Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 669 669 collective disappearance

Even though the two sides are fighting back and forth now, once the merfolk's physical strength is almost exhausted, it will be the best time for the murlocs and dark creatures to officially attack!

Both sides obviously knew this, so the fishmen side was trying their best to delay the time, while the mermaid side was trying their best to end the battle as quickly as possible.

However, it is obvious that when the situation is evenly matched, delaying time will definitely be easier than completely defeating the other side. Therefore, the mermaid tribe now has an advantage on the surface, but in fact it is restricted everywhere.

Facing the enemy's attacks like teasing pets, all the mermaids were holding back their anger. However, the elders had never given orders, so they did not dare to act rashly. Now after seeing the appearance of the Great Elder and the Fourth Elder, all the mermaids were furious. All eyes were on them.

"Organize all the mermaids to gather..." After hearing the great elder's order, all the mermaids became excited.

They all knew the strength of the Great Elder and the Fourth Elder. The fishmen had invaded the Mermaid Tribe several times before, but each time they were repelled by the Great Elder, the Third Elder and the Fourth Elder. They believed that this time they would be the same. can achieve the same results!

Just when the mermaid tribe was full of fighting spirit on the front line, the peace in the palace was also broken.

If Ning Shi saw the mermaid who died in front of the fourth elder, she would definitely find that there was a lot of pollution in that mermaid's body.

If Su You knew about this, she would definitely be able to deduce that the fish-man started to use the trump card he had buried in the mermaid clan... that was pollution.

The mermaid who died inexplicably before was actually caused by pollution that invaded the shark beads and deprived him of the energy that supported his vitality, so he died instantly and without warning.

The black mass that the Great Elder dug out of his corpse was actually a dark creature that was contaminated and began to reproduce itself.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for dark creatures to reproduce unless there is a source of pollution as energy support. However, because pollution invades the shark beads and takes away sufficient energy, as long as the pollution in the bodies of these mermaids who died due to pollution is not cleaned up as soon as possible, they will rely on Shark Pearl's power grew rapidly.

At this time, in the palace, the invisible black mist gradually spread, shrouding the mermaid palace like an ice and snow castle.

Many mermaids have vaguely discovered that they have symptoms of discomfort in their bodies. They thought it was an illusion at first. It was not until the symptoms of discomfort became more and more serious and other mermaids around them also experienced the same situation as them that they realized Found the problem.

"Are you all feeling uncomfortable..."

"I thought I was the only one... Let's go to His Highness first and see what's going on there..."

These people were all close to the fourth princess. They chose one person to go to the fourth princess to report the matter, only to find that the fourth princess who was supposed to be in the palace disappeared out of thin air.

The mermaid who found the palace empty endured the discomfort and immediately left the palace, telling the other mermaids outside the news.

"Your Highness is missing!"

"How is that possible? Didn't we follow His Highness back?"

"Yeah...we have been staying at the door the whole time. I haven't seen the mermaid go out..."

"I didn't see it either. Didn't you look carefully? Your Highness may be in other rooms in the palace." "Impossible. I have searched every room and called His Highness, but no one responded to me, not even Your Highness." The personal guard beside me is also missing!”


At this point, no matter how stupid they are, they can still find that something is wrong, so they no longer care about the issue of making their own decisions. Some of the mermaids stayed, while others dispersed to find several other highnesses and elders.

Unexpectedly, they happened to meet people from other palaces in the palace.

As soon as a group of mermaids communicated, what happened was that all the royal highnesses in the palace, except the eldest prince, disappeared!

Although the eldest prince has not disappeared, the situation does not seem to be very good.

It is said that when the fifth elder went to find the eldest prince, he found that no one responded. The fifth elder felt that something was wrong and rushed in. As a result, he found the eldest prince lying on the ground with a bloodless face, his life or death unknown.

Fortunately, because it was discovered in time, the eldest prince's life was not in danger, but he was still unconscious. The fifth elder was still there to look after him, and the matters at hand were temporarily left to the sixth elder.

The sixth elder is the youngest among the six elders and the least powerful. However, because of her rich potential, she still became an elder. However, due to strength issues, she was temporarily only assigned the same job as the fifth elder to look after the mermaid clan's treasure house. .

If the fifth elder was assigned this job because she was trustworthy, then the sixth elder was assigned this job simply because she could only do this at the moment. After all, she had little technical content and low requirements.

So the Sixth Elder was the one who suffered the most today, because she had never dealt with such a big, complex, and difficult job before.

The most fundamental reason for this is because something happened to the second elder.

Because the second elder had an accident and was unable to work, one of the third elder and the fourth elder needed to share his work. Otherwise, the work of the barrier should be handed over to the second elder. One of the third elder and the fourth elder was left to help the fifth elder with the palace. The remaining one is going out to help the great elder.

But now that things have happened, the Sixth Elder must deal with the affairs in the palace even if he grits his teeth.

The fifth elder is dealing with the disappearance of the five royal highnesses, while the sixth elder is responsible for arranging and managing other mermaids in the palace.

After learning about their physical conditions, the Sixth Elder immediately arranged for doctors from the mermaid tribe to examine them. Because there were too many victims, the doctors from the mermaid tribe were too busy for a while and could only choose a few for comparison. Severe mermaids should be treated first.

The strength of the doctor who was able to be found by the Sixth Elder at this time was definitely not simple, so they quickly discovered that the source of these mermaids' discomfort was pollution. However, they did not know about the taboo of the mermaid clan's weakness, so they did not expect it. This pollution actually invaded Shark Pearl.

Therefore, the treatment they give only targets the surface pollution, which can only alleviate the symptoms of these people's discomfort, but cannot cure it.

After these doctors discovered this problem, they could only conduct a deeper examination of these mermaids. At the same time, they also reported the matter to the Fifth Elder.

When the fifth elders learned the news, the doctors who stayed behind also discovered an important piece of information that made them break out in cold sweats...

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