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Chapter 664 664 Sacrifice suspended

Seeing this calm and calm look, the fourth princess couldn't help but mutter a few words like 'shameless' and 'trouble maker' in her heart.

Originally, the sacrificial ceremony was supposed to be a happy one, but the Mermaid King brought Mrs. Sang, which already made the atmosphere very awkward. Now, it's fine. There were a total of six princes and princesses, but two were absent at once, making the atmosphere even more mysterious.

But after all, this is a family matter of the mermaid royal family, so the other mermaids don't dare to say anything, but it's not clear what they are thinking in their hearts.

As time passed by, colorful lights gradually emitted from the altar. When all the people saw this scene that was a miracle to them, they all knelt down in unison.

Not only them, but the elders who were closest to the altar and the members of the mermaid royal family also left their positions and knelt down in the direction of the altar...

The light on the altar became brighter and brighter. All the mermaids lowered their heads piously and began to worship the Poseidon in the mermaid language.

The sacrificial ceremony was going on smoothly. The fifth elder in the front lowered his head, suppressing the doubts and inexplicable uneasiness in his heart, and praying for the arrival of the sea god like other mermaids.

According to the procedures of past sacrificial ceremonies, Poseidon will most likely appear within ten minutes of the start of the sacrifice. Of course, Poseidon is also very 'busy', so there were cases where Poseidon did not come in previous years.

But even if he doesn't come, in order to thank these loyal believers, Poseidon will leave generous gifts on the altar.

But for some reason, more than ten minutes have passed since the sacrificial ceremony, but there is still no response from the altar.

Some nervous mermaids may think that Poseidon is just 'late', but mermaids who know some of the inside story are already feeling a little panicked.

Although they are not afraid of the invasion of fishmen, they do not want the sacrificial ceremony to be damaged... This is what they fear most!

But what they feared most, and what they least expected to see, finally happened.

"Oops! A large number of fishmen appeared outside the protective shield just now... They have now surrounded the entire mermaid tribe!"

Originally, they wanted to ask why they barged in so recklessly, but now that they heard something happened outside, everyone fell silent.

The one who reacted fastest was the Great Elder. He led his people out of here directly, followed closely by the Third Elder and the Fourth Elder. After all, they were responsible for the safety of the mermaid clan, and the murloc invasion was also related to them.

As the fifth elder who knew the most inside information, she actually wanted to go out to see the situation, but she knew that she was obviously needed here more than going out.

The Great Elder is in charge of the outside, so basically there won't be any big problems, but here... the Mermaid King is obviously unreliable. Although the Great Prince has some tricks, he is still young after all and cannot control so many mermaids here.

"The sacrifices are suspended. All fish are not allowed to leave here." The fifth elder ordered sternly.

Facing the panicked group of mermaids, she methodically ordered the people around her to keep an eye on their surroundings to prevent unknown creatures from entering the place. This was also to prevent any insiders from going out to report the situation, or to do other things.

The other mermaids obviously knew that something was wrong with the current situation, so they all subconsciously obeyed the fifth elder's orders. After all, she seemed to be the most reliable now.

But the fact that other mermaids are willing to listen to the fifth elder does not mean that all the mermaids are willing to listen to him. "Fifth Elder, what do you mean!" The Mermaid King saw that he was surrounded by people, and his face instantly became very ugly. He yelled sternly, not so much because he wanted to get an answer from the Fifth Elder. I want to refresh my sense of existence.

After all, he was the Mermaid King, and the people around him ignored him. And just obeying the orders of the fifth elder was obviously a very shameless thing for him.

Facing the Mermaid King's question, before the fifth elder could say anything, someone was already speaking for her.

"Father, the fifth elder is doing this for the sake of the mermaid clan." The eldest prince said solemnly.

The reason why the Mermaid King just said that was to save face, but he didn't expect that the person who answered him was not the fifth elder, but his eldest son.

Being refuted by his own child was obviously a more embarrassing thing, so he felt even worse. It was like a fire was burning in his heart, and the expression on his face became a little distorted in anger.

He was about to reprimand a few words, but he didn't expect that the third princess, who had always been introverted and taciturn to the outside world, also spoke up: "With internal and external troubles, the mermaid tribe is in danger. Father, it is best not to worry about such small things at this time."

Being slapped in the face by two children without giving any dignity at all, the Mermaid King was so angry that he could not speak. On the other hand, Mrs. Sang seized this opportunity and gave the Mermaid King a gentle and petty treatment. Coaxing, the other mermaids turned their heads away as they listened to Mrs. Sang's soft comforting words.

Some dare not look at it, like the eldest prince and others, they don’t want to look at it at all!

At this time, they couldn't help but think about a question in their hearts——

The mermaid in front of me who is easily irritable, completely obsessed with Mrs. Sang's beauty, has no regard for the priority of things, and does everything according to his own ideas. He is really the wise 'father' that he once was. ?

Soon, they had no time to worry about this problem, because the situation outside seemed to have changed again, and the mermaid entered the banquet with the order of the great elder.

"Fifth Elder, Sixth Elder, Your Highnesses, the Great Elder said that most of the fishmen outside have been wiped out. Today's sacrificial ceremony is suspended. You can return to your palace first. All matters will be discussed after the Great Elder comes back."

This is obviously good news, but it seems a little weird.

But most of the mermaids present did not find anything wrong. After all, in their opinion, the mermaids often harassed the mermaids, but they failed repeatedly. Maybe this time they just happened to know that the mermaids were going to hold a sacrificial ceremony, so they came here deliberately to disgust them. , but their combat effectiveness is not as good as that of the mermaids, so they will eventually be repulsed.

"Then let's go back first?" the mermaid looked at the fifth elder and asked.

No one wants to be guarded here like a prisoner all the time. They all want to go home, so when one mermaid took the lead and said so, other mermaids also expressed their intention to leave.

"Since the Great Elder has already told us to go back, we'd better go back."

"If you don't believe us, Fifth Elder, you should trust the Great Elder, right?"

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