Although it was a smile, it was chilling to watch. He was about to reach out and touch Luya's head as before. Even though Luya avoided it, he didn't feel dissatisfied.

"Xiaoya, be obedient... Our family will be reunited soon..." The 'Second Prince' dropped these words of unclear meaning, then turned and left without hesitation.

I don't know if he was prepared or was too confident that Luya couldn't escape. At least on the surface, the 'Second Prince' didn't arrange anyone here... In other words, Luya was the only one here, and she wanted to Whatever you do should be possible.

But Luya didn't act rashly. After all, no normal person would believe that there really wasn't a second creature here at this time... But she couldn't do nothing, because the behavior of the 'Second Prince' was very obvious. Their confidence in this operation.

This made Luya, who thought the mermaid tribe was fully prepared, couldn't help but worry.

But no matter how much she worried, it was useless. After all, she was still locked in this small room. Even if she wanted to do something, the first thing she should do was to get out of here!

"No, I have to calm down first. There must be something here..." Luya looked around, hiding and squeezing the only thing she kept in her hand...

This is also a rune, which Suyou made for Luya using a beautiful sea coral stone.

From the appearance, it was just an ordinary stone hanging on a bracelet. It was precisely because of this that it escaped from the hands of the second prince.

If she remembers correctly, Su You once said that the effect of this rune is to make her 'invisible' for a period of time... But the invisibility here does not mean that she disappears as a whole, but when she wears the rune. , the power of the runes will cause other people to have visual errors when looking at her.

She is still there, but others cannot see her because their eyes are covered with a special veil.

At this time, Luya was under great pressure, because she had to tell other mermaids about the second prince as soon as possible to prevent them from being deceived like herself and thus being in danger.

But it was precisely because of the great pressure that she quickly thought of a way to escape...



Over there, Luya had already thought of a way to escape and was taking action, while the fifth elder who came to look for her ran into a wall outside the second prince's palace.

"Fifth Elder, His Highness took the Sixth Princess out to play." The guard at the door said.

This 'second prince' is smart, because he knows that if he is in the palace, no matter who comes to the door, he will definitely need to meet him.

If that's the case, then he simply won't stay in the palace.

As long as his people are not there, others can't do anything to him, just like the fifth elder now.

However, the current fifth elder has not yet thought that the second prince is fake. She is just a little worried about the safety of Luya and the second prince.

After all, there are fishmen outside the mermaid tribe who are watching with eager eyes. If the two of them leave the mermaid tribe, it will definitely be very dangerous.

Fifth Elder: "Did the Second Prince say where he was taking the Sixth Princess when he left?" Guard: "Sorry, Fifth Elder, we don't know where Your Highness and the others have gone."

The guard's words were inexplicably expected by the fifth elder... She didn't know how this idea came to her.

"In that case, I'll leave first. When the second prince and sixth princess come back, remember to ask them to come find me."


The fact that she couldn't find anyone made the fifth elder feel a little uneasy, but she had nothing to do. After all, she didn't have much time to waste time here. Since she couldn't find anyone, she had to go back immediately to deal with other matters of the mermaid clan. Only The Sixth Elder is too busy alone.

After the fifth elder left, the guards put away their respectful expressions and turned into indifference...



"These murlocs are really weird. After repelling them in the past years, they all fled. Why are they still standing outside now..." The third elder touched his fingers with a confused and excited tone.

For these fishmen who have affected their mermaid tribe's sacrificial ceremony, what he wants to do most right now is to rush out with the mermaids and beat them to death... But obviously, his behavior will be stopped by the great elder.

The Great Elder was also very angry, but he knew that the fishmen were definitely prepared this time, and everything would never be as simple as they seemed on the surface.

Now it seems that these fishmen have been repelled by them, but no one knows whether they have any bad intentions in their hearts. After all, they have not left yet. As long as they have not left, it means that they are definitely still there. Have a backup plan.

"How is the situation at the Fifth Elder?" Although the First Elder was outside, he was still worried about the situation at the banquet.

However, he does believe that the fifth elder can handle the things inside. The worry here is only about the 'inner ghost' that they have not found yet.

No matter how powerful the fifth elder is, it is extremely easy to be stabbed in the back if the mole can't be found.

"When I went over, the fifth elder asked the people around me to lock all the mermaids at the banquet. I asked everyone to go back according to the instructions of the great elder. The fifth elder soon released them." The mermaid who spoke was the one who had received the message from the great elder before. The one who had been ordered to go back and inform him, at this time, he returned to the great elder and reported the news to him.

"That's good..." The great elder didn't know what he was thinking of, and his usually serious expression was a little stunned. However, he quickly came to his senses, and then reminded the two elders beside him: "The barrier is Things are always a hidden danger, leave the matters here to me, you two will take people to check the barrier again."

When Ke Ge discovered the cracks in the barrier, Su You only asked him to tell Luya. Because it was too late at the time, Luya only had time to take people to check the barrier in a hurry and did not tell anyone else about it. Therefore, The great elder didn't know about this.

So, when the third elder and the fourth elder went on patrol following the arrangement of the elder, they happened to run into the guards arranged by Luya.

"Who are you?! Why are you here!" The third elder frowned and looked at the mermaids in front of him. If they hadn't carried special tokens that only the palace guard mermaids could wear, he would have had them arrested by now.

After all, the mermaid tribe is now in troubled times, and the fact that there is a mole is no longer a secret among their elders, so they will not relax their vigilance just because they are of the same tribe.

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