"Fourth Elder... No, it's not good!" A mermaid stumbled towards their direction. The guards around the fourth elder immediately stopped the mermaid. Before the fourth elder could ask, the mermaid suddenly covered himself. chest, eyes widened, and fell straight to the ground.

"Fourth Elder... we didn't do anything!" The guard who stopped the man explained in a panic. He wanted to check on the mermaid, but he didn't dare to act because of what had just happened.

The fourth elder naturally knew that he had done nothing, but he was obviously more concerned about the mermaid in front of him, so he did not bother to comfort him. He just waved his hand and squatted down...

"..." The fourth elder retracted his hand, his whole body as cold as if he were standing in the snowy winter.

He wanted to speak, but he lost his voice because he never thought that a mermaid would die suddenly in front of him in such a way... Yes, this mermaid was dead.

"...Take him with you, and you will send him to him later... No, don't rush now. After the fish-man matter is resolved, we will send him back to the forbidden place to rest." The fourth elder reached out and closed the eyes of the dead mermaid. There was an inaudible tremor in his tone.

The fourth elder is also a mermaid who has lived for more than a hundred years. He has experienced battles in which mermaids died in large numbers, but at that time he was far less afraid than he is now... Yes, that's right, the fourth elder suddenly rose up now A trace of emotion called fear.

Because at that time, he at least knew that his tribesmen died to protect the mermaid tribe, and they died at the hands of the enemy.

But what was different today was that this mermaid was walking inexplicably. One second he was stumbling towards them and he was still shouting for help, but the next second he lost his life.

No matter who this happens to, it will definitely be a great stimulus. After all, any creature will be afraid of the unknown, and the fourth elder is no exception.

"Fourth Elder, where are we going next..." The guard beside him carefully lifted up the clansman who had lost his voice, speaking in a heavy and slow tone.

"Go to the Great Elder. You must tell the Great Elder about this matter!" The Fourth Elder gritted his teeth and said this, but did not change his actions just because of the appearance of this mermaid.

The more he encounters such a special thing, the less he can panic, and the less he can hide the matter and not tell it. Doing so will only cause more mermaids to suffer.

So the fourth elder took the people and continued to return. This time, they did not encounter anything else along the way, but because of this, they saw what they could not see at ordinary times. The palace on the other side was...deadly silent, like an empty city.

By the time the Fourth Elder found the Great Elder, the situation here was no longer very good. The Fourth Elder didn't know why he had only left for a short time. The situation outside had already evolved to this extent, but he had not forgotten to Tell the great elder about the dead mermaid.

"Where is that mermaid! Take it... no, take me to see it!" After hearing this, the great elder was even more excited than the fourth elder had imagined.

Facing such a great elder, the fourth elder naturally had no time to ask anything. He could only take the great elder to find the body of the mermaid first.

The first time he saw the corpse, the great elder's eyes turned red instantly. He strode to the side and squatted down: "Except for the fourth elder, all the other mermaids have left." The other mermaids left obediently, leaving only the fourth elder. A mermaid is alone and confused.

However, he was at a loss and was soon frightened by the Great Elder's next move - the Great Elder actually cut open the dead mermaid's chest in front of him!

Even though the fourth elder guessed that he must have his own reasons for doing this, he was still startled and tried to stop him. However, he stopped again after seeing what the great elder dug out from the mermaid's chest. pace.

"...Hahaha! God is going to destroy our mermaid tribe!" The great elder suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed loudly when he saw the black ball on his hand. At this time, he no longer had the solemnity and dignity before, and just looked like a madman. of madness.

"Great Elder, this..."

"This is all retribution! It's the retribution of the mermaid clan! It's also mine..." The great elder murmured to himself, and the black thing in his hand seemed to be still squirming. The great elder took a look, closed his eyes, and said cruelly Crushed the things in his hands.

As the black unknown object disappeared from his hand, the mermaid's body on the ground also disappeared.

The Fourth Elder stared blankly at this scene, a huge amount of information desperately being output in his mind...

Although he didn't know what the black thing was, he knew that the mermaid's body would not disappear after death. Only when the shark bead was dug out, the body without energy support would gradually dissipate.

So, that black thing just now is this mermaid’s shark bead! ? !

The fourth elder obviously couldn't believe this, but it was obvious that this was the reality.

"Great Elder..." The fourth elder shouted hoarsely, but after saying the three words, he found that he could no longer make a sound. He paused and calmed down for a while before spitting out the unfinished words: " Great Elder, no matter what happened, the mermaid clan is still fine now, you have to cheer up, the mermaid clan needs you."

The mermaid tribe really needs the Great Elder. Although what he just said made the Fourth Elder understand that the Great Elder may have done something wrong in the past, it is all in the past.

What's more, what the great elder did was not necessarily wrong. After all, the mermaid tribe had always been good before.

Even this time, it was because of the murloc's attack that the mermaid died, and it had nothing to do with the great elder!

"..." The great elder cleaned up the remaining black debris on his hands with a stern face, then returned to his usual appearance, and went out with the fourth elder to defend against the fish-men's attack.

As mentioned before, during the time when the four elders left, the situation on the mermaid tribe was not good. This was because they discovered that the fishmen actually dared to cooperate with the creatures of the abyss in order to attack the mermaid tribe!

The abyss is the home of dark creatures and the source of all darkness. It is almost the public enemy of the entire continent, so no one thought that the fishmen would release the creatures in the abyss for their own selfish desires...

Originally, the strength of the mermaids was indeed inferior to them, but now that the abyssal creatures have joined, even if the mermaids fight hard, they are only evenly matched... and even this is just for the better.

Because dark creatures don't feel pain or get tired, but mermaids do.

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