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Chapter 676 Chapter 676 Return to the Palace Hall

"Then where should we go next? The palace hall? The Glazed Palace? Or the water prison?" Luya asked, as if she had completely forgotten what happened before.

Although it was impossible for her to completely ignore what the fifth prince said before, she knew it was a misunderstanding, and now was not the time to talk about the misunderstanding, so Luya was still very sensible and did not intensify the conflict... Intensifying the conflict between the third princess and the fifth prince Conflict between princes.

Before they could discuss anything, they saw a mermaid walking by not far away. Su You immediately called someone over to catch the mermaid.

Although it is a bit weird to capture several mermaid princes and princesses in front of them, it is indeed a good way to understand the situation.

The mermaid originally wanted to cry out for help when he was caught, but when he saw the four missing princes and princesses here, he immediately became mute due to shock, but his eyes were still obviously excited.

"Who are you? What part of the work are you responsible for? What were you doing just now? What is the current situation of the mermaid tribe?"

"Your Highnesses, just call me Acheng. I am the bodyguard of the Sixth Elder. Because Your Highnesses disappeared, the Sixth Elder sent people to search the palace to find traces of Your Highnesses. I am responsible for searching this area."

Acheng explained his situation clearly, and then began to explain to them the current situation of the mermaid tribe.

For example, the eldest prince is in a coma, the second prince is missing, the mermaids are contaminated, and the mermaid clan is being attacked by murlocs and dark creatures, etc...

In the process of understanding the whole situation, Su You asked Di Luo to check the mermaid. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the mermaid, they followed Acheng back to the palace hall.

At the entrance of the main hall, everyone looked very puzzled when they saw the several highnesses who had mysteriously disappeared and returned inexplicably... but most of them were obviously happy that no accident happened to them.

After they came back, these mermaids became more energetic in doing things.

The fourth princess casually asked about the location of several elders from one of the mermaids, and then led everyone to find the sixth elder first, and then the fifth elder.

The reason for going to the Sixth Elder first was to let her know that they had returned safely, so that she would no longer have to waste manpower searching for them.

The Sixth Elder was obviously relieved after seeing that they were safe and sound. She wanted to say a few words to care about the situation of the princes and princesses, but after seeing Su You and his party, she suddenly lost her temper. He shouted, staring directly at the three people wearing magician robes.

"Sixth Elder?" Luya saw her eyes falling on Suyou's side, and subconsciously thought that she might want to say something bad, so she walked between the two parties, isolating her sight.

Upon seeing this, the Sixth Elder knew that there was a misunderstanding, and she quickly explained: "That's it, the mermaid has been contaminated. I heard that there is a light magician among the guests of the Sixth Princess. We hope to ask for her help... As long as you are willing to help, you can ask for anything and ask for anything you need."

Luya knew the weakness of the Shark Pearl, so after hearing what the Sixth Elder said, her heart couldn't help but asked subconsciously: "Are they damaged the Shark Pearl?"

The Sixth Elder obviously did not expect that Luya knew about this, but now was not the time to think about it, so she did not ask how Luya knew about it.

"Yes, the doctors in the clan said that they can only help clean up the pollution in the body, but there is nothing we can do about the pollution in the Shark Pearls." The Sixth Elder said while showing them those contaminated Shark Pearls. Mermaid situation.

Either he is unconscious, or he is awake but feels as painful as a thousand cuts in his body. From this point of view, it is better to be unconscious.

"Ning Shi, can you?" Su You turned to ask for her opinion. Suyou definitely hopes to save people, but she doesn't have the ability to save people, and she is not prepared to help others save people.

"I need to take a look first." Although Ning Shi had treated many contaminated creatures in the Sunset Territory before, including people and animals, they did not have such things as shark beads. Generally speaking, it was different. .

Under the eager gaze of the Sixth Elder, Ning Shi first checked one of the mermaids, and then he breathed a visible sigh of relief on his face.

Seeing her relieved, the others were equally relieved.

"Yes, but I am not enough on my own. I also need Miss Vivian's help." She can only be responsible for cleaning up the pollution, but the damage caused by the pollution to the Shark Pearl is irreversible and can only be solved by a healing magician.

Although the light system can also heal, it is not as powerful as a pure wet nurse. The most important thing is that she does not have so much magic to perform two tasks at the same time.

Compared to Ning Shi, who was easy to talk to, Vivian was much more straightforward. She said that treatment was possible, but she needed some rare herbs that could only be obtained from the bottom of the sea.

No one thought her request was excessive. It was appropriate to ask others to help and pay for it.

Although Ning Shi did not mention this matter, the Sixth Elder, as the 'warehouse manager' of the mermaid tribe, had already been thinking about what she would give in return before Ning Shi agreed.

The two parties talked harmoniously, and the treatment work started immediately. Suyou left Ning Shi, Vivian and others behind, while he only took Youai and Luya to see the fifth elder.

While walking on the road, Su You seemed to suddenly remember something. She paused in her steps. When Luya noticed it, she immediately turned around and asked her what was wrong.

"It's okay, I was just thinking about what I would say when I see the fifth elder later." Su You finally did not ask this question to Luya, but planned to ask the fifth elder later.

Luya didn't care, and the three of them continued moving forward.

After arriving at the inner hall, they saw the third and fourth princesses who had just come out of the room.

Seeing Lu Ya hesitate to speak, Su You knew what she wanted to ask, so she asked for her: "Why didn't you see the fifth prince?"

Seeing that the third princess didn't want to speak, the fourth princess also answered: "The third sister asked him to go back and rest."

Su You suspected that there was a lot of substance in what the fourth princess said... After all, judging from the previous situation, it was not like the third princess would be considerate of the fifth prince and let him have a good rest.

She thought it was more likely that the fifth prince was driven away by the third princess and locked up in a small dark room to reflect on his own.

But it's okay for her to know this kind of thing, there's no need to say it.

They came here to find the fifth elder. After confirming that the fifth elder was inside, Luya took Su You and Youai in.

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