Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 673 673 Saving the Mermaid

Because she was worried that Lu Ya would be discovered, Su You didn't hesitate to use various props, such as acceleration, invisibility, free drinking, and free use. It only took seven or eight minutes before the contact was interrupted, and they had already arrived at the second place. Outside the prince's palace.

"As promised before, you go and attract them, and then we will gather here."

In fact, Su You originally wanted to gather at the Liuli Palace, but considering that Luya escaped from the fake second prince, there was no guarantee that the second prince would not guard the Liuli Palace to arrest people. If they really went, they would undoubtedly surrender themselves. There was a trap, so they just found a secluded place as a gathering place.

After the arrangement was over, the people responsible for leading people away put away the invisibility runes they carried and exposed themselves to the air.

Because of their deliberate actions, the 'mermaids' inside quickly discovered their traces.

However, they were smart and did not all come out to arrest people. Instead, they only sent out some of them. However, this was enough. The remaining 'mermaids' were directly knocked unconscious by Su You and others using violent means, and then she was able to go all the way. Found Luya without any hindrance.

"You Yi! I didn't expect you to find me so quickly!" Luna was happy, excited and scared. She rushed over and hugged Su You, her body trembling visibly.

Su You sighed and patted her comfortingly.

She knew that for a mermaid who had just grown up, what was happening to the mermaid clan might still be a bit exciting, and it was normal for her to be scared.

Although Luya was scared, she also knew that she didn't have much time to be scared now, so after a brief moment to vent her emotions, she told Su You that the third princess and the others were also caught here.

Since Luya has already said this, saving one is also saving, and saving four is also saving, so now Luya will lead the way and take them outside the room where the third princess and the others are locked.

On the way to that room, they also met several 'mermaids' who were patrolling. However, there were not many of them, so before they even had a chance to call out, they were knocked down by Su You's people.

"Sure enough, it's a fake mermaid again." While Doya knocked out one of the mermaids, she also pulled his face, and sure enough, a fake mask was pulled off.

The disguised mermaid skin was torn off, and the ugly gray skin was exposed to the air.

"Tie them up and take them away." Although they didn't bring the fake mermaids from before, they didn't forget to tie them up.

They didn't take them away because Luya hadn't been found at that time, and it would be a burden to take them with them. Now that Luya has been found, they will gather all these fake mermaids together to prevent them from causing trouble again.

"This is it." Luya pointed to one of the palace doors, then stepped forward and pushed it with her hand. As expected, there was no push.

"It's a formation, it can't be opened." Perhaps because he saw a lot of formations in the past two days in the mermaid tribe, Su You is now quite proficient in formations, and he can tell at a glance that the door of this room has a hanging The two shell wind chimes and the two coral stone lamps placed on the ground at the door are the eyes of this formation.

Su You: "Move these things and take down the things above."

After everything had been cleared away, the door that looked like a stone wall opened with a push.

After the door opened, the mermaid inside looked at the people outside in confusion, while Luya rushed in excitedly, hugging her two sisters and not letting go.

Su You gave them a few minutes to communicate, and then led the four mermaids out of the second prince's palace and came to the gathering place agreed upon from the beginning. "Why is there one less person?" The one less person Su You mentioned here means that the person who was sent out to seduce the fake mermaid was one less. There were originally three people, but there were only two here.

One of the people who was also sent out quickly explained after hearing this: "It's like this. When we were leading those fake mermaids away, we met a strange mermaid on the road, so he separated from us."

The man went to track the strange mermaid, and they came back to report the news.

"He also said that we should not wait for him. When he finds the time, he will go back to Liuli Palace directly."

Su You frowned, feeling a little disapproving of this approach.

Although the strange mermaid is certainly important, the situation of the mermaid tribe is obviously more critical now, and they do not have so much time to pay attention to multiple aspects of the problem at the same time.

But since everyone had followed, she couldn't let anyone come back, so she could only arrange for these two people to go to Liuli Palace to guard them.

"Liu Li Palace is not safe. You two bring your things and wait for someone. If you see someone, don't wait too long. Take him directly back to the water prison."

Although they were almost trapped to death in the underground stairs of the water prison, it must be admitted that because of the special nature of the water prison, it was the safest place, because normal people would not go there at all, and no one would It felt like there was someone there.

In this way, the group of people who had just gathered scored two more points.

However, Su You didn't mean to blame the person who acted arbitrarily. It wasn't a bad thing for him to have the courage to act alone. He just hoped that he would never encounter danger, otherwise the gain would not be worth the loss.

"If you haven't found anyone after waiting for a long time, then go directly to the water prison. Put your own safety first in everything." To put it bluntly, that person is going to take risks on his own, and there is no reason for others to take risks for him. Responsible.

"We understand."

After sending these two people away, Su You took the remaining people and exchanged information with the four mermaids.

Of course, things about the forbidden area and Miriel will definitely not be discussed for the time being. The most important thing Su You wants to know is what happened to the mermaid tribe during her absence.

"I have to let Third Sister and Fourth Sister tell you about this. I did not attend today's banquet and sacrificial ceremony. Before the banquet started, I left with my second brother...the fake mermaid." When talking about this, Lu Ya was a little angry, but her expression was more sad, because she still didn't know whether the second prince was dead or alive.

The third princess, as the most calm and rational one present, learned that Su You had long known that the mermaid tribe would be in such a disaster, and that she had saved them, she did not dwell too much on it, and directly told all the things she knew. Say it.

After she finished speaking, the fourth princess also added some details that the third princess didn't know.

"A-Li, do you know something?" After the fourth princess finished speaking, the third princess looked at the fifth prince and asked softly.

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