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Chapter 685 Chapter 685 is still alive

Ning Shi: "That person? Is there a mermaid with higher strength than the Great Elder, but he is gone?"



After Ning Shi got the information from the fourth elder, she hurriedly prepared to find Su You. Fortunately, Su You had always been in the same place to help the mermaid with suggestions, so it was not difficult for her to find someone.

"You're in such a hurry, what's the matter?" This was the first time Su You saw Ning Shi acting so gloomy, and he knew she must have made a very important discovery.

"Lord Su, it's like this..." Ning Shi told Su You all about the abnormality of the shark bead in the elder's body, her own guess, and the information she got from the fourth elder.

"That energy should be more powerful than the Great Elder's own energy." Because only stronger people can put their own energy into the bodies of people who are weaker than themselves.

Of course, there is another possibility that the master of this energy is the Great Elder himself. He can protect himself and there will naturally be no conflict. However, Ning Shi feels that this possibility is very low, because if the Great Elder is really that powerful, then there will be no conflict. As for being comatose.

He can protect his Shark Pearl, how could he not be able to protect his body?

"So you think someone should have helped protect the Shark Pearl after the elder fell into coma?" Su You understood what Ning Shi meant.

"Yes, so I asked the fourth elder if there is a mermaid more powerful than the great elder." Ning Shi explained, and then continued: "The fourth elder said there was not at first, but then suddenly said that there was a mermaid more powerful than the great elder. The elder is powerful, but when I asked him who he was, the fourth elder kept silent again."

The fourth elder also apologized to Ning Shi for this. Such a sincere attitude left Ning Shi no room to ask further questions.

Su You thought for a moment, then suddenly looked up at Ning Shi: "Actually, this question already has an answer. Among the entire mermaid clan, the only one who may be stronger than the Great Elder is the Mermaid King, but it's obviously not him, so it can only be... "

Ning Shi's expression became a little stunned.

"Lord Su, you are referring to... the Mermaid Queen?!" Ning Shi's shock was justified. After all, in their eyes, the Mermaid Queen was a mermaid that no longer existed. She had died a few years ago. During the battle.

It was precisely because of this that Ning Ci didn't think about her.

But now that I think about it, the Mermaid Queen really meets all the requirements!

She is indeed probably the strongest, because she is the son of the Twin Pearls, and she is indeed gone now, and her identity will indeed make the fourth elders very taboo and silent.

"But..." Ning Shi spat out one word with a strange expression: "But she is no longer here, so it can't be her."

Su You thought so at first, but she suddenly didn't think so anymore.

The Son of Two Pearls is the most important character in the entire mermaid clan plot. Usually, even if such a character dies, he will leave many clues. Although there are indeed many clues about Keyena, most of them are unanswerable questions. This This clue means nothing because the person is dead and they will never find the answer.

So the only possibility is that the person is not dead, so there are so many questions left.

Of course, this reason is a bit far-fetched, but after eliminating all possibilities, the only one left, no matter how low the possibility is, it is the answer.

"She may not be dead." Su You said lightly, which shocked Ning Shi. Ning Shi opened her mouth to ask why, but when she thought about how important this matter was, if any mermaid heard it, it might lead to other things, so she didn't ask why.

Based on her understanding of Lord Su, since she would say this, it must be that she has already made a certain judgment, rather than just guessing out of thin air.

"Since she is still here, where is she? And why didn't she show up?" Ning Shi asked softly.

Su You looked at Ning Shi and smiled: "How do I know this? After all, I am not her... But she is such a smart person. Since she is doing this, she must have her own meaning. She will not watch the mermaid tribe perish. , she will take action when it’s time to take action.”

Just like the matter of the Great Elder, without her, the Great Elder would definitely be a dead fish. Since she helped, it means that she definitely does not want the mermaid tribe to perish.

Su You actually had some guesses about this mermaid who faked her death, but since it was just a guess and she couldn't be sure, she wasn't ready to say it out yet.

However, Keyena's survival is definitely a good thing for the mermaid clan and Su You, because it is equivalent to adding a super strong combat power out of thin air, which increases the probability that the mermaid clan will survive the crisis. .

As for what Keyena wants to do, whether she will appear or not, this is not a question that Su You considers. Anyway, with or without her, the mermaid clan will most likely be able to survive this crisis, because the biggest crisis for the mermaid clan was before It has already been solved by them.

The fishmen and dark creatures must not know about this yet, otherwise they would not continue to attack the mermaids at this time, but should find a suitable escape route for themselves as soon as possible...

"How long will it take for the Great Elder to wake up?" Su You changed the topic, and Ning Shi also cooperated and stopped mentioning things about the queen.

"I will perform another purification for the Great Elder in half an hour. If nothing else happens, the Great Elder should be able to wake up when the purification is completed."

Half an hour?

This time is not long.

"Now that the matter here has been resolved, let's go to the front to see how the others are doing." Su You took Ning Shi to find other people fighting fishmen and dark creatures on the battlefield.

Although Su You was not a combatant, she had a backpack of props to protect her, so she was not afraid and entered the combat area directly. After searching everywhere, they found Duoya and his party who were fighting fiercely with the fishmen.

While approaching, Su You also checked the fighting situation of these people.

Unsurprisingly, the one with the most output and the most kills was Youai. After all, this was the bottom of the sea, and he was a water magician. All the attack methods he used would not be weakened, but would be enhanced.

In contrast, other people's movements are somewhat restricted.

Although the impact was not great due to the isolation barrier, it was certainly not as comfortable as Yuelai.

Under Youai, Di Luo ranked second in terms of damage output and kills. To be honest, this answer was a bit beyond Su You's expectation. She thought the second place would be Duoya, because of Duoya's occupation and The combination of the spiritual aura on his body can be said to achieve the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

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