Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 693 6935 Elder’s Commission

Originally, they thought that the fishmen were well prepared for protection and would be able to detect the sudden attack by the fishmen in time and notify them of something going on in advance. However, they did not expect that they were attacked by unknown creatures while walking on the road.

In other words, the fishmen have broken through the barrier in a way they could not imagine, barbarically and forcefully broke into the mermaids and launched an attack on them.

Although the number of creatures that attacked them was not large, and their combat effectiveness was not strong. Before the people brought by Suyou could take action, these people had already died under the attack of the guards around Luya, but they still felt scared.

Because even dating back to the most serious battle in the past, their enemies have never broken through the barrier. Because they all know that the barrier is the last and strongest protection of the mermaid tribe, so they basically do not use the barrier as a defensive shield. Even when dealing with enemies, they take the initiative to leave the mermaid tribe and fight outside the barrier.

This time the enemy's behavior of breaking into the barrier can be said to be unheard of, which is why they are afraid.

"Since we were attacked, the others..." Luya was a little worried, but she knew it was useless to worry, because the fishmen would not stop attacking because of her worries.

"Now is not the time to think about this. We should meet up with the others as soon as possible." Su You reminded, and then called his people to prepare to set off.

Luya quickly recovered her mood. She asked everyone to continue walking. Soon, they arrived at the palace hall.

At this time, the palace hall was full of mermaids, so it didn't have the usual empty and lonely feeling. However, everyone still shuddered when they thought about the reason why they appeared here.

Su You and Lu Ya found the fifth elder, and after questioning, they learned about the current situation.

"The barrier is broken, but fortunately we have a backup formation that can temporarily replace the barrier..." The mermaid clan's barrier is actually supported by formations. There are three such formations in the mermaid clan.

One is in use, one is in reserve, and the last one is a formation related to the lifeblood of the entire mermaid clan. It must not be used unless it is a last resort, because they cannot afford the price of using that formation, although it can be used. Surviving the crisis is almost the same as genocide.

As mentioned before, the mermaid tribe has never seen an enemy directly break into the barrier. In other words, although the mermaid tribe has encountered many dangers, there has never been any problem with their first formation barrier.

In fact, there shouldn't be a problem this time. After all, the attack intensity of the mermaids this time is not even as strong as before. But the problem is that the second elder who is responsible for repairing the barrier betrayed the mermaid clan.

Without the people who maintain it, the barrier becomes easily broken.

"How is the situation of other mermaids?" Su You knew that as an outsider, it was not appropriate to ask this question at this time, but there was no way. If something unexpected happened, she had to know more information so that she could think of a solution.

Fortunately, the Fifth Elder did believe in her. After all, Suyou had helped the Mermaid Tribe so much. If she

If you really have any bad intentions towards the mermaid tribe, the cursed puppets and fake mermaids, all these things may become the fuse to destroy the mermaid tribe.

"The eldest prince is calming people in the palace. The third and fourth princesses are arranging the guards inside and outside the palace. The fifth prince is beside the elder and went out to check the situation..." As for the third and fourth elders who were not mentioned, needless to say. Everyone knows that he must be leading the mermaids to fight.

There is also the Sixth Elder, she is also in the palace, and she seems to be helping the eldest prince to appease everyone. Seeing that everyone had their own things to be busy with, Luya was not willing to be idle, so she asked the fifth elder if there was anything she could do to help.

Hearing Luya's words, the fifth elder hesitated. Obviously, this was not because the mermaid tribe had nothing to do, but because she did not want Luya to do these things because it was too dangerous.

Luya also saw what the fifth elder meant and opened her mouth, but she didn’t know what to say. After all, to put it bluntly, the fifth elder also cared about her. In order to protect her, whatever she said at this time had the meaning of disappointing the fifth elder. .

Seeing this, Su You thought for a moment and then said to the fifth elder: "I also have some people here. If you need help with anything, just ask the fifth elder. Luya can stay with me and I will protect her."

The meaning of this sentence is actually very simple. The fifth elder is right to be worried about Luya, but she cannot protect Luya for her whole life, so Luya still has to do what she should do.

Not everyone wants to be a coward for the rest of their lives, regardless of what happens, and if the sky falls, others will hold it up.

Now that Suyou is here, she can go do things or take Luya with her. This will not only allow Luya to get some exercise, but also protect her.

The fifth elder thought for a while, and finally reached out and touched Luya's head: "I know what you want to's my fault, I shouldn't always be like this."

"Fifth Elder!" Luya obviously didn't want to hear the Fifth Elder apologize. The Fifth Elder was right, she just wanted to protect herself.

"Now that Miss Su has said that, I won't be polite. I hope to trouble you with two things. The first thing is to help us go to the forbidden area. I heard you mention your old friend before, and the more I think about it, the more something is wrong...I I suspect there is something wrong with the forbidden area.”

The meaning of the fifth elder's words was obviously to express that she had discovered that there might be two forbidden places, or that they were real and false forbidden places. The old friend in her mouth at this time must be referring to Miriel.

Su You nodded decisively.

Even if the fifth elder didn't say anything, she had already made up her mind to visit the forbidden area again. One was to see if Miriel was okay and whether the affairs outside the mermaid tribe had affected her. The other was to explore the secrets of the forbidden area.

Now that the fifth elder has taken the initiative, that's even better. It saves her from having to find time to go secretly, and it's hard to explain if she is discovered.

"The second thing is, I hope you can take care of Xiaoya." In the end, the fifth elder was still worried.

But there was nothing she could do if she didn't worry. She had already helped Keyena, the Mermaid Queen and her junior sister, to take care of the child for so long. But after all, she was not Luya's mother and could not take care of her for the rest of her life.

What's more, the mermaid clan is currently facing a crisis. The mermaid king is unreliable, and the first elder is also seriously injured and weak. Although the first prince is capable, he is still young. Even though the fifth elder is unwilling to think in a bad direction, she still found a mermaid for Luya. If something happens to the clan, their only way out... is to follow Su You and leave.

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