The guards arranged by Luya recognized the third elder and thought about what the sixth princess said to them, so they did not hide it and directly told the third elder Luya's order.

"Sixth Princess actually discovered the crack in the barrier last night? Then why didn't you tell us?" The third elder did not believe them because of their few words. On the one hand, this lie was too easy to tell, and on the other hand, he felt The Sixth Princess doesn't seem to care about such things, nor does she seem to have the ability to find cracks in the barrier.

It can also be seen from here that Luya's reputation in the palace is indeed not very good. Although it cannot be said to be bad, in the eyes of other elders except the fifth elder, she should be just a spoiled and willful little princess, not A capable mermaid.

Facing the third elder's questioning, several guards seemed a little at a loss. After all, the sixth princess didn't say much when she arranged for them. They just obeyed the order and didn't ask any questions.

"Where is the crack?" The third elder saw that they were speechless, but he did not particularly embarrass them. After all, from the current point of view, these people seemed to have no problem, and they did not look like they were lying. It would be wrong to tell such a lie. Pointless.

"Third Elder, over here." One of the guarding mermaids pointed at an inconspicuous place. The Third Elder looked carefully and saw a crack only as long as a knuckle.

It's not big, but it's deadly.

Because under normal circumstances, the barrier is not allowed to have cracks, even the size of a needle tip, so this seemingly small and inconspicuous mark is crucial.

"Did the Sixth Princess say anything else to you? For example, how did she discover this crack? How many cracks are there?" After seeing the cracks, the third elder was basically sure that these mermaids were not lying, so their attitude also changed. Toned down a bit.

Although he was still curious about how the Sixth Princess knew the location of the crack, this did not affect his slight change in his opinion of the Sixth Princess.

"We don't know much about the details. It seems that a human came over and said something, and then the princess took us to find these cracks..."

"Human?" The third elder thought thoughtfully.

To be honest, the third elder is actually similar to the first elder. They both believe in the saying that 'those who are not from my race must have different intentions'. It's just that he is far less stubborn than the first elder. Occasionally, when he needs to be flexible, he is still quite flexible. .

But in this matter, that is, the sixth princess brought human guests into the palace the day before the sacrificial ceremony, he and the great elder disagreed.

But there was no point in disagreeing. People were already here and they couldn’t drive them out. They didn’t want to cause any trouble the day before the sacrificial ceremony. In addition, they also had the guarantee of the fifth elder, so they just turned a blind eye. One eye is closed.

But now that he heard that this rift was discovered by humans, two thoughts emerged in the third elder's mind. One was that humans used this to gain the trust of the Sixth Princess and the Mermaid Tribe in order to gain more things.

Another idea is that these humans really just happened to see the crack and told the Sixth Princess out of kindness.

If it is the Great Elder, then he will most likely think it is the former. After all, the crack is so inconspicuous that even the mermaids themselves did not notice it. But how did humans who had only been in the mermaid tribe for less than a day discover it?

The third elder actually has this question, but he will be more flexible. He will find it incredible that humans can find the cracks in less than a day, and he will also find it unreasonable that humans only want to gain their trust in less than a day. necessary. If these humans come to the mermaid tribe a few days in the morning and tell them information to gain their trust, then they will have enough time to use their trust to do something... So the third elder feels that the guests invited by the sixth princess this time may be really It has nothing to do with fishmen.

And what happened next basically allowed the third elder to confirm his guess.

Because these guards led the third elder and his party to find the locations of the next few cracks. These cracks were large and small. Although even the largest ones were only the size of a palm, there were quite a lot of them.

At least from now on, there are eight in total, and each one is in a very hidden position, so you can't find it if you don't pay attention.

Using so much information just to gain some trust is not a good deal.

"You go back to the Sixth Princess and tell me that I will take over the guarding of the rift here." After the third elder said this with a complicated heart, he immediately ordered his subordinates regardless of what the guards arranged by Luya thought. The mermaid guards these crack points and reports to him or other elders as soon as any problems are discovered.

Originally, things didn't need to be so troublesome. If there were cracks, they only needed to be repaired. Although it was troublesome to repair such a large barrier, the cracks themselves were not big, so it didn't take much effort.

The biggest problem is that no mermaid can repair it!

The only second elder responsible for this matter was imprisoned by the first elder!

At this point, the third elder has no choice but to use the most wasteful method to keep an eye on these places to avoid being taken advantage of.

When arranging these matters, the third elder also met the fourth elder. After all, they were inspecting the same place. The mermaid clan was only so big, so it would not take the two of them half a day to walk around.

After meeting the fourth elder, the third elder told him what he had encountered. The expression on the fourth elder's face was obviously a little strange, and he looked a little unconvinced that this was something the sixth princess would do.

Like the third elder, the fourth elder also changed his view of the sixth princess for the better because of this incident.

"Since the inspection here has been completed, only one of the two of us needs to stay." The fourth elder means that there is no need for both of them to stay here. After all, the busiest one is definitely the elder, and they only need to stay here. One was left behind, while the other went to help the great elder.

"Then I'll leave this place to you. I'll go find the Great Elder."

After a brief discussion, the third elder stayed. After all, the manpower guarding the rift here was his, and he could arrange for people to do things by staying. As for the fourth elder, he did not refuse after hearing what the third elder said. , took his people directly to find the great elder.

On the way, the Fourth Elder looked at the deathly silent palace, feeling a little cold in his heart. He called the mermaid beside him to speed up, but he heard a exclamation the next second -

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