Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 683 683 Intense pollution

This respect was not because Ning Shi agreed to help, but because he heard from the fifth elder that Ning Shi had helped many mermaids purify pollution before.

If it hadn't been for her, those mermaids would have died, and they would have died very painfully, with not even the shark beads left behind.

But Ning Shi saved them, so she was not only the benefactor of those mermaids, but also the savior of the entire mermaid clan. It was very normal for the fourth elder to have this change in attitude.

"I am a light magician, not a healing magician. I can only solve pollution problems. If the elder is not unconscious due to pollution, then there is nothing I can do." Ning Shi didn't like to speak too harshly, so After seeing that the fourth elder had great expectations for her, she directly expressed her range of abilities.

The fourth elder understood what Ning Shi meant and immediately became less talkative, not daring to continue to put pressure on her.

"Master Magician, just do your best." The fourth elder sighed and couldn't help but walk a little faster.

When they arrived at their destination, Ning Shi felt the strong pollution before he even got close to the room.

Exactly how strong it was... probably she didn't need to use magic to check it, and she didn't even need to get close to feel it directly...

"Mr. Magician, what's wrong?" The fourth elder asked suspiciously when he saw her suddenly stopping. Then, seeing the change in her face, he couldn't help but feel a little thump in his heart.

"Could it be that..." the fourth elder said weakly and tentatively.

He was not stupid. After knowing that this was a light magician, he could definitely guess that what could make a light magician so nervous must be pollution.

"It's what you think." Ning Shi confirmed his guess, and then she continued to ask: "Besides the Great Elder, are there other mermaids in this room?"

With such strong pollution, Ning Shi had no doubt that normal organisms would only need to stay inside for less than a minute for the pollution to penetrate directly into the skin.

If it is a human, once the pollution penetrates into the skin, over time, they will gradually destroy the internal organs of the body, and finally the heart... If it is a mermaid, the situation is similar, except that the final destination changes from the heart to the shark. beads.

The fourth elder looked ugly and nodded: "In addition to the great elder, there are several guards, two mermaids who take care of the great elder, and two doctors."

"They must come out as soon as possible." In order to let the fourth elder understand how serious the situation was, Ning Shi cast a layer of light magic on the fourth elder's eyes, and then the fourth elder could see the outside of a simple but normal house. , shrouded in thick black air.

The amount of black energy was so large that he could no longer see the outline of the house.

"I'll call them out." The fourth elder subconsciously prepared to approach, but was stopped by Ning Shi before he took two steps.

"You're just one more contaminated person. Compared to this, I think Fourth Elder, what you need to do more is to immediately ask if there are other mermaids approaching here." After inspection, Ning Shi found a good person. The news is that although the pollution here is very heavy, most of it is still floating outside. There is not a lot of pollution inside the house, and the damage to the mermaids inside should be very limited.

As long as they can be brought out in time, and then she can help purify them, it will be fine.

This is relatively simple. The trouble is that the place where the great elder rests is a public area, and there is only one road in this area. In other words, everyone who wants to go out from here needs to pass through here. Any mermaid that passes by, as long as it gets a little closer, may be contaminated... She now also understands that the three people before were contaminated, and they probably got it accidentally when passing by.

"There is not much pollution, but problems will always occur over time." In the process of explaining, Ning Shi had already set up a magic shield for himself and was fully prepared to go in and find someone.

After the fourth elder understood the situation clearly, he followed Ning Shi's words to understand the situation of the other mermaids. Of course, before leaving, he did not forget to ask whether Ning Shi could bring out the people inside.

"...I definitely can't bring out that many people by myself, but as long as they don't faint, they can come out on their own." Ning Shi gave the fourth elder a helpless look.

The fourth elder also knew that he had asked a stupid question.

The people inside were just contaminated, not dead. Ning Shi just went in to spread a message. If they had the hands and feet, they would definitely be able to come out.

"Then I'll leave first. I'll leave it to you... By the way, I'll give this to you. If they don't believe it, just take it out and show it to them." The fourth elder left quickly, and Ning Shi also entered the contaminated area.

There were five guards standing at the door of the room. Ning Shi took out the things given by the fourth elder. When he found that the attitude of the five guard mermaids had become respectful and gentle, he spoke: "Is the Great Elder not awake yet?"


"I was entrusted by the Fourth Elder to treat the Great Elder, but the environment here is not good. You need to change to another place first." Ning Shi didn't talk about the pollution, because she found that the pollution on these mermaids was not serious. In this case There is no need to say this to cause panic.

"This..." The five guards were hesitant and didn't agree, but they didn't refuse either. This was probably because of the thing given by the fourth elder.

Ning Shi: "I have already shown you the things. The Fourth Elder also came with me just now, but he has more important things to do, so I am the only one."

"I did seem to see the Fourth Elder just now." One of the guards whispered to the other mermaids around him.

"Since the fourth elder has agreed, I will follow your orders. Where should we move to?" the guard said as he opened the blocked door.

"The fourth elder said to take the eldest elder to that place." Ning Shi pointed to a location. Several guards did not understand and opened the door for Ning Shi.

After entering the room, Ning Shi used the same reason to convince the two mermaids and two mermaid doctors who were taking care of the great elder, and then one of the guards took the great elder out of here.

When they packed up and left, Ning Shi conducted a simple inspection on them. The inspection results showed that the pollution of the five guards was deeper, but fortunately it did not penetrate deep into the bone marrow, so it was not troublesome to deal with. As for the mermaids in the room, except for the big ones, Apart from the elder, the other four mermaids are in good condition.

The pollution on their bodies was just on the surface. She shined a light magic on them and the pollution was purified.

It’s just this great elder…

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