Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 680 680 makes a lot of money

The fifth elder stood up abruptly, without caring about what to say to Su You, and strode out of the door.

"Take me there and tell me what happened." After saying this, the fifth elder had time to turn around and look at Su You: "Sorry, I have more important things to do."

"Fifth Elder doesn't need to explain, I can understand." Su You said quickly. There was no way she could leave someone to force him to chat in this situation. Not only was the Fifth Elder going, Su You also wanted to go with him to see what was going on.

"If you don't mind, the people I brought here are quite strong, and they can also help the mermaid clan to jointly defend against the enemy." She must help. Anyway, she has nothing else to do now, in case something happens to the mermaid clan. , then her trip was in vain.

"Thank you very much, Miss Su." The fifth elder did not hesitate and directly agreed to let her go with him.

Suyou has helped the mermaid tribe so much. This kind of request is not a request, but it is also something that is good for them. They should not refuse it either emotionally or rationally.

So Su You called the master, including Ning Shi and Vivian who had completed the treatment.

The fifth elder did not go alone. She told the sixth elder a few words before going, and then summoned the people around her, and the group rushed to the battlefield quickly.

The fishmen may have known about the fall of the great elder, so their offensive became more fierce than before. Although the mermaids still had the ability to resist, after the core of the great elder fell, they lost took command.

Although the fourth elder has taken over the burden from the great elder, he is not as strong as the great elder after all, so the situation at this time is not good.

All the mermaids brought by the fifth elder went to help. Although Su You also offered to help, the fourth elder obviously did not take her and the dozen of people into consideration after thanking them.

After all, there are thousands of murlocs outside. Even if these dozen people have the ability to fight one against ten, they can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket and cannot be of much help.

Su You didn't explain when she saw this. She had no need to explain and didn't want to waste time.

She just replenished a wave of supplies for these people, and then turned on the halo skill she had learned long ago - Lingxi.

Although there is no way for them to obtain three layers of aura because there are more than ten people, but because there are less than twenty people, they can still obtain two layers of aura, which means a cumulative critical hit rate of 4% and a combo rate of 8%. and an extra combo.

"A dozen of you take care of each other. You don't have to fight in the center. When the opponent's number is small, you can concentrate your attacks. When the opponent's number is larger, you can fight around the mermaids to help them rescue..." Su You said cryptically, but everyone Everyone understood that what she meant was for them to try not to charge at the front.

If the number of enemies is small, you can fight more aggressively, but if the number of enemies is large, then let the mermaids contain the enemies. They only need to stand behind and deal damage.

Although Su You came to help, she had always thought clearly that she could not put her own people in danger just to help the mermaid tribe, so she only tried her best to help, rather than risking her life to help.

Everything that needs to be explained has been explained. These people are not fools and can understand what Su You means, so they don't waste any more nonsense. They pack up their supplies and take out their weapons to prepare for a battle.

These people went out to help, leaving only Ning Shi. Because her strength is not actually reflected in fighting ordinary creatures, so instead of letting her waste magic doing these things that are not her specialty, it is better to stay and do something Something only she can do.

For example, help check whether there is any pollution nearby, and whether any of the mermaids on the front line have been contaminated.

Pollution is like an incurable disease. It is possible to be cured in the early stage. Only when the pollution penetrates deep into the bone marrow and enters the later stage of deterioration and irreversibility, is the beginning of death. "There is nothing wrong with these mermaids..." Ning Shi communicated with Suyou in a low voice, and then expressed his guess: "The previously contaminated mermaids should have been harmed before we took action. That location was closest to the palace, so They don’t have time to hide.”

Su You understood what she meant: "You mean, we have already solved the pollution before it spread here?"

"Yes." Ning Shi nodded, but for the sake of safety, she was still prepared to take a closer look: "I have enough magic in my body, but there are not many magic potions in my backpack."

"If you don't have enough, just bring it. I brought a lot." Su You immediately took out a bunch of blue potions from his backpack.

It is no exaggeration to say that during this trip, she emptied half of the medical clinic and all the medicines in the warehouse. The various props in her backpack, even if it is one for each person, are enough to be distributed to hundreds of people. .

Now it only supplies a dozen people and cannot be used up at all.

But Su You would rather run out of supplies than run out of supplies and run out of ammunition and food.

Ning Shi didn't know how many potions Su You had brought, but she really believed that she had brought a lot, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to supply them with such consumption.

With the potion, Ning Shi could use magic without batting an eye.

Even though she has been working for free, she actually knows that while she is helping these mermaids, she is also improving herself.

She is probably the one who made the most money during this trip to the mermaid tribe!

Normal magicians improve gradually and slowly. Only magicians with sufficient financial resources can shorten the time to restore magic by spending money on potions, thereby speeding up their own improvement.

Although magicians make money quickly, they can't help spending it. Magicians are very noble. Similarly, everything related to magicians is also very expensive, and the same is true for magic recovery potions.

Many magicians will choose to find a well-established family after they have the ability, let the other party spend money to worship them, and use their strength in exchange for materials to improve themselves.

Ning Shi was originally a member of the church and had a family to belong to, so she naturally had no way to find other families to worship her. Therefore, although she was richer than ordinary people, she was considered poor among magicians.

But since coming to the Sunset Territory, after several actions, she found that the potion she drank could be described as priceless.

Although there are two magicians traveling with them, they are all from the Sunset Territory. Lord Su's promotion of them is to improve himself and the territory.

But she is not the one who can give so much to an outsider, and is indeed the one who earns the most.

Although she also worked hard, she believed that if this level of labor could be exchanged for so many potions to improve herself, there would be many low-level magicians on the mainland willing to join.

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