Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 675 675 Recognition of relatives

He was startled and quickly backed away. If the fourth princess hadn't been quick to help him, he almost fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Di Luo waved his hands in feigned surprise, and then looked at Su You: "Lord, you have to prove to me that I didn't do anything to him..."

Su You: "...Don't be so naughty." Her tone was a little helpless.

However, although she knew that Di Luo did it on purpose, she also knew the meaning of what Di Luo just said.

The so-called blood induction can indeed recognize each other's identity, but because of the addition of the puppet master, there are more variables in all this.

For example, Di Luo didn't know what he did just now. He made a puppet on the spot, and then asked the fifth prince to "recognize" the puppet.

Although from the perspective of others, Di Luo should be fooling around, Su You knew that if the fifth prince was willing to give it a try, then he could really get married to this puppet!

"Since the fifth prince is afraid, let the princesses try it." Di Luo stopped as soon as he was satisfied and let the puppet stand in front of the princesses.

Because they were mentally prepared, they were not frightened by the puppet, but they were frightened by the results of the blood induction... just as Su You expected, they were actually able to 'recognize' relatives with this puppet!

"Is this a puppet...?" The fourth princess looked at Luya and then at the third princess. Although neither of them spoke, their eyes said everything. They could all have blood connections with this puppet.

Although I don’t know how this human being did it, it also shows that the fifth prince just used this method to verify the second prince’s identity is not trustworthy.

"...Impossible! This is impossible!" The fifth prince also saw the answer from their attitudes. However, he did not believe in evil and tried it himself. The result was naturally the same as the other princesses.

After learning this result, the fifth prince suddenly became depressed. The third princess couldn't bear to see him like this, but considering that he was her biological brother after all, she moved the hand that was about to slap her head to the back of her head.

The fifth prince was stunned by another slap from the third princess. He looked up at the two sisters in confusion, and when his eyes immediately touched Luya, he quickly moved away.

"Now that you know you may have been deceived? Are you embarrassed? Why didn't you use your brain when you just spoke? My eldest brother, my mother, and I, is this how we taught you before?" The third princess's mouth is like a trap. He kept talking like a cannon, changing his previous attitude of being very talkative and silent, as if he was bound to be scolded to wake him up.

When had the fifth prince ever been scolded so badly?

And he was scolded in front of so many people. Do you want to lose this face?

But this is what he did wrong, so even if he wants to save face, it's useless. He deserves this scolding!

"Don't pretend to be dumb and keep talking. I want to see what the fake mermaid said to make you say such heartless and meaningless words just now!" The third princess couldn't hold back and pointed at his back again. A slap in the face.

Although the force was obviously much lighter than before, it still made the fifth prince lower his head in embarrassment.

But maybe because after knowing that the 'second brother' was fake, he didn't feel dissatisfied with the third princess's lesson, because he himself knew that he was wrong, but he was just embarrassed to speak.

"Third sister... stop fighting." The fifth prince said this first, and then seemed to be afraid of her.

He continued to do it, so he quickly opened his mouth and told everything he knew.

"Second brother said..."

"You still call me Second Brother! Aren't you afraid that your Second Brother will beat you to death?" The third princess raised her hand and put it down again. It was obvious from her behavior that she was enduring something. Upon seeing this, the fifth prince immediately changed his mind: "That person said that the Queen Mother was very powerful. When the enemy invaded the mermaid tribe, the Queen Mother could actually defeat them easily. However, because the Queen Mother gave something to... her, she caused herself The strength is greatly reduced..."

The fifth prince glanced at Luya in the middle of speaking. It was probably because of what happened before that he was no longer embarrassed to mention Luya's name, so he quickly lowered his head and continued: "He also said that we are all the children of our mother. The Queen's blood is flowing all over her body. As long as we can gather the blood of all of us, we can reshape the body, and then take that thing back and use it as the supporting energy, the Queen can be resurrected..."

This sounds reasonable at first, but it only applies to them. After all, they are biological mothers. It is easy to be irrational when they hear that half of the tendons that can resurrect the brain must be missing.

The fifth prince was only half-powerful, and the person who said this was his second brother, so he naturally believed it.

"How long has it been, and you're still acting coy?! What on earth is that thing? If you don't tell the truth, I'll beat you to death!" At this time, the third princess has become completely opposite to what she was before.

Before the fourth princess and Luya had time to think about what the fifth prince said, they were already frightened by the third sister who fell into a violent state.

The attitude of the third princess was not directed at the two of them, they all reacted in this way, let alone the fifth prince himself who faced the 'violent attack'.

He resisted the urge to reach out and touch his head, and shook his head very slightly: "I don't know what it is, he didn't say..."

"Then did he also say how he knew this method of resurrection?"

The fifth prince shook his head with difficulty: "...No."

The third princess took a deep breath, and then continued to ask: "Then do you know how he captured us? What will he do after he captures us? Just pure bloodletting?"

The fifth prince heard the tone of the third princess's gnashing of teeth and wished he could bury his head directly in his chest.

"I... Third sister, please stop asking, I really don't know..."

Third Princess: "..." OK, OK! That's great!

She is such a gentle and smart mermaid princess, but now she has become so cruel because of her stupid brother. As a result, her stupid brother still doesn't know anything about it? !

The third princess did not doubt whether the fifth prince's "I don't know" was true or false... Mainly because her family knew that although the fifth prince was older than Luya, he usually had a childlike mind, otherwise he would not have been so easy. were deceived.

For such a stupid kid, she really didn't think he had the ability to lie in front of her.

Seeing that the situation here was at a deadlock, the fourth princess thought about asking everyone to change positions first. After all, although it was safe and uninhabited, it was not a problem to stay here all the time.

The most important thing is that they have a blind eye on the current situation of the mermaid tribe, and staying here for nothing is undoubtedly a waste of time.

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