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Chapter 689 Chapter 689 The faint king

"Ning Shi is the one I brought here, and I would like to thank the mermaid tribe for the gift on her behalf." After saying this, she motioned to Ning Shi to accept these things.

This is the income of her labor, and it is what she deserves. Although these things are considered a bloodbath for the mermaid tribe, with the strength of the mermaid tribe, there must be many things in their treasure house. Added together, At most it can only be counted as one tenth.

After receiving Su You's hint, Ning Shi quickly thanked the enthusiastic fourth elder, and then pretended to be busy and put all these things away.

Ning Shi's avoidance made the fourth elder a little regretful, because just as others thought, the reason why the mermaid tribe gave out such heavy gifts was because they wanted to thank Ning Shi for saving so many mermaid lives, but more importantly The important thing is to try to recruit Ning Shi.

If someone had helped the mermaid tribe before, the fourth elder would definitely not have had this idea. That was because he did not know the mermaid tribe's weaknesses, but now he knows that the greatest threat to the mermaid tribe is pollution, so Ning Shi's existence will It is equivalent to an antidote for poisoned people, and it is an antidote that can be used unlimitedly!

In this case, even the First Elder, who was biased against human beings because of past events, chose silence instead of objecting or refusing when the Fourth Elder proposed trying to recruit Ning Shi.

Ning Shi's refusal was unexpected by them, but it was also reasonable. After all, she was a human being, and humans could not live normally under the sea without props.

And if she chooses to join the mermaid clan, although the mermaids will not lock her up so much, her future actions will definitely not be so casual, because she needs to stay in the mermaid clan for a long time to ensure that she is there when the mermaids need her. Can show up in time.

"I see..." The Fourth Elder sighed regretfully: "Since this Lord Magician has someone to belong to, let's forget about it."

What Su You just said is actually equivalent to saying that Ning Shi is hers. Although this is not the case, in this case, if this troublesome matter can be solved with an insignificant lie, why not?

Ning Shi also understood that the fourth elder had misunderstood, but she did not want to explain, because she also knew that Su You was helping her. After the explanation, she would only continue to be entangled by these mermaids.

With the fourth elder's words, this matter was over.

Everyone basically fought for most of the day today, and everyone was very tired, so after the simple banquet, they were ready to go back to rest.

But just as the banquet was ending, an unexpected person walked over not far away... or rather a mermaid.

"What are you doing here?" The Mermaid King approached with an unkind expression, with the delicate and frail Mrs. Sang clinging to his side.

Although Mrs. Sang is petite, her body size difference is particularly obvious next to the tall Mermaid King, and her figure is easily obscured by the Mermaid King, but she is inexplicably attracting attention, even if she does not speak at all.

As if she noticed that everyone was looking at her, Mrs. Sang said something to the Mermaid King's ear, and then the Mermaid King's expression became even worse.

"Why aren't you talking? Do you think that if you don't say anything, I won't find out that you are holding a banquet here!"

"This is a banquet prepared for a sacrificial ceremony. How can humans be allowed to attend the banquet? Great Elder, this does not seem like something you would do."

The great elder was not in very good health at this time, so even at the banquet, he had been sitting down. He was just about to leave when he stood up for a while, and now the Mermaid King suddenly called his name. A burst of anger suddenly arose in his heart, and just as he was about to say something, he felt a fishy sweetness welling up in his throat.

The third elder sitting next to him was the first to notice something was wrong and immediately supported him. The fifth elder also hurriedly took out something and handed it to the third elder, who then gave it to the elder to eat. Seeing this, the eldest prince immediately helped and spoke: "Father, this is the celebration banquet for our successful repelling of the murlocs. Although Miss Su and the others are all humans, if it weren't for them, our mermaid tribe would have suffered heavy casualties today!"

The eldest prince actually rarely spoke in front of the Mermaid King.

Because although he is the heir, his position as heir was jointly selected by several elders. The Mermaid King did not participate, or in other words, he was not qualified to participate.

Therefore, although the Mermaid King does not dislike the eldest prince, he has never had a good impression of him. After all, he is not his biological child.

The eldest prince didn't know the truth, but because the queen gave him enough maternal love, he actually didn't care about the affection given by the Mermaid King. Especially when there were more younger brothers and sisters around him, he never lacked relatives around him. So he was even less willing to contact the Mermaid King.

This is why when the queen had an accident, the eldest prince would directly take over and raise Luya, because he actually knew that the Mermaid King was unreliable... However, the Mermaid King's love for Luya was beyond his expectation, but he didn't If you think too much, just think that Luya is naturally lovable.

After all, the Mermaid King is the father of the eldest prince, so after the eldest prince knew that he didn't like him, he usually stayed silent in front of the Mermaid King and would not speak if he could.

In most cases, if there is any big matter, he will discuss it with several elders first, and then the elders will speak on his behalf.

However, in the situation just now, the Great Elder was weak and the other elders were not suitable to speak when the Mermaid King named the Great Elder, so he had to speak.

After all, the great elder can be regarded as half of his teacher. When he was a child, his combat skills were taught by the great elder. He needed help emotionally, rationally, and in public and private matters.

But to be honest, it would be better not to help him, because the Mermaid King didn't like him, and he was obviously not in a good mood at this time, so after the eldest prince finished speaking, the Mermaid King directly pointed the finger at The great prince.

But when the Mermaid King was about to speak, a voice directly blocked his intention to speak.

"Father, compared to other insignificant matters, Luya feels that we should pay more attention to the matters of fish people and dark creatures at this time."

Luya glanced at Mrs. Sang from the corner of her eye. Although she was angry in her heart, she did not show it on her face. She put on the appropriate sadness and continued: "Many fishmen died today because they fought against the invasion of fishmen. They all He is a hero of the mermaid tribe, shouldn’t my father express his feelings in some way?”

Luya said this to remind the Mermaid King of the tense situation of the Mermaid clan before.

While they were fighting desperately, the Mermaid King and Mrs. Sang were resting peacefully. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was a coward.

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