Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 695 Chapter 695 Many Formations

Others might think her reaction was a bit exaggerated. After all, it was just the environment being polluted, so there was no need to make a fuss.

But don't forget, this is not only a forbidden area, but also a place where mermaids are buried... To explain it in terms of human beings' ability to bring emotions, the murloc's actions are no different from digging up someone's ancestral grave.

Not only did they dig up the grave, they also poured "dirty water" on the bones, leaving the person covered in filth after death!

No matter who it was, they would probably want to catch the culprit and cut him into pieces!

When Lu Ya looked melancholy, Su You had already asked Ning Shi about the contaminated soil in the forbidden area. After getting the answer that she was willing to help, Su You turned back to comfort Lu Ya.

"Don't worry, Luya. Ning Shi said that after the fishman incident is over, he will stay and help you deal with the pollution here." Although this is not necessarily a truly forbidden area, it is within the scope of the mermaid clan after all, and it is still in the palace. positions within, so they still need to be disposed of.

After all, when there is no source of pollution, polluted substances will also affect the surrounding environment at a slow rate.

"Really? Thank you!" Lu Ya thanked Ning Shi very excitedly, and her sincere expression made Ning Shi feel a little embarrassed.

After all, she had taken so many things before, even a shark bead. Although these were voluntarily given by the mermaid tribe, she always felt that she had not done enough.

"It doesn't matter, this is me..." Ning Shi was about to say that this was what she should do, but was interrupted by a shout from behind.

"Lord! We seem to have discovered another formation!"

Su You: "..." Although Su You was really happy to have made a new discovery, when she heard the word 'formation', she couldn't help but start to have a headache.

She had already lost count of how many formations she had seen and heard in less than two days since she came to the Mermaid Clan.

There are them outside the forbidden area; they are also in the water prison, and there are several of them; there is also one barrier; there are also the underground passages they used to come here... But now it's good, it's not over yet!

There’s more here!

Although she was a little depressed, Su You still responded and quickly walked to the formation.

"Youyi, do you know this formation?" Luya looked at Su You and keenly noticed that her emotions fluctuated abnormally after seeing this formation.

"I know... and now I know what this forbidden place is about." But before that, Su You needed to find someone first, and that was Miriel.

Obviously when they came here before, Miriel was sitting on a stone not far away, looking at them like a master.

But this time, not only did they not see Miriel directly when they came in, but even after so many people were looking for her, there was still no trace of her... Could something have happened to Miriel?

Su You frowned slightly, obviously not wanting this to happen.

"Didn't you find Millie?" Su You asked the others.

The others shook their heads blankly, and Duoya said: "No, I just looked around specifically. In such a big place, there is no other living thing except us."

"She can't see her. She probably won't leave here voluntarily unless..." Everyone understood what Su You said.

Although they were not familiar with Miriel, they subconsciously felt worried when they thought that something might happen to that beautiful mermaid. This was a kind of subconscious protection for beautiful things. Vivian came over and said directly after hearing Su You's words: "I don't know if you left voluntarily or not. Anyway, I didn't find any traces of fighting, struggle, or blood in the forbidden area."

Gong Yu: "But this does not mean that she is safe. It is possible that the bad guys just took her away directly and did not choose to harm her here."

Gong Yu likes nice voices, and mermaids can be said to be his 'ideal type', so he likes mermaids, so the worry he shows is better than others.

"Let's go to the exit passage to see if there are any clues." Now that Miriel was suspected of having an accident, Su You definitely couldn't remain indifferent, so she immediately led people to the only passage out of here.

It is also complicated to say that the way out here is also sealed by the formation. This is also the reason why Su You and the others did not leave the forbidden area quickly, because it took a lot of time to crack the formation.

Now that the formation has been cracked, they can go out at will. When they came to the exit, someone keenly noticed that there seemed to be traces of biological movements on the ground.

"Look at this mark... it seems like it was left by a mermaid?" Rather than saying that the mark was left by a mermaid, it is better to say that this mark was caused by the tail. After all, the footprints are just one step at a time, but this mark is a continuous long strip.

Murlocs have no tails. They are half human and half fish, but their lower body moves with legs. Only Murlocs have tails.

However, fishmen can choose to turn the fish tail into legs, but they are not used to it, so they generally do not do that, especially in the water, where the fish tail is obviously more suitable for them to move than legs.

"So it's really possible that she left on her own." Ning Shi thought for a while and said.

Duoya added: "It is true that she left by herself, but it is also possible that the person who took her away was also a mermaid, or a fake mermaid."

The fake mermaid also has a 'tail'. Although it is a fake tail, the shape is still there and it can also leave traces.

Although Luya didn't know who Miriel they were talking about, it didn't affect her judgment from the words that Miriel was a mermaid, and a mermaid with limited mobility. Now that the mermaid was gone, it was more likely than she suspected. She left on her own initiative, and they even suspected that she was taken away by someone.

"Yuyi, who is Miriel? Can you tell me?" Luya is very curious about the mermaid Miriel, not only because she is missing now, but more importantly, their words and deeds let Luya know one more thing, That is, when they came to the forbidden area, this Miriel was already in the forbidden area.

How is it possible that a mermaid can directly break into the forbidden area?

This is obviously not normal!

Suyou thought for a while, perhaps thinking that Luya would know about it sooner or later, so she did not hide Miriel's story, but when telling it, she did not mention Keyena's name, which meant that the queen was hidden. In the scenes in the story, she is only described as an unknown mermaid.

However, there was one thing that Suyou didn't hide, and that was the matter of the son of Shuangzhu.

"The Son of Two Beads? Does this really exist?!" Luya was originally worried about the safety of this mermaid who was also a mermaid and had difficulty moving. However, after hearing about the Son of Two Beads, her attention was subconsciously diverted. .

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