorrow, after all, it is already very late.

Tomorrow is an important day, and there are other creatures eyeing them, so they must be prepared...



On a new day, the mermaid clan's sacrificial ceremony is about to begin, and the entire mermaid clan is filled with an atmosphere of joy and joy.

Even Luya, who was originally upset because of Su You's disappearance, felt slightly better after being depressed all night.

But it just made her less angry, because she knew that Suyou came here to save the mermaid tribe. If something happened to her instead, Luya would definitely feel guilty for the rest of her life!

Luya, who was supposed to appear at the banquet, sneaked away. She found the fifth elder and learned good news and bad news from the fifth elder.

The good news is that after her testing, the Great Elder didn't seem to have captured Su You and the others.

The bad news is that after the fifth elders entered the water prison, they found no trace of Su You or the others.

"That staircase! Yui and the others may have gone down!" Luya said in a hurry.

The fifth elder glanced at her, then shook his head and sighed: "I have also gone down that staircase. At the bottom of the staircase is a stone door. The stone door does not look like someone has opened it." The implication is that Su You and the others may not have opened it. Didn't get in there.

But the entire palace has been searched. Suyou and the others are neither inside nor outside the palace. Where else could they be?

Is it possible that they can still go back?

This is obviously impossible. After all, humans do not have the ability to swim in the ocean with only their mortal bodies, especially when the distance is so far away.

Luya has also asked Alan about it, and neither it nor its people have seen any trace of humans.

Although it is incredible, the reality is that Suyou and the others seem to have evaporated out of thin air!

"Xiaoya, I remember that there seems to be a human next to you. You can ask him, maybe he will know more." The human being mentioned by the fifth elder is Su You, who arranged to go to Lu Ya, inform and bring Luya was the one who found all the cracks in the mermaid clan's protective shield.

He was also the only one left alone.

This person was also very surprised after learning that Lord Su and others were 'missing'.

However, he was not worried about the safety of Suyou and the others, because he knew that there were three magicians in their group, which looked small, but in fact their combat effectiveness was not low.

And Lord Su is so smart...

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