"Compared with the mistakes we made, Poseidon is even less likely to forgive the fish-men who colluded with dark creatures and caused the sea to be polluted! Why are you so stupid? You also believe the fish-men's lies. Have you forgotten your parents..." said The merman who said this seemed to know Kami.

When he talked about Kami's parents, he looked angry and blurted out a sentence when he was emotional. However, he knew that it was not convenient to mention it at this time, so he stopped immediately.

But even if he didn't continue, Kami had already heard what he said.

He originally still had some nostalgia for the mermaid tribe, but his attitude suddenly changed.

"My parents? Aren't my parents killed by the mermaid clan?!" Kami's words immediately shocked all the mermaids present.

When the fourth elder saw that something was wrong, he immediately interrupted Kami's next words.

"Kami, right? I remember you. Your parents are the heroes of the mermaid tribe. They died to protect the mermaid tribe. And the reason why you can continue to talk to us here after betraying the mermaid tribe is, This is just for the sake of your parents!" The fourth elder did know Kami, but he only remembered it just now.

Because Kami's parents were once mermaid warriors under the Fourth Elder. They were a very brave and loving couple, and the Fourth Elder was deeply impressed by them.

Like other mermaid warriors, they are willing to sacrifice their lives to protect the mermaid tribe... and they have indeed given up completely.

Because of their deaths, young Kami had no one to take care of him, but Kami was not the only child who lost his parents. For children like him, the third and fourth elders specially arranged for mermaids to take good care of them.

And when these children become adults, if they want to work in the palace, the palace will give them priority.

Kami is not an outstanding person, but he still appears here. To put it bluntly, he relies on his parents' reputation.

But his parents died fighting against the enemy, but as a child, he betrayed the mermaid tribe and colluded with the murderer of his relatives.

The Fourth Elder doesn't care what kind of brainwashing this Kami has been brainwashed by those fish-men, but what he says and does most at this time is not the other mermaids, but his dead parents!

The mermaids who were still in shock and confusion immediately came back to their senses after hearing the fourth elder's words. They all regarded what Kami said before as nonsense. Following the fourth elder's order, Kami was immediately blocked. The mouth was shut in a small cage closest to here.

In fact, he was supposed to be imprisoned in the water prison, but the water prison was destroyed due to the formation, and the mermaid obviously did not have time to rebuild the water prison now, so he could only find a place to lock him up first.

After Kami was imprisoned, the fourth elder got what the fishman gave to Kami... It was a black round ball with a strange soft touch. Although it was soft, it was not soft. It makes people feel comfortable, but also makes people feel a little shuddering.

Before the fourth elder had time to figure out what this thing was, the black ball suddenly exploded, and a thick black gas came towards the fourth elder!

The fourth elder wanted to dodge, but after all, it was something he was holding in his hand. It was at such a close distance and the gas was extremely easy to emit. He had no time to dodge, and there was no way to stop it!

At this critical moment, he saw a sudden flash of white light in front of his eyes, and the fourth elder subconsciously closed his eyes. Because he couldn't see, he could only hear the noisy movement around him. Some people exclaimed loudly, some asked about his situation, and some were concerned about him...

"Fourth Elder, the pollution has been stopped. Are you okay?" Ning Shi picked up the outer skin wrapped with pollution gas from the ground and looked at it in his hand.

This outer skin is like a deflated balloon, and the gas inside is the black gas just now, which is also pollution gas. To put it more simply, it is pollution.

Without the gas inside, the 'ball' naturally deflated, leaving only a body.

"That was... Mr. Magician, how did you know there was something wrong with this thing?" The fourth elder opened his eyes. Even though he knew that he was safe, he was still frightened and looked ugly.

However, he had not forgotten Ning Shi's presence, so after calming down, he asked.

The reason why Ning Shi knew there was something wrong with this thing was because when the fourth elder got it, he noticed something was wrong with Ning Shi's expression, but she didn't speak, so he didn't take it to heart.

From now on, it seems that she must have discovered the problem a long time ago, but she didn't know why she didn't say it out loud, but she quietly made preparations, otherwise he would not be standing here intact now.

"This is just a small trick that dark creatures like to use to sneak up on people. The more you see it, the more you will be prepared." Ning Shi gave a simple explanation of the thing in his hand in one sentence.

It can also be heard from her words that it is obviously not the first time she has seen this kind of thing, and dark creatures often use this method to sneak attack other creatures.

"If I'm not wrong, there should be more than one of these things on that Kami. The fish-man... or the dark creature's plan should be to let him take the initiative to use this thing and let you be contaminated, but..."

But they didn't expect that someone would discover Kami's whereabouts and find him out.

But they are not afraid even if they are caught. In other words, they have already made preparations. If Kami is not caught, he can take the initiative. If he is caught, the things in his hands will definitely be confiscated.

No matter which mermaid gets the hands of this contaminated 'balloon', it is as dangerous as a bomb. It can also achieve its purpose by then, but the number of people polluted may be slightly less.

But correspondingly, the confiscated items will usually be given to people with higher status, like the Fourth Elder. Therefore, if Ning Shi had not taken action, although the victim was only a mermaid, the Fourth Elder, it was indeed a mermaid with an extraordinary status.

"...This is my problem, I should be more careful." After listening to Ning Shi's words, the fourth elder also understood the plan of the fish man and the dark creature.

He blamed himself a little, because this incident was completely avoidable. Even if Ning Shi didn't take action, he was really contaminated, and he couldn't blame others. It was him who was not careful and dared to hold anything in his hands.

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