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Chapter 692 692 Murloc Night Attack

Su You's words made Luya confused. She didn't understand what Su You meant.

"The Mermaid King's temperament changed drastically because of Mrs. Sang. This may exist, but you can still affect the Mermaid King's thinking and emotions, so his feelings for Mrs. Sang are actually not pure."

In fact, it is a bit complicated to say this. To put it simply, if the Mermaid King really hates the Queen, then even if Luya is his only child, then he cannot be so doting on Luya, so much that he can even dote on her because of her appearance. With one word, Mrs. Sang was pushed out.

Since he would do this, there can be several reasons. One is that he did like the queen, but he liked himself more, so after harming the queen, his favor for Luya was more of a compensation.

Secondly, he didn't like Mrs. Sang that much. If he really liked Mrs. Sang, he wouldn't have had a child for so long.

Others may think that he truly loves the queen, so he only wants the queen's child, but Su You knows the truth. What the Mermaid King likes is not the child of him and the queen, but a child of his own blood.

Luya's favor is also due to this.

The more he dotes on Luya, the more he values ​​his bloodline.

In this case, even if he liked Mrs. Sang a little bit, there would be no news at all.

They don't have children, it's either Mrs. Sang's problem or the Mermaid King's problem.

But since Mrs. Sang has been able to stay with the Mermaid King for so long, she must also know that a child can stabilize her status and allow her to achieve her goals more smoothly.

Excluding the situation where she is unwilling, only the Mermaid King is unwilling.

And only if the Mermaid King is unwilling can he not arouse the suspicion of other mermaids.

He also valued blood and was unwilling to have children of his own with others. This really didn't look like a person who really liked Mrs. Sang and was also stupid and incompetent.

"...So Father doesn't like Mrs. Sang?" Suyou's analysis made Luya even more confused.

It's not that she is stupid, it's mainly because the Mermaid King has done too many strange things for Mrs. Sang in the past few years, and it has become a recognized fact that he likes Mrs. Sang.

Even if some people say that Mrs. Sang is just a substitute for the queen, it will not change this.

If the Mermaid King really regards Mrs. Sang as a substitute, it means that his feelings for the queen are not simple, and he will also place a certain amount of emotion on Mrs. Sang.

If it's not a substitute, it can only be 'true love'.

"I guess so." Su You didn't know how to explain this to Luya. After all, this was just his guess, and she couldn't be sure whether it was true or not.

"..." Luya opened her mouth, confused and disappointed: "So why did you bring it back if you don't like it?"

Su You didn't speak, just stared at a person not far away. Luya followed her line of sight and when she found out who Su You was looking at, she suddenly thought of an amazing possibility!


... The mermaid clan is very quiet at night.

Perhaps it was because they had just experienced a whole day of fighting in the morning, so even when it was time to rest, all the mermaids still had trouble sleeping.

Even though they all knew that the fishmen had been repelled by them, and several elders had arranged strict guards in the mermaid clan, they still felt inexplicably uneasy.

This uneasiness spread to the entire mermaid clan, and Luya decided to stay up all night because of this.

Su You seemed to go to bed early and get up early before, living the life of an elderly person, but she was also a night owl. Luya didn't sleep, and she didn't take a rest either, so the two of them stayed in the same room chatting, from the mermaid tribe to the mainland. But most of them are still talking about mainland China.

After all, the mermaid tribe is just that big and doesn't socialize with others. There aren't many interesting things at all, so most of the time it's Su You who tells interesting stories about the mainland, and then Luya and Peng Nu echo what she says word for word. There are even more storytellers than Su You.

While chatting until late at night, Su You suddenly received a long-lost system prompt, which stated that Luya's favor was full.

"Well, what next? Those people must be very angry, right? If my things were stolen, then I must be very angry, and I am the person closest to me..." Luya didn't notice Su You's trance at that moment. Some eagerly asked about the next plot.

Su You regained consciousness, spent a few seconds recalling what she had just said, and then continued.

After the rumor was finished, there was a knock on the door.

"Your Highness, something happened outside. I have notified others. Miss Su's friends are already waiting outside." Hong Si's voice sounded outside the door, and what she said surprised the two people in the room.

Su You was the first to come to her senses. She had actually guessed that the mermaid clan's matter was not over yet, but she didn't expect that the other party would be so impatient. She thought it would take at least another day, until tomorrow night, so that the mermaids could Will completely let down their guard.

As for Luya, she was already uneasy, otherwise she wouldn't have stayed up all night. She looked at Su You, and only after seeing the other person's comforting gaze did she seem to have courage.

Luya: "We'll go out right away. Hongsi, please settle the others first."

"Your Highness, please prepare as soon as possible. The elder has arranged for someone to send a message and ask us to gather in the main hall." Hongsi's tone was hurried, but she did not rush too much. After saying this, she left.

As she walked away, Su You took out some props from her backpack that could be easily hidden on her body, then hung them on Luya's body and slightly adjusted their position so that they were all hidden by the complicated skirt.

Luya had said before that the 'Second Prince' had plundered her belongings, and that she escaped with an invisibility rune disguised as a chain, so Suyou asked Luya for some before. They are just beautiful-looking decorations, and then these simple rune props are processed into exquisite but seemingly useless things.

"Let's go and see what the fish man has done." Listening to Su You's calm tone, Lu Ya's panic calmed down.

She nodded, familiarized herself with the positions of the extra 'hanging ornaments' on her body, and then went to the hall of Liuli Palace with Su You.

There were many mermaids standing in the hall at this time, except for the dozen or so humans brought by Su You who were all gathered here. They were all ready to leave the Liuli Palace, just because the owner of the Liuli Palace, that is, Luya, she never showed up, so it was naturally impossible for the other mermaids to leave first and leave her alone.

When she appeared, everyone followed the route arranged by Hong Si before and headed to the familiar palace hall.

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