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Chapter 679 Chapter 679 Seriously injured and comatose

She had two shark beads, so even if one was taken out, she would not lose her life, so in order to resurrect Miriel, Keyena dug out one of the shark beads on her body... The specific process is unknown, but The method is basically this.

From here, it is not difficult to see that the relationship between Miriel and Keyena is really good, so good that they are willing to dig out their own shark beads for her... This is basically a life-for-life for an ordinary fish. There's a way.

Su You was thinking about resurrection, and the Fifth Elder slowly told the truth about Miriel's 'kidnapping'.

"When Miriel's accident happened, the mermaid tribe was actually preparing to move to a new home. Before that, the mermaid tribe had fought a battle with the fishmen. That battle caused problems in that sea area. This was the reason for migration. reason."

"During the migration, everyone followed the arranged path. Every time we migrated, we arranged the route of action in advance. But halfway through the journey, we encountered another creature from the sea. attack."

As mentioned before, although mermaids are the overlords of the sea, not all sea creatures are willing to obey them, so this attack can be regarded as a means of driving them away to prevent the mermaids from settling in.

However, their combat effectiveness was obviously not as good as that of the mermaids, so they were quickly repelled.

"But after repelling them, we found that many mermaids were missing, including Miriel. In order to save them, we had to stop and search."

They must have found it in the end, but the difference is that the other mermaids are alive, but Miriel is dead.

Miriel's death was simple, because the creatures who captured them disliked Miriel's blindness and her limited mobility as a drag, but they didn't want to let Miriel go in vain, so they killed her.

"At that time, I only heard that Ana brought back a dead mermaid. That mermaid was her former friend outside the palace. He was also a blind mermaid who was once said to be disgusted by the God of the Sea."

"Because we haven't arrived at our new home and the forbidden area has not yet been resettled, we can only take her body with us. After settling in, Ana disappeared for a few days and was very weak when she came back. Her explanation for this was that she went I helped Miriel take revenge.”

Hearing this, Su You pinched her fingers in disbelief... Revenge may be true, but this is not the reason for her weakness. The real reason should be that she lost a shark bead and consumed her own strength. As the energy to resurrect Miriel.

Su You cleared her mind and pushed the plot step by step to the place where Keyena's accident happened. She looked at the fifth elder and asked further questions.

"Then what happened when the Queen had an accident? Did the Mermaid King really have to go out because of something? How did those creatures know that the Mermaid King was not there?" Because he knew that the Mermaid King had a big problem, Su The questions You asked were also particularly aimed at the Mermaid King, except that they didn't directly ask him what he had done as a murderer.

The fifth elder thought for a while and then replied: "The Mermaid King will go out to patrol the surrounding sea areas every once in a while. This is the job of every Mermaid King, not his temporary decision."

"As for why those guys knew that the Mermaid King was out, it was because a traitor appeared in the Mermaid clan at that time." Speaking of this traitor, the fifth elder felt a little complicated.

"There was a mermaid whose relative turned into a mermaid due to pollution. The mermaid pretended to be a mermaid and deceived the mermaid..."

The amount of information in this sentence was so large that Su You didn't know which point to focus on first.

After much deliberation, she still asked the more important one. "So the rumors are true? Are the fish-men really turned into polluted mermaids?"

The fifth elder shook his head: "Yes and no. If a normal mermaid is contaminated and is not purified in time, it will only die. Unless he is voluntarily contaminated, he will become a fishman."

Su You: "..." The amount of information seems to be greater.

"So the Queen's accident really has nothing to do with the Mermaid King?" Su You felt that from the current information, in addition to using Keyena to sit on the throne, the Mermaid King really seemed to have something to do with her. Death is not directly related.

But she always felt that something was wrong, but there was no evidence.

"If it is really related to him, the mermaid tribe will not allow a mermaid who disregards the safety of the entire mermaid tribe for his own selfish interests to sit in the position of the king." The fifth elder also felt that the mermaid king was very suspicious at the time, but he did not care. No matter how you investigate, the Mermaid King has nothing to do with this matter.

Whenever something goes wrong, whether it's public or private, the Fifth Elder will pull down the Mermaid King... She doesn't even need to be there. The First Elder will definitely be the first to deal with the traitor.

After talking to this point, Su You felt that she had nothing to ask anymore. After all, Milliel's matter was resolved, the identities of the princes and princesses were known, and most of the plot of Keyena was also understood, including the entanglement with the Mermaid King. You can also guess a lot...

Su You actually has another problem, that is, the Mermaid King should die just like Keyena, because only when she is gone can he become the real king.

Otherwise, even if Keyena gives in, he will still need to live in her shadow forever. As long as Keyena wants this position one day, then he will not have the right to say 'no'.

However, since the death of the Queen, the Mermaid King's behavior has begun to become ridiculous. Su You has learned a lot about this. Although it is only a small matter and has not caused a big trouble, it is obviously not consistent. The character of the Mermaid King.

Keyena is dead and his throne is stable. Shouldn't he work hard to manage the mermaid clan well so that all the mermaids will believe him and truly regard him as the real king?

But he didn't do this. In recent years, there were rumors that "the Mermaid King's temperament changed drastically due to the death of the Queen."

If he really had some feelings for Keyena, then Mrs. Sang wouldn't have appeared; if he had no feelings for Keyena, then he wouldn't have changed so much.

This is unreasonable no matter how you look at it.

But it was difficult for Su You to ask this question. After all, it might involve the secrets of the mermaid clan, and it was about the mermaid king. The fifth elder had not had much contact with the mermaid king, so he might not know the truth, so she did not ask this in the end. question.

After chatting with the fifth elder for a while, there was a knock on the door. Perhaps because he was too anxious, the mermaid outside the door didn't even wait for the fifth elder to speak, and directly shouted -

"It's not good, the great elder is seriously injured and unconscious!"

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