Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 691 6912 Forbidden Areas

"I have a bad premonition. It's obvious that the fishmen have been repelled by us, but Mrs. Sang still seems very calm and calm... I suspect that they have a back-up plan." But until now, they have not discovered this back-up plan. What is it.

Originally, Luya had also thought about whether the backhand could be the pollution in the forbidden area that Su You had mentioned, but the fifth elder had also told her before that she had persuaded the first elder and entered the forbidden area to check, and there was no pollution inside.

Luya also told Su You about this.

"When did the Fifth Elder and the others go to the forbidden area?" Su You didn't know that the Fifth Elder had already been to the forbidden area. Seeing that there had been no news from the Fifth Elder, she thought it was the Great Elder who wouldn't let her go in to check.

But now that Luya said that, it was true, but she found something wrong.

"Probably last night?" Luya recalled the time and added: "The elder told me about this in the morning, so she should have gone last night."

Su You: "..." Something's wrong, even worse!

Su You knew that the fishmen and the others had hidden the pollution very tightly. The fifth elders and the others were concerned that it was a forbidden area and there were shark beads buried everywhere. They did not dare to dig deep. It was normal that they could not find it.

But why didn't they find Millie?

Miriel is a blind mermaid with limited mobility. It is not surprising that the mermaid sneaked in unprepared and did not notice her. However, the Fifth Elder was prepared for the presence of dirt in the forbidden area. Even if she did not dig deep, at least there would be dirt on the surface of the forbidden area. Check carefully...

Unless Miriel hid in the ground, there was no way the fifth elder would not have noticed her!

But unfortunately, this impossible thing still happened.

The fifth elder has definitely not seen Miriel, otherwise she would not have behaved like that when Su You mentioned Miriel... So why?

You can't have two forbidden areas, right? doesn't seem impossible?

"Did the fifth elder ask other elders to help open the forbidden area?" Su You looked at Lu Ya and asked seriously.

Luya frowned and thought for a while: "That should be the case, otherwise the elder would not be able to enter the forbidden area alone..."

Su You was actually asking a meaningless question.

Since the fifth elder has convinced the first elder, he must go directly through the gate. Since he wants to go through the gate, he needs the help of other elders.

But Su You and the others are different. They broke into the forbidden area by accident from the underground stairs in the water prison.

Let’s not mention why the Fifth Elder didn’t discover Miriel. Let’s talk about why no other mermaid in the mermaid tribe has discovered such an obvious passage in the forbidden area so far.

The only possibility that Su You could think of was that the 'forbidden area' where Miriel was located was not the same forbidden area as the 'forbidden area' mentioned by the fifth elders.

But it is not clear whether there are two forbidden places or whether one of them is fake.

But these are definitely two different places.

After thinking about it all the way, Su You and the others had returned to Liuli Palace before they knew it.

Along the way, Su You was thinking about the 'two forbidden areas'.

She wanted to know which forbidden area was real, and also wanted to know why there were two forbidden areas.

In the eyes of the fifth elders, they must have gone to a real forbidden place. Since they did not find any problems, then in their perception, this forbidden place is real.

Similarly, although Miriel has never been to the forbidden area and cannot see things, she can sense that there are many shark beads there. Excluding the possibility that Miriel was lying and that her perception was wrong, the place she was in must also be a forbidden area.

"We still have to start with the formation..." Su You thought for a long time and vaguely found the threads that were pulling the threads off.

The fifth elder and others knew that the forbidden area Suyou was not easy to explore, but the passage in the water prison was triggered by the formation.

Among the mermaids, there are currently only two mermaids related to the formation, one is the second elder and the other is the queen.

Obviously, that formation has nothing to do with the second elder, otherwise the second elder would not have reacted that way when Luya called him for help.

The second elder had obviously betrayed the mermaid clan. If he had known that the passage leading to the forbidden land had been discovered, he would have tried every means to prevent them from exploring it instead of just leaving.

So the only remaining possibility is still related to this mysterious queen.

After all, Miriel's resurrection is also related to the queen, and she must have sent people into the forbidden land, so the possibility is even greater.

The formation in the water prison is to cover up the passage to the forbidden area, and this passage should have been discovered by the fishmen.

They found other ways to the forbidden area, so they tried every means to send people to the water prison so that they could attack the forbidden area directly.

And this incident happened to correspond to the first mermaid they discovered who was controlled by a cursed puppet.

After figuring out this line, Su You suddenly discovered that there should be three-party energy controlling the incident involving the mermaid clan.

The first party must be the fish people and dark creatures, they are the ones who provoke the conflict.

The second party is Su You's side, they are here to help.

The third party was just discovered by Su You, and it was most likely related to the queen. After all, according to her speculation, the queen was not dead.

Since she can sacrifice her life for the mermaid clan, as long as she survives, she will definitely not stand by and watch the affairs of the mermaid clan.

What's more, there are her children here, the fifth elders, and Miriel who was resurrected by her but lost her freedom.

Cicada, mantis, oriole... When Su You overturned the fish-man's trump card, she thought she was the oriole, but now it seems that this may not be the case.

Even if Su You didn't help, the mermaid clan would most likely survive this incident, but they would definitely have to pay a heavier price.

But when Su You came, the mermaid clan's losses were immediately minimized.

"You Yi, what are you thinking about? I just called you several times." Luya looked at Su You who was lost in thought. Although she didn't want to disturb her, she couldn't help but speak out because of her inner curiosity.

"I'm thinking about your father and Mrs. Sang." It was hard to explain to Luya the matter in the forbidden area. After all, it involved the queen, so Su You wasn't going to mention it for the time being, so she just made an excuse casually.

"Why are you thinking about them? Yuyi, have you discovered anything?" Luya was a little surprised when she heard Suyou's answer, so much so that she forgot the question she originally planned to ask.

Suyou's expression remained normal, and she did not reveal any flaws because of Luya's questioning, because what she said was not entirely a lie. She had indeed thought about the Mermaid King and Mrs. Sang before.

"I don't think any creature's personality will suddenly change dramatically, especially if the other person is obviously struggling."

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