Because whether it is a combo or a critical hit, regardless of the basic damage, the more attacks there are, the more times it will be triggered.

Among all the people present, the one with the fastest attack speed is undoubtedly Duoya.

But after observing their fight for a few minutes, Su You understood the reason.

Di Luo was much more powerful than she imagined.

Normally, a junior puppet master can control at most one puppet at the same time, and a talented intermediate puppet master can control two puppets at the same time, but most puppet masters cannot control two puppets until they are advanced.

But Di Luo is very awesome. She is a senior puppet master, but she can control four puppets at the same time!

This is the strength that only a master-level puppet master can achieve!

And although the Grandmaster Puppet Master can control four puppets at the same time, he can only control them to perform some simple actions.

It is basically impossible to perfectly control them in battle.

But Di Luo did it.

Although Su You can obviously find that one puppet is often 'lazy', the other three puppets whose movements are as smooth as normal people are enough to prove Di Luo's strength.

From this point of view, Duoya did not lose unjustly.

After all, the puppet itself is not affected by the environmental factors of the seabed, and Di Luo also has three and a half puppets... The most outrageous thing is that because the puppet will inherit part of the owner's attributes, although Suyou's spiritual aura cannot be added to the puppet, Because the halo affects Di Luo's attributes, it also indirectly affects the puppet's attributes, making the puppet's strength even higher.

Under the influence of so many factors, if Duo Ya can really surpass Di Luo, he will be crazy.

As for the others, although their combat effectiveness will be weakened after entering the seabed, due to the existence of the halo, their combat effectiveness will increase. This increase and decrease will basically maintain the original level, and there will not be a big gap. .

Su You found a moment of respite for everyone to rest and communicate with each other.

"How are they? How strong are these fishmen and dark creatures?" Although Suyou can see the attributes of these creatures, because the fishmen are fighting on the bottom of the sea where they are most familiar, they, like Yuai, have certain limitations. degree of combat effectiveness bonus.

This bonus is invisible to Suyou, so they can only feel it during the battle.

"Those dark creatures are fine, but this fish-man..." The speaker showed an indescribable expression: "These fish-men are very annoying, they are very fast, whether they are attacking or escaping, they are very slippery. Just like Bai Liuer."

Bailiu'er is the name of a fish on the Sunset Continent. It is named after its white appearance and smooth body, making it impossible for humans to grasp it with hands.

"Hey, fishmen are also fish, so it's not surprising that they are the same as Bailiu'er." Someone laughed and joked, and the originally tense atmosphere relaxed due to this sentence.

The guy who just complained grinned back.

It can also be seen from here that although everyone complained, the actual battle probably did not encounter too many difficulties, otherwise it would be impossible to laugh. "It seems that you think the fighting intensity is more suitable. In this case, then seize this opportunity and practice hard." Su You knew that many of them regarded this trip as an opportunity to train themselves, so there was really a chance to train them. Su You will not waste their time.

So for most of the next day, from morning to evening, they kept killing fishmen almost without stopping.

Although there were only a dozen of them fighting, according to statistics, Su You knew that they had killed more than 800 fishmen during this period.

Although they look very few, with an average of less than a hundred per person, you must know that several of these dozen people are non-combatants, such as Vivian, Gong Yu, etc.

The most important thing is that the number of 800 is only the number of fish-men they killed. The number of dark creatures they killed has also reached 500!

Such a large number shocked all the mermaids around, and the Fourth Elder went to Su You specifically to express his sincere thanks.

In addition to verbal thanks, there are of course substantial material rewards, but they are the same as what he promised Ning Shi before. These things will have to wait until the mermaid tribe solves this trouble.

At the same time, the 'fake mermaid' who was hiding in the palace hall and waiting for opportunities to cause destruction has also been caught. To everyone's surprise, the person who was connecting with the fish-man was not a fake mermaid, but a real real mermaid. !

"Kami! Why did you betray the mermaid tribe! Why did you help the fishmen harm us?!" The mermaid who roared in pain was Kami's partner. She was thinking about the children at home and looking at the strange lover in front of her. fell into a state of madness.

Even others were unwilling to believe that a clan member had betrayed them, let alone that she was the closest person to the mermaid named Kami.

Kami looked at his partner with a very complicated look, but soon, his eyes turned firm: "Asuo, you don't understand, the mermaid tribe has made a big mistake, and the murlocs are here to help us!"

"Shut up!" Asuo shook off the mermaid who stopped her, preparing to step forward and give a severe lesson to this mermaid who not only betrayed the mermaid clan, but also showed no repentance.

At this moment, in her eyes, Kami is no longer her partner, he is just a traitor, the enemy of the entire mermaid clan, and her enemy.

"I know you don't want to believe it. After all, I have told you so many times before... everything I said is right. Otherwise, why didn't Poseidon come today? Or give us blessings? This is all because the mermaid tribe has done something wrong. Poseidon is unwilling to forgive us..." Kami stated the truth in his mind firmly.

Asuo was stunned for a moment when he heard Poseidon, and then his movements to hit people slowed down... Regardless of whether the other words Kami said were true or false, one sentence is right, and that is today's sacrificial ceremony. Poseidon did not come.

Did they really make some mistake... and Poseidon abandoned them?

Asuo was not the only one who was wavering, but more mermaids still felt that Kami was just being alarmist.

"Kami, don't make excuses for your betrayal."

"Even if we have done something wrong and Poseidon is unwilling to forgive us, that is Poseidon's business and has nothing to do with the fishmen."

"He is right. If Poseidon wants to punish us, we are willing to accept it, but what does this have to do with the fishmen? What's more, the fishmen actually colluded with the dark creatures... You didn't see the water outside because the dark creatures were How polluted is it?"

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