Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 681 681 Communication

Even most intermediate magicians would probably put down their reserve and figure.

Only high-level magicians look down on this improvement, because the span from advanced to master level is too big. These potions can only be regarded as drops of water into the sea. If you really rely on drinking potions to improve, you will not die from exhaustion. , even if you drink potion, you will die first.

"With so many potions, they would probably go crazy if they saw them..." Ning Shi muttered to himself, then took out a bottle of potions from his backpack and drank it skillfully.

"If there were so many potions back then...she should be fine..." Ning Shi looked at the empty bottle, feeling the sour taste in his mouth, and his eyes dimmed for a moment.

But soon, she cheered up and continued to use magic to check her surroundings.

Because of the training during this period, Ning Shi's magic has improved a lot, so the inspection does not take much time, and she still has spare energy to purify some pollutants that are not particularly important during the inspection.

During the inspection, many mermaids stopped because they were curious about what this human was doing, but they did not dare to stay longer. One was because they saw the identity of Magician Ning Shi and were afraid of disturbing her, and the other was because Because they themselves have things to do, the current situation of the mermaid tribe requires everyone to prepare for war.

"Where is the fifth elder?" After Ning Shi completed her mission, she randomly asked a merman for directions. She asked the fifth elder because Su You was beside the fifth elder.

"The fifth elder is in the first room in front." The mermaid who was caught asking for directions replied nervously, and then heard Ning Shi say thank you and turn around to leave.

Ning Shi didn't expect that on her way to find Su You, she would meet three people she knew first, and these three people were the same three people who had been arranged by Su You to go to the water prison.

Su You originally arranged for them to go there to gather later, but unexpectedly something happened when the elder fainted. She had to bring someone over to help, so she had to find a merman to help deliver the message. Let the three of them come over.

"Miss Ning, I wonder where the lord is?" Originally, these three people were still worried about how to find Suyou. They should ask the mermaids, but those mermaids looked very busy and didn't seem to want to talk to them. Anyone who was willing to talk to them could I don’t know Su You, let alone where he is.

Fortunately, they met Ning Shi.

"Come with me, it just so happens that I have to go find her." Ning Shi glanced at the three of them, and while saying that, he quietly used magic to check them, and found that they were contaminated with a lot of pollution. At this moment, she frowned.

But soon she also discovered that the pollution was only attached to the surface of their clothes. There was still no pollution in these people's bodies, but some contamination was inevitable on their skin.

She breathed a sigh of relief, then quietly used magic to clean up the pollution on their bodies, and then took them to find Su You.

When Su You learned that Ning Shi had completed her work and had brought three other humans to see her, she was stunned for a moment, and then she realized that someone had noticed the mermaid acting strangely before, so she took it upon herself to follow the mermaid. Two people were left waiting for him...

"Fifth Elder, I'm going out first." Su You and the Fifth Elder informed, and then prepared to leave the room where they were discussing matters.

Several of the mermaids were a little reluctant to give up: "Miss Su's strategy just now was good. I hope to have more exchanges with you later."

"I am also very concerned about the safety of the mermaid clan. If there is anything I can do to help, I will do my best." Su You smiled, not caring about the change in their attitude, and left the room after saying hello. During that time, she was in this room listening to several elders and various mermaid captains discussing the battle.

Although they were a little wary when they saw her at first, for the sake of the Fifth Elder, no one showed any obvious dissatisfaction with her appearance.

However, since they started to formally discuss how to deal with the enemy, Su You just put forward a few small suggestions and said a few methods that she personally thought were good, and she completely convinced them.

Of course, this does not mean how powerful Su You is, nor how stupid these mermaids are, but that the mermaids fight more with brute force, and the battle strategy is basically non-existent.

In this case, Su You, as a city lord who has dealt with many large and small city battles, her battle experience is extremely valuable to these mermaids.

Just when they were discussing, Su You even regretted not bringing Baiji, otherwise this battle would only become smoother.

Because Suyou and the mermaids have different purposes. The mermaids want to repel the fishmen and dark creatures, but Suyou only hopes that the mermaids can delay the time until tomorrow... As long as they wait until tomorrow, the elves will come.

Su You has not told any mermaids about the elves yet. One of them is still afraid of a mole, the kind of mole who is neither controlled nor disguised as a fishman, but has truly betrayed the mermaids.

She couldn't detect this kind of mole.

Another reason is that she doesn't want to cause unnecessary problems. As long as the mermaid clan can postpone it until tomorrow, and the elves will come tomorrow, the crisis will be resolved. She only needs to help the mermaid clan delay it until tomorrow. There is no need to do other things.


After meeting Ning Shi and the other three people, Su You first asked Ning Shi to tell him the results. Su You was relieved when he heard that no mermaids were polluted and that there was no particularly serious pollution in this area.

Next, she turned her attention to the other three people.

"Lord Su, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have made my own decisions or acted without permission..." After Su You glanced at him, the man who had acted alone before felt a tremor in his heart. Most of the excitement about the discovery disappeared. All the words he had organized before After seeing Su You for the first time, everything turned into apologies.

"Actually, it's not your fault. It's actually a good thing to make discoveries and be willing to take risks, but some risks are not necessary..." Su You said a few words in a moderate tone, but overall there was no harshness. Meaning, after all, this person is not a resident of the territory.

If this was someone from the Sunset Territory, Su You would definitely not let him go so easily, and he would have to give him a few words of training first.

"Tell me, looking at you like this, you must have discovered something? Since you have discovered it, it is not worth the risk you took this time." If you are not one of your own, you can't train him too seriously, and there is no need to do that, as long as the person is fine , what she is most concerned about must be what this person discovered during this trip.

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