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Chapter 674 674 Bloodline Induction

The fifth prince opened his mouth, then shook his head.

Neither the fourth princess nor Luya felt there was any problem with his denial, but the third princess felt a bit 'reluctant'.

"A-Li, something's not right with you today... We are all biological brothers and sisters who grew up together. Now that the mermaid clan is in danger, what else are you unable to say?"

This was the first time that Luya and the fourth princess saw the third princess speaking in such a stern tone.

In their memories, although the third sister usually seemed aloof and indifferent, she was equally indulgent and doting on each of her younger siblings.

When they made mistakes when they were children, the third princess would teach them a lesson, but in front of her father and queen, she would take the responsibility on herself.

The Mermaid King at that time was not stupid, and it was even more impossible for the Mermaid Queen to understand what kind of character her child was, so after seeing the third princess doing this, these things fell into place.

But it happened that the third sister who was so kind to them said such harsh words to the fifth prince at this time... To be honest, neither the fourth princess nor Luya present felt that this was the third princess's problem.

They believed that there must be a reason why the third sister said this. Maybe she discovered something...

"A Li, you can tell me any problems you have, and we can all help solve them together." The fourth princess saw that he had been silent, and the third princess couldn't soften her attitude because of her fierce tone just now, so she just Can be patiently advised by the Fourth Princess.

In fact, Luya shouldn't have spoken. After all, she was younger than the fifth prince. As a junior, she was not qualified to give advice to her brother.

But the third princess and the fourth princess are different. The two of them are older and it is normal to educate their younger brother.

But Luya really didn't like someone wasting time at such an important time, because every minute and second he wasted might cause the mermaid tribe to lose the life of another mermaid, so he opened his mouth and prepared a few words of persuasion.

"Fifth brother, the fishmen should be attacking the mermaid tribe at this time. There are other hidden dangers in our tribe. You..."

"Enough! The biggest hidden danger to the mermaid clan is you! Luya! You are the scourge of the mermaid clan!" Everyone was startled by the sudden roar of the fifth prince.

Because of his attitude, everyone subconsciously ignored what he said. When they realized what he had just said, the third princess's face became completely cold. She pulled the fifth prince over without hesitation, raised her hand and slapped him hard. on his face.

"Third sister!" Luya took the third princess's hand to stop her from continuing to hit her.

The fourth princess was originally ready to stop her, but after thinking about what the fifth prince had just said, she lowered her raised hand.

"Hahaha... I knew you were all looking towards her, but the facts are right in front of you, and you just don't want to believe it..." The fifth prince hid the look of disbelief in his eyes, and he smiled sarcastically, No one else can understand what comes out of your mouth.

Although she didn't understand what the fifth prince was talking about specifically, Luya was not stupid. She could definitely tell that this matter had something to do with her.

However, the third and fourth princesses still cared about Luya, so they stopped the fifth prince from speaking before Luya could ask, but their efforts were useless. If a person has a mouth and really wants to say something, how can anyone stop him unless he is dead?

"Third sister, fourth sister, don't do this, let fifth brother say, I also want to know what wrong thing I did." Now Luya has recovered from the previous shock, she understands that this matter must be Make a break now.

Because the fifth prince's concern could indicate that this incident did not happen recently, but was a frustration that had accumulated in his heart for a long time.

Long-term depression cannot be eliminated in a short time, but it can make you feel better if you talk about it, and you don't have to hold it in your heart all the time. In addition, she herself really wants to know what the fifth prince just said means.

The fourth princess actually didn't know what the fifth prince was talking about, but she could guess that it was not a good thing, but Luya had already said so... She turned her attention to the third princess.

"Okay, let him tell me, I want to know what you know." The third princess' tone was cold, and her eyes that used to be soft and warm were as sharp as a sharp edge, looking straight at the fifth prince.

When the third princess and the others stopped them just now, the fifth prince really wanted to tell everything, but now that they have let it go, he is a little unable to speak... But things have developed to this point, and it is not up to him. Decided not to say anything.

He must say.

"Second brother is not dead! That is the second brother, he is not fake!" The first words spoken by the fifth prince made everyone stunned, especially Luya, who had met the 'second prince', how did she He also didn't want to believe that his second brother would become like that.

But the fifth prince looked determined. Although he didn't know how he was sure of this, at least in his opinion, what he said was true and he was not lying.

"The second brother said that he had a way to save the queen mother. The queen mother did not die because she went out to defend the enemy! She had problems with the shark beads on her body, which caused the energy to be lost, so she had to die together... "

The fifth prince spoke with true feelings. When he mentioned the Mermaid Queen, his eyes were filled with tears. Even the two princesses were angry because of the unpleasant words he just said. At this time, they were both because of the word 'mother queen'. Calm down.

However, being calm does not mean that they believe what the fifth prince said... In other words, it is not the fifth prince that they don't believe, but the second prince, because these words were obviously said by him to the fifth prince.

Third Princess: "Let me ask you a question first. How do you know that the other person is the second brother? How do you judge that he is not a fake?"

The fifth prince paused. Unexpectedly, the third princess was only concerned about the authenticity of the second prince, not the fact that the queen could be resurrected.

He snorted softly and said in a very trusting tone: "Because of the blood connection... we are brothers from the same father and mother!"

The third princess frowned and was about to continue speaking when she heard another voice ask the fifth prince with a hint of smile: "Bloodline induction? Why don't you try to see if you can sense this puppet?"

"Who are you! When will it be your turn to speak!" The fifth prince looked in the direction of the source of the sound with disgust, but when he turned his head, he didn't see the speaker, but was talking to an expressionless face. The gloomy puppet, who was as pale as a dead man, looked at him.

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