Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 696 696 Familiar Names

Su You: "It does exist. I asked the fifth elder and she admitted it."

During their conversation, others were not idle either. They were still looking for traces of Miriel.

They held on to a glimmer of hope, hoping that Miriel left on her own. In this way, due to her limited mobility, she should not be able to leave too far away, and they would still have a chance to find her.

But now the mermaid clan is in chaos. Although the destroyed barrier was quickly re-opened, the mermaids and dark creatures still broke in. Now it is unsafe anywhere outside, so if we don't find Millie as soon as possible, Then she is still in danger.

But if she didn't leave on her own, but was taken away... To be honest, Su You thought that the possibility of them finding Miriel again was very low.

Just as they were searching anxiously, they heard some noise coming from the passage ahead. Su You thought the noise was familiar, but before she could react, Luya next to her guessed the source of the sound.

"Isn't this the sound of the mermaid moving? Yuyi, do you think this is the Miriel you are looking for?" Because the sound of the other party's movement was not far away from them, Luya lowered her voice when speaking. I was afraid that the other party would hear my voice, which would be bad if it scared them away.

The more Su You listened, the more she felt that Lu Ya was right, so she shouted directly: "Miriel, is that you?"

The sound of action paused for a second, and then they heard Miriel's voice of surprise.

"Humans? Is that you?" As Miriel's voice sounded, everyone quickly walked towards the source of the sound. In just ten seconds, they saw the familiar and beautiful mermaid.

She was still the same as when she left, her eyes unfocused. Because she couldn't see, the whole mermaid basically moved tightly against the wall. There was no trace of injury on her whole body.

Seeing her like this, Duo Ya and Ning Shi quickly stepped forward to help support her, while Su You asked where Miriel had gone.

"Ever since you left, I have always been able to hear all kinds of strange sounds in the forbidden area. My hearing is keen, but the strange thing is that I can't hear where the sound comes from, but I can be sure that in the forbidden area, I'm the only one..." A seemingly ordinary narration made everyone's hair stand on end.

Put yourself in their shoes, if they are blind and unable to see, and stay alone in one place, it would be fine if the place was quiet. At most, they would be a little bored and lonely alone, but if they could hear some sounds around them, no matter what they were. , this will definitely make people jump three feet high and want to escape from here immediately.

The unknown itself is the biggest fear, not to mention that because of her eye problems, Miriel is far more unknown about the world than other creatures.

"I'm a little scared. I remember the way you left, so I also want to try to leave, but it seems that I still overestimated myself..." Miriel smiled bitterly.

Although the forbidden area is not small, it is still the place where she has lived for several years. Even if she cannot see it, she can move freely here.

But once she goes out, even though it is the mermaid tribe outside, which is her former home, it is still very strange to Miriel who has been isolated from the world for so many years.

Although Millie did not express too many intense emotions, she still easily aroused everyone's inner emotions, including sympathy, pity, and regret... But after knowing that Millie was not kidnapped, everyone was relieved. Su You looked at Miriel and suddenly asked: "Do you want to go out? It just so happens that I came in this time to ask you. If you want, we can take you out."

Miriel hesitated for a moment, as if she was about to shake her head and refuse, but before she could make a move, she was frightened by Su You's next words.

"Maybe you want to stay, but after all, this is not a suitable place to live, especially since the pollution we cleaned up before has damaged the soil in the forbidden area too much. If you stay here for a long time, it will not be good for your health." It used to be It's fine as long as no one knows about her existence, but now that she has been discovered, she must be taken out.

So Su You's words seemed like questions, but they didn't give Miriel any room to choose.

Luya looked at the fragile mermaid in front of her, feeling a trace of concern and sympathy for her fellow humans.

"Hello, my name is Luya, and I am also a mermaid. If you are worried that you will not be able to live a normal life after leaving here, I can help." It is indeed the most appropriate time for Luya to speak at this time. After all, she is the only one here besides Miriel. The only other mermaid.

Su You could only take Miriel out, but he could not give her a guarantee of life. After all, they would leave the mermaid tribe when the matter was over.

But Luya is different. Even if she is just an ordinary mermaid, it is more convenient for her to take care of Miriel than them. Not to mention that she is a mermaid princess. With the superior conditions around her, it is easier to raise another person.

"Luya?" Miriel whispered the name again, her dull pupils flickering with a faint light.

However, no one noticed this scene, because they all knew about Milliel's eye defects, so they would not keep staring at her eyes. Even though Milliel herself did not know, most people would not do this. A discourteous behavior.

"Have you heard my name?" Luya couldn't help but ask after seeing her like this.

But obviously, Miriel didn't know, because her 'death' was earlier than Luya's birth, so even if Luya was a mermaid princess, Miriel shouldn't know this name.

"I don't know him, I just feel a little familiar. It seems that I have a friend who likes this name very much... She said that if she has a child, she will definitely give her this name." What Miriel said made Luya a little bit He was confused, but Su You obviously understood the meaning of this sentence.

The friend Miriel refers to is Keyena, and Keyena is Luya's mother. She probably had conversations with Miriel about related topics when she was young, and she mentioned that the word 'Luya' has not yet been used. His name has been remembered by Millie to this day.

Because she didn’t want to expose Keyena’s affairs in front of Luya just yet, and Suyou also wanted to resolve Miriel’s affairs quickly and persuade her to leave, so she told her identity before Luya could react. Millie.

"You may think her name is familiar because she is a mermaid princess." Su You kept silent about the queen, but she knew that Miriel should be able to understand.

"Princess?" Miriel's thoughts paused for a few seconds, and then she became a little surprised and pleasantly surprised: "So she is..."

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