Fortunately, he got this thing. If he gave it to others halfway, it would be equivalent to harming other mermaids!

"Did you get this thing from him?" Ning Shi recalled the gas he just saw. He felt vaguely familiar. Then he thought about it. The gas on the house shrouded in black fog was very similar to this one. Got it!

Although pollution is pollution and there is no big difference, the intensity of the pollution that just attacked the Fourth Elder is similar to the intensity of pollution outside that house. This shows that the two types of polluting gases are most likely the same... In other words, The contamination of the house where the Great Elder rested was most likely caused by Kami.

"This is the only one. Did you find anything?" The fourth elder noticed something was wrong with Ning Shi's expression, so he quickly asked.

Ning Shi thought about it and felt that there was nothing he couldn't say, so he told the fourth elder his guess. As for what the fourth elder would do to Kami after he knew that the pollution on the Great Elder's side might be caused by Kami. This is not something Ning Shi considers.


Although the fourth elder asked everyone to keep Kami's matter a secret, there were too many mermaids present. Even though most people kept silent, some voices still spread, so many mermaids knew that a clan member had betrayed them.

All of them hated Kami very much. They couldn't understand why mermaids would help fish people and dark creatures attack their homes... After being angry, they became more wary of other mermaids around them.

Because they are all worried that there is more than one mermaid like 'Kami'.

The Fourth Elder definitely didn't want to see this kind of mutual suspicion. After all, the external enemies had not been resolved yet, and as a result, they started to be in chaos internally. This was definitely not good news.

Fortunately, the Great Elder has woken up. Although his body is very weak after being polluted and his combat effectiveness is much lower than before, his mind has not changed. So the Fourth Elder takes over from the Great Elder and directs the mermaids to fight and resist the enemy's invasion. .

The great elder is responsible for handling matters within the clan.

The great elder woke up, the mermaid clan had a backbone, and all the mermaids' panicked hearts returned to peace.

Under the orderly organization of several elders, the mermaid tribe spent the day safely. In the evening, all the murlocs and dark creatures retreated. They fled in defeat, and all the mermaids watched their departure with joy.

Because they had been fighting for a whole day, all the mermaids were very tired. After the elders arranged the guard shifts, the other mermaids who had no work immediately went home to rest.

As 'meritorious ministers', Su You and his party were also politely invited to the banquet by the Fourth Elder.

It was said to be a banquet, but in fact it was simply modified from the banquet of the sacrificial ceremony. It was just a small celebration banquet to celebrate their successful defense against the enemy's invasion.

Of course, the most important thing is to thank Suyou and the others for helping the mermaid tribe, so this banquet can be said to be specially prepared for them.

At the banquet, the fourth elder and the fifth elder brought out their carefully selected gifts.

There are more than a dozen people on Su You's side, and each of them has a reward. The ones with the most are definitely Su You and Ning Shi. As for the others, although they didn't get particularly many things, they were paid well. Basically it's what you need most.

For example, what Vivian received were various herbs from the seabed, as well as formulas developed by the mermaid doctors themselves. Because Youai is a water magician, the most indispensable thing for the mermaid tribe is water-based things, so the things Youai got are second only to Ning Shi.

For example, various high-grade water-type gems can be inlaid on staffs, and there are also silk threads that can be used to make magic robes, which are worth a fortune on the mainland.

Other people's equipment related to making shark's silk is mixed with other high-grade materials, and even one piece of clothing may not be able to use half a bundle of shark's silk.

But the amount of Shark silk Yue has is enough to make a magic robe made entirely of Shark silk!

At first, everyone couldn't help but feel envious when they saw Yuai's harvest, but they had no other thoughts. After all, everyone knew that their contribution to the mermaid clan was not as good as Yuai's, so they were not qualified to have other thoughts.

But having said that, if you see others taking so many good things, and then look at yourself, and say that you don’t feel sad at all, this is obviously a lie.

However, when they saw the reward Ning Shi received, they no longer even felt envious.

She also had the same shark silk that Yue had, and there was also shark yarn that had been woven into cloth!

She also has the herbs and formulas that Vivian has, and they are higher-level herbs, as well as a complete herbal formula!

In addition, there are many other strange things. Although many of them are unrecognizable, it is obvious that these are priceless treasures.

If that were all, forget it. What really shocked everyone was that the mermaid clan was represented by the eldest prince, who personally gave Ning Shi a very valuable item. Even the previous items combined might not be as valuable as this... That's the Shark Pearl!

This is something that humans have only heard of in legends on land!

Otherwise, they don't even have any thoughts of envy anymore?

If there is only a small gap between others and them, they will be envious. But once the gap is stretched to the extreme, they will no longer be envious.

They didn't dare to think about what would happen if this kind of thing happened to them... If the attitude of the mermaid tribe hadn't been good enough, they would have doubted whether these things were Ning Shi's 'money for selling herself'!

Compared to carrying so many treasures and spending their lives in the mermaid tribe, they would definitely choose to pack up what they have on hand and follow Lord Su back to the Sunset Territory...

In fact, they were not the only ones who had this idea. Su You and Ning Shi were also shocked by the mermaid tribe's heavy gift.

Especially Ning Shi, who was involved, if she had thought about the value of these things before, when she saw more and more of these things, and even the eldest prince took out the shark beads, she had even touched them with one hand. After leaving the city return stone, be ready to run away at any time.

The fourth elder seemed to notice her nervousness, and quickly explained that they had no other intentions, but simply wanted to thank Ning Shi for saving so many mermaid lives, especially since one of them was the life of the great elder!

For the mermaid tribe, the life of the great elder is definitely more precious than everything here.

Ning Shi frowned slightly and looked at Su You for help.

Su You was ready to help with the rescue, but after seeing this situation, she took two steps forward to stop the very enthusiastic fourth elder for Ning.

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