Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 665 665 Life or Death Uncertain

"This fish man is really annoying. He has been causing troubles for a while, and this time he actually ruined the sacrificial ceremony... But now that the matter has been resolved, it's time for me to go back and arrange the next ceremony."


The eldest prince vaguely realized that something was wrong, and was about to stop these people from leaving, but was held down by the third princess beside him.

"Brother, don't worry, look at the fifth elder." The third princess drank a glass of the mermaid clan's fine wine, her voice was barely audible. When she saw the eldest prince sitting back from the corner of her eye, she retracted her hand as if nothing had happened.

The Fifth Elder didn't know what was going on here, but she also knew that something was not right with the First Elder's order.

But after thinking about it, she still let the mermaid guard around her pass.

"Since the great elder has said so, I won't keep you here any longer, but after I go back, I hope you won't run around. Otherwise, if something happens or you are arrested as a traitor, it will be difficult to explain."

The Fifth Elder, who originally only knew about the existence of the Human Curse Puppet, already had enough headaches. However, she actually learned about the fake mermaid from Luya yesterday...

The situation is so chaotic now. If it weren't for not disturbing those fake mermaids, the Fifth Elder would have even wanted to arrange for people to make fun of them one by one.

But it’s better to put the person back now.

Although after people are released, there will be more targets and it will be inconvenient to stare at them, but this is the only way to lure the snake out of its hole.

The fifth elder felt that the elder had the same idea, so he specially arranged for a mermaid to come back and talk about it... He seemed to believe that he could understand what he meant.

The fifth elder laughed inwardly, and then arranged for all the mermaids to leave without changing their expressions.

The Mermaid King was the first to leave. After all, he had no intention of staying from the beginning. When he left, Mrs. Sang naturally left with him.

Then came several princesses and princes, and finally the subjects of the mermaid tribe...

After clearing the scene, the fifth elder suddenly felt that her breathing was much easier, but when she turned around, she saw that there were still two people who had not followed, and these two people were the eldest prince and the fourth princess.

The eldest prince stayed because he was worried about the mermaid clan. After all, he is the heir to the mermaid clan. The current mermaid king has become like this. He is the only one who can manage things and is qualified to manage things.

As for the fourth princess, she stayed because of Luya's matter. As the only mermaid with a special status who was not present, the fourth princess was always worried about what would happen to her, so she thought of coming over to remind the fifth elder, hoping She can go to the second prince to see how they are doing.

The fifth elder was also concerned about Luya. After hearing what the fourth princess said, he first arranged the matters at hand and then handed over some follow-up matters to the sixth elder.

"I'll go to Huifang Palace, and I'll leave this place to you." Huifang Palace is the name of the second prince's palace, and the fifth elder meant to find the person in person.

Although the Sixth Elder, like the Fifth Elder, is only responsible for managing the mermaid clan's supplies, he is more or less an elder and still has some power. What's more, the Fifth Elder has left people to help, and the eldest prince is also here, so the Fifth Elder can rest assured. 's left.


…    At the same time, in Huifang Palace.

"Second brother, where did you get these things? They're so interesting!" Luya played with the toys in her hands with a smile, a bright smile on her face.

The second prince smiled softly: "Actually, it's just an ordinary thing in the human world... If you really like it, Xiaoya, after the sacrifice ceremony is over, can the second brother take you to the human world to play?"

At first, Luya thought that the second prince was just joking, but she didn't expect that he looked serious. This made her a little confused and at the same time, she felt a little inexplicable vigilance in her heart.

"Is the human world really that fun?" Luya still had a smile on her face, but the movements of playing with toys in her hands slowed down.

The second prince did not notice this. He only thought that Luya was really attracted by his words, so he continued to persuade Luya to leave the mermaid tribe in a subtle manner.

Seeing that the second prince had been talking for a while, Luya felt more and more uneasy and doubtful. She pinched her fingers nervously, but did not dare to show it.

Fortunately, she had experienced a lot during this period and her psychological quality had improved to a certain extent, so even if she found some clues, she did not show them immediately.

"Ah... that sounds really good..." Luya said perfunctorily, but she quietly wanted to take something with one hand...

But maybe it was her attitude that made the second prince realize the problem, or maybe her actions were obvious, so before she could take out anything, the second prince grabbed her hand.

"Xiaoya, be obedient, my second brother will not harm you..." Looking at the mermaid whose face remained unchanged but whose demeanor was completely opposite to before, Luya's mood became a little unsettled.

She tried hard to break free, but in the end it was in vain.

Luya's strength was actually not very high, at least she would certainly not be able to defeat the 'Second Prince' in front of her, so she could only watch as the other party searched her belongings away.

"A few stones... and some messy potions?" The 'Second Prince' raised his eyebrows at the things he found, and then looked up at Luya: "Is this what those humans gave you? I thought there would be What a fun thing, I didn’t expect it to be anything more than this.”

Saying this, he destroyed everything.

Luya looked at him and already guessed two things in her heart. The first thing was that her real second brother was probably in danger and his life or death was uncertain.

The second thing is that the fishmen should have launched a series of actions against the mermaids, otherwise the 'second prince' in front of him would never dare to expose himself and attack her at this time.

Only the fishman has started to take action. He knows that the mermaid clan is overwhelmed and can't take care of her, so he dares to do this!

"Who are you? Where is my second brother!" Although she knew that the other party's identity was closely related to the fish-man, Luya obviously couldn't show that she knew. She could only pretend that she didn't know anything at this time. Then do what you might do at that moment.

"Xiaoya, what are you talking about? I am your second brother..." The 'second prince' seemed not to know that his identity had been revealed, and still persisted in his role-playing.

But the more he behaved like this, the more frightened Luya became. She was not afraid that she would be in danger, but that she was worried about her second brother whose life or death was uncertain...

Seeing the fear and panic on Luya's face, the 'Second Prince' looked very satisfied, and a disobedient smile suddenly appeared on his face...

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