"Lord Su and the others will be fine. Lord Su also gave each of us a return stone. If they are really in danger, they may have returned to their territory by now." The person who spoke was Ke Ge, who discovered the crack. of human beings.

He knew that Lord Su had a good relationship with the Sixth Princess, and he could see that the Sixth Princess's concern was genuine, so after hesitating, he whispered to her about the Return to City Stone.

"There is such a thing...then I'll be relieved." Although Luya had never heard of such a thing as the Return Stone, Kege showed her the Return Stone, and she did find something on this seemingly ordinary stone. a special energy.

With something like this as a trump card, it is indeed unlikely to be dangerous.

"Youyi and the others may have gone back. Do you want to go back?" Luya looked at Ke Ge and asked.

From Luya's point of view, the disappearance of Suyou and the others was simply inexplicable, and there was no trace at all. If they were not in danger, the only explanation could be that they had already gone back.

In this case, as a person from Su You's side, Kege can actually go back now, otherwise it would be quite dangerous for him to stay here alone.

For Suyou's sake, Luya will do her best to protect Kege, but there are a lot of things going on today, and Luya can't guarantee that she can do everything possible.

Kege shook his head and refused to return: "Lord Su actually doesn't have to leave, so I have to stay. The Sixth Princess can just go do her own thing and don't have to take care of me deliberately. Lord Su has prepared a lot for us. Things... no matter how bad things are, I still have a return stone."

He had already said so, and Luya didn't do much to dissuade him. After all, this human being was not Su You, and she was unfamiliar with him. It was already good that he could talk about it like this.

"Then please pay attention to your own safety. I'll leave first if I have something to do." Luya nodded and told people in the Liuli Palace that if they saw Su You and the others coming back, they should notify her as soon as possible. After that, she also left Went to the palace and returned to the banquet.

At this time, there was less than an hour before the sacrificial ceremony was held. All the fish looked at the empty altar excitedly, with fanatical eyes as if the altar was not empty, but contained some peerless treasure. .

But the implementation is indeed the same, except that the altar is empty now. After the sacrifice is over, the altar will be filled with gifts from Poseidon!

"Xiaoya, where did you go just now? Father is looking for you." The fourth princess saw Luya waving to her, and after she came over, she whispered what happened after she left.

"Mrs. Sang is also here. Fourth sister knows that you don't like her, and neither does fourth sister. But today is the sacrificial ceremony after all. You must not cause trouble, otherwise it will be difficult to talk to the great elder..." The fourth princess touched it Luya's head whispered instructing.

Luya responded dully. Although she was in a bad mood, she did listen to what the fourth princess said.

"I knew Xiaoya was the best... Come on, I'll take you to find your father." The fourth princess could also see her displeasure, but since Luya agreed, it was a guarantee that there would be no trouble. , she can still rest assured about this.

"I won't go." Luya shook her head and her attitude was very firm.

In order to prevent her from seeing Mrs. Sang do anything impulsive, Luya felt that she might as well not look at that terrible scene.

As long as you can't see it, it won't affect her.

The fourth princess frowned and was about to say something when she was interrupted by another voice: "Aqing should go there by herself. I'll stay here with Xiaoya."

Ah Qing is the name of the fourth princess. Since the visitor can call them both so affectionately, they must be acquaintances. Luya looked back and saw the mermaid she hadn't seen for a long time. She was stunned for a moment, then happily ran over and threw herself into his arms.

"Second brother! Long time no see, Luya misses you so much!"

That's right, the person who came was none other than the second prince of the mermaid clan and the biological brother of the two princesses.

The second prince smiled and hugged Luya, and then touched her head like the fourth princess.

He raised his head and looked at the fourth princess: "If Xiaoya doesn't want to go, don't force her. It just so happens that I don't want to go either, so we can stay as companions."

The fourth princess seemed to want to say something else, but recalling what happened between Mrs. Sang and the second prince, she stopped trying to persuade her.

"Then you two have a good time, and if anything happens, ask someone to find me." After saying that, the fourth princess left.

"It's been a long time since I saw Xiaoya. Second brother is thinking a lot... I just happened to have found a lot of interesting things in the human world during this period. Second brother will take you to see them." As I said before, because of Mrs. Sang's 'misunderstanding' The incident involving the second prince caused the second prince to leave the mermaid clan and did not return until recently.

During these days of departure, the second prince lived in the human world.

Although it is inconvenient for a mermaid to live in the human world, the second prince is very strong and smart, so his life on land can be regarded as smooth and prosperous.

After finally coming back, he brought many gifts from the human world, and the largest and best one was obviously for Luya.

Although Luya still had many things hidden in her heart, after all, she was her second brother whom she had not seen for a long time, so she did not hesitate much and accepted the invitation of the second prince and went to his palace to play.

Here, the fourth princess did not bring Luya over. The Mermaid King saw that she was alone, and the smile on his originally smiling face faded a lot.

"Why didn't Xiaoya come over? Didn't I ask you to find her?" Although the Mermaid King treats every child well, the only one who can really make his attitude reach the level of doting is Luya.

All the mermaids could see that the mermaid tribe was very dissatisfied with the fact that the fourth princess did not bring Luya over.

But the fourth princess didn't care. If she really cared, she would definitely bring Luya here no matter what.

Since she didn't do this, she was already ready to face the Mermaid King.

"Xiaoya originally wanted to come here, but we met the second brother on the road. It was not convenient for the second brother to come. Xiaoya hadn't seen the second brother for a long time, so she asked me to tell her father." The fourth princess looked pale. Change, in one sentence, he and Lu Ya's responsibilities were completely wiped out.

Luya came here because she met the second prince whom she had not seen for a long time. The reason why the second prince did not come was well known to all the mermaids present. The fourth princess brought up the old matter again. The mermaid king knew that he was in the wrong, so even though he He had a dark face and was unhappy, but he didn't say anything else.

On the other hand, Mrs. Sang next to the Mermaid King was very calm, as if she was not the one who had the misunderstanding with the second prince. She seemed to have ignored the fourth princess's words.

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