Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 677 677 Supplementary Plot

As for the third and fourth princesses, they said that they were worried about the eldest prince, so they planned to go to see the situation at the eldest prince's side first, and then they would also go to the front to help the elder to resist the enemy's invasion.

Although they are princesses, they obviously don't have to do these things, but it is precisely because they are princesses that they should shoulder the responsibility of protecting the mermaid clan, so that they can live up to the status and power they have obtained.

As for the fifth prince, it is estimated that the third princess also wanted to protect him, so she locked him up, not entirely out of anger.

Although they are princesses, it is precisely because they are princesses that they should shoulder the responsibility of protecting the mermaid clan, so that they can live up to the status and power they have obtained.

As for the fifth prince, it is estimated that the third princess also wanted to protect him, so she locked him up.

After entering the room and meeting the fifth elder, Su You told the fifth elder everything that happened to her in the water prison, including the fact that their group entered the forbidden area.

Regarding the forbidden area, Su You had not told Luya before, and the third princess and the others did not know about it.

It was also because Lu Ya was at the scene now and heard what Su You and the Fifth Elder said that she realized that she had entered the forbidden area through the secret passage under the water prison before she disappeared.

"Does the fifth elder know that there is such a secret passage in the water prison that can enter the forbidden area?" Su You looked at the fifth elder and asked.

The fifth elder shook her head. Although she did not doubt Su You's intentions, she still asked a question: "How did Miss Su know that that place was a forbidden area?"

It is normal for the Fifth Elder to have this question. After all, according to normal circumstances, Su You should have never been to the forbidden area. If this is the case, then how does she know that the secret passage leads to the forbidden area and not to other places?

"Before answering this question, I would like to ask the elder one more question. Do you know Miriel?"

Hearing this name, the fifth elder's expression changed obviously. Even before she spoke, Su You already knew the answer.

The fifth elder definitely knows Miriel, at least he must have heard of her name.

In this case, Su You didn't wait for her answer and explained directly: "I saw Miriel in the forbidden area, and she told me that it was a forbidden area."

"Impossible!" The fifth elder frowned and almost immediately retorted: "How could you possibly see her..."

The fifth elder's reaction was so special that Luya couldn't keep up with them.

After all, she had never been to the forbidden area and did not know Miriel, so the conversation between Suyou and the fifth elder sounded like a book from heaven to her.

"Xiaoya, go see what's going on with the eldest prince." The fifth elder vaguely realized that Luya didn't seem to be able to know about the next topic, so she casually found a reason to distract Luya.

Luya could naturally hear the meaning. She wanted to stay, but in the end she was convinced by the look in the eyes of the fifth elder.

After Luya left, the two...the three of them sat down and had a good chat.

"What's wrong with Miriel? Why does the Fifth Elder think I can't see her?" Su You continued to ask. Although she had already guessed the reason, she still needed to confirm.

The fifth elder took a deep breath and looked at her with complicated eyes: "Because she is no longer here... How can you see someone who is not here?" Su You thought as expected.

Not only Miriel, but also from the perspective of others, she should be a 'dead' mermaid.

But she is obviously still alive, and she is truly alive, because Su You can even check her information and know that her state is the normal state of a living creature, and her blood volume is also at normal full value. This is obviously impossible. 'Dead Man' has information.

And not only her, Diluo can also confirm that Miriel is alive. After all, the puppet master can control the soul. This has been proven many times before, but Diluo can clearly feel that Miriel is a living creature. , she cannot drive her in the form of soul.

"But the mermaid we met did claim to be Miriel... She is a very good-looking mermaid, but she was born blind..."

"Blind?" After hearing this description, the fifth elder was a little confused for a moment.

Because there are too few mermaids born with "disabilities" in the mermaid tribe, at least the only blind mermaid she knows is Miriel, but in her knowledge, Miriel is indeed dead... It's difficult Can the dead really be resurrected?

"She is indeed a blind mermaid, but..." The resurrection from the dead is still too miraculous, and the Fifth Elder really has no way to convince himself.

However, Suyou didn't want to dwell on whether Miriel was dead or alive, so she continued to ask the next question.

"We also learned the name of another mermaid from Miriel. She said it was her best friend, named Keyena."

The eyes of the fifth elder began to flicker rapidly as the words 'Keyena' appeared, but in the end she did not choose to hide it, or in other words, she could not hide anything, because this name was the name of almost all the mermaids in the mermaid clan. Recognized...

Fifth Elder: "This is Xiaoya's mother...the name of the former mermaid I somewhat believe that the person you met is really Miriel, because the queen and she are indeed very good friends."

Suyou: "!"

Su You never expected that Keyena was actually the Mermaid Queen!

Since Keyena is the queen, then the queen is the son of the twin pearls... Thinking of the cause of the queen's death, and then thinking of the content on the mural, Su You suddenly found that the story of the mermaid tribe seemed to be more and more complicated.

Afterwards, Su You tried again and found out that the Fifth Elder also knew about the Son of Two Pearls. The last trace of concern in her heart completely disappeared.

The Fifth Elder knew about the existence of Miriel, the secret of the Shark Pearl, and even about the Son of the Twin Pearl. Moreover, she was also a good friend of Queen Keyena during her lifetime, so Su You naturally regarded her as a side mission of the Mermaid Tribe. , she can be used to obtain important information from 'friendly NPCs'.

In this case, Suyou was ready to exchange information for information, including the stories on the murals.

After learning the story on the mural, the fifth elder was far more stimulated than Suyou imagined. She looked tired, and the look on her face made her seem to have aged dozens of years in an instant.

"I knew all this was wrong. I should have dissuaded her..." As he finished with a sigh, the fifth elder added another part of the story about Keyena before she became the queen.

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