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Chapter 684 684 Unknown Energy

Let's put it this way, there was a lot of pollution in his body, so much so that after Ning Shi treated so many mermaids, the total pollution on his body was not as much as what he had on his body alone.

But there was so much pollution on the elder's body, but his shark beads were still clean.

This test result made Ning Shi couldn't help but wonder if there was something wrong with her magic, so she checked again after the transfer. The result was the same as before - there was a lot of pollution in the Great Elder's body, but his shark beads were very clean. , was not affected at all.

Otherwise, with this level of pollution, even ten lives would not be enough for him to die.

"This isn't right..." Ning Shi was very confused about his test results.

Although she herself has not treated too many polluted creatures, she has never eaten pork and has still seen pigs running away. There was a very nice senior light magician in the church who would often teach them by the way during treatment, so Ning Shi There are not many "cases" known about this.

But this is the first time that the great elder has seen this situation!

The hard work paid off. Ning Shi spent a lot of magic to study the great elder's shark bead, and finally found the reason why his shark bead was not contaminated - the great elder's shark bead was wrapped with a thin layer of unknown energy.

It was this energy that isolated the pollution, which prevented the pollution from penetrating into the Shark Pearl and saved the great elder's life.

The level of this energy is very high, at least much higher than Ning Shi, otherwise she wouldn't have found it so hard, but it is precisely because of its high level that it has the ability to block pollution.

"This energy... doesn't look like the great elder's." Ning Shi took back his light element thoughtfully, and then spent some time purifying the pollution on the great elder's body slowly.

Because there was too much pollution, Ning Shi could not completely purify it with his current strength, so she could only reduce the pollution on him first. At least this would reduce the burden on his body and allow the great elder to wake up.

After waking up, the purification work will become easier.

About half an hour later, Ning Shi left the room and saw the fourth elder at the door who had been waiting for who knows how long.

"How is the great elder doing now?" The fourth elder saw Ning Shi coming out and couldn't wait to ask about the great elder's situation.

Ning Shi thought about it and basically answered truthfully except that he didn't mention the unknown energy.

Although the fourth elder already knew that the shark beads would be contaminated, Ning Shi spoke very skillfully. She only said that there was serious pollution in the body of the elder, never mentioned the situation of the shark beads, and later emphasized that the pollution had been purified a lot. , the fourth elder naturally had no time to think about Shark Pearl.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Magician! If it weren't for you, our mermaid clan would have died of many mermaids due to pollution..." If it weren't for gender concerns, the fourth elder would have wanted to rush over and grab Ning Shi's hand, and squeeze it hard A wave of thanks.

"When the Great Elder wakes up, I will tell him everything. We, the Mermaid Tribe, always repay kindness. After this matter is over, the Merfolk Tribe will definitely give you a big gift!" The fourth elder also wants to give it now. He wanted to get some things out, but he had a lot of things on him, but they were all used for fighting, and none of them could be given as gifts.

Moreover, he was not responsible for managing the mermaid tribe's treasure house, so he had no way to go to the treasure house to get things immediately, so he could only verbally thank him first, and then wrote an 'IOU' very embarrassedly.

"Well, let's talk about it after the matter is over." Ning Shi is not a virgin who doesn't eat fireworks from the world. She will not be greedy and ask for too much reward, but she will definitely take all the part she deserves and politely decline. It's something that doesn't exist. However, Ning Shi still wanted to inquire a little about this unknown powerful force.

"Fourth Elder, I have a few questions to ask you. If you feel offended, please don't mind." Ning Shi actually only had one question to ask, but she was afraid that the Fourth Elder would find out if she asked this question directly, so she decided to ask more several.

She personally felt that the questions she was going to ask later were no secrets, but in order to prevent the fourth elder from thinking too much, she gave the fourth elder a vaccination first.

The fourth elder paused and spoke generously: "You are the benefactor of the mermaid tribe. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them. As long as you can answer them, I will definitely answer them."

"And don't say anything if you don't mind. I won't ask questions that I can't answer."

With these words from the fourth elder, Ning Shi spoke with confidence.

"What was the room where the elder was resting in used to be?" Although it was just a question of making up the numbers, Ning Shi definitely wouldn't just ask some unnecessary trivial matters.

If we could find an answer to this question, we might be able to find the reason why the pollution is so thick.

"This room was originally a room where other mermaids lived, but now because of the danger outside, this place is too close to the protective shield, so I asked everyone to move inside." After the mermaid moved in, the room outside became vacant, so It serves as a resting place for mermaid warriors.

Ning Shi was a little regretful. She hoped to find something, but it turned out that this house was just an ordinary residence. It was obvious that the cause of the pollution could not be found in this house with no characteristics at all.

Although he understood in his heart, Ning Shi still said a reminder: "The pollution in that house just appeared inexplicably. You can ask the original owner of this house if anything strange has happened recently."

The fourth elder said he understood: "Do you have any other questions?"

Ning Shi nodded and continued to ask a few non-trivial questions. Then when the fourth elder had relaxed, he pretended to ask casually: "The great elder should be the most powerful mermaid in the mermaid tribe, right?"

Perhaps it was because Ning Shi's previous question made the fourth elder relax his vigilance. In addition, this question was actually nothing special, so he didn't think too much and gave the answer directly.

"The Great Elder is indeed the most powerful mermaid in our mermaid clan..." Halfway through his words, the fourth elder seemed to have remembered something, and his expression became a little strange.

Ning Shi knew there might be clues at a glance, so he continued to ask: "Then given the current situation of the Great Elder, he will not be able to wake up for the time being, and the mermaid clan's combat power will be greatly reduced..."

Although the fourth elder was reluctant to admit it, he knew that what Ning Shi said was right.

He shook his head and sighed, and said subconsciously: "It would be great if that person was still here..."

Ning Shi's eyes lit up, but she still tried hard to make her emotions less excited and urgent.

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