Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 682 Chapter 682 Looking for the Fake Mermaid

Seeing that the matter was over, the man breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly told all of his findings.

"I followed that mermaid and left the mermaid tribe. He met a few murlocs and said something to them. Unfortunately, I didn't hear it clearly, but I saw that the murlocs seemed to have given it something." Although this man acted alone His behavior was a bit risky, but he was as courageous as the one who stalked the fake mermaid before.

Not only is it bold, but the process is also concise and clear, omitting a lot of unnecessary content.

"Then the mermaid returned to the mermaid tribe. I originally wanted to follow him, but then he entered the palace hall. There were too many mermaids there, and I didn't dare to go in." The fear of going in was definitely not because of the mermaid, but because of the fear of being caught by that mermaid. The fake mermaid found himself acting alone as a human inexplicably, and still followed him.

Originally, he could have used the invisibility potion to sneak in, but unfortunately, the last bottle of invisibility potion had been drunk when he followed the fake mermaid out.

"Do you remember the appearance of the mermaid? Have you been standing guard in the palace hall? Can you be sure whether the mermaid is still in the hall?" Su You asked the two most important questions in succession.

This person did not disappoint Su You's hopes, and gave perfect answers to both questions.

"Remember, I've already drawn it, but I'm not as good as that person..." Su You took it and looked at it and found that the drawing was indeed not as good as the previous one, but the standard features had been drawn. This is enough.

"In addition, after the mermaid entered, I waited outside for about ten minutes, but he didn't come out. Then I saw the mermaid closing the door of the palace hall. I heard that an elder told them to close it. Yes, the palace hall is currently closed to entry and exit." This was because he saw that the palace hall was closed to entry and exit, so he took the time to find Su You.

Elders... There is probably only one sixth elder who is still in the palace hall now.

"I'll go talk to the fifth elder about this, and the portrait will be handed over to her, but the best thing is that you can identify it together... Of course, if you don't want to go, it's okay. Everyone else is helping the fishmen on the battlefield. You can fight with them." Su You threw out two choices.

"I want to follow to find this mermaid." He said firmly.

It's not that he is afraid of death and doesn't want to fight, but that his power alone is limited. One more of him on the battlefield is not much, and one of him is not too much. He alone cannot change the outcome of victory or defeat.

But if he goes to find the fake mermaid together, he will definitely get better results, because he is the only one who has seen the fake mermaid and is the most familiar with it.

"It's definitely the best if you wish." Su You had the same idea as him. Being without him in the battle would not affect the outcome, but if he followed to find the fake mermaid, he would definitely get twice the result with half the effort. After all, the portrait was found. The people are still a little more abstract... mainly the portraits are more abstract.

"I'm going to talk to the Fifth Elder about this now. She should arrange for her to go back with you... As for the two of you, you have two choices. Go back with him to help find the fake mermaid. The three of you can take care of each other, or you can go back together. Go ahead and kill the fish people." After arranging one person, Su You began to arrange the other two.

The options she gave to the three people were actually similar. The difference was probably that because the first person was the only one who saw the appearance of the fake mermaid, he had better go, but it didn't matter to these two people. What did they choose? It will be all right.

"I stayed."

"I'll follow." The two people gave different answers. They looked at each other in surprise, and then opened their mouths to explain.

"I feel like I'm about to break through, so I want to get more fighting opportunities." People who are incompetent may avoid fighting because every battle may endanger their lives.

But for people who are eager to improve, they are more willing to take risks to improve themselves, because they do not want to die in regret of insufficient strength rather than die on the road to improvement.

Of course, this does not mean that they will value improvement above their own lives, but they will be willing to improve themselves if there is no particular danger.

For example, today's battle between the mermaids, fishmen and dark creatures is a good opportunity.

Both sides are evenly matched, so there won't be much danger, but the fish people and dark creatures are not weak either, at least enough to train them.

Another person: "Actually, I also want to fight, but I'm more curious about how these fake mermaids disguise themselves..." If he can learn some of such superb camouflage techniques, then he will be able to do anything in the future. more convenient?

You can fight at any time, but there are not many opportunities to learn special techniques.

However, pretending to be a skill that sounds good can be used to protect oneself, but it can also be used as an excuse to do bad things if it sounds bad. Therefore, after this person discovered that his intention to learn technology was exposed, he quickly explained.

"Of course, I am definitely not learning this to harm others like these murlocs. I am just a little interested in this..." His voice became smaller and smaller. This may be because he himself felt that the reason he said was a bit far-fetched.

But Su You didn't care about it. After they made their choice, they went directly into the room to talk to the fifth elder about the matter. As expected, the fifth elder sent a few mermaids to go back to understand the situation, and also asked Su You who found out Will the humans who got the fake mermaid be willing to go together?

"I have already asked. He is willing to go back. Besides him, there is someone else who will go with him. It is convenient for the two of them to take care of each other." Su You didn't explain in particular, and the fifth elder didn't ask too many questions. Anyway, as long as the one who knows the information As long as people are willing to go.

After sending the three people away, Su You stayed to help the mermaid improve the battle strategy, while Ning Shi was invited by the fourth elder to check on the situation of the great elder.

"The Great Elder fell into a coma suddenly. There were no symptoms before the coma..." The fourth elder led Ning Shi while describing the situation, and also told her the diagnosis and treatment results of the mermaid tribe doctor.

At first, the fourth elder didn't know about Ning Shi's existence, so he naturally arranged for doctors from the mermaid tribe to treat the first elder, but all the doctors were helpless. It happened that the fifth elder came and told him about Ning Shi, so he I came here to invite someone.

When Ning Shi agreed to go over and help with the inspection, the fourth elder nodded gratefully. His attitude was not attentive, but also very respectful.

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