Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 697 697 Space Transfer Formation

"It turns out that Suyou was invited to the mermaid clan by the mermaid princess. No wonder, I asked how other ordinary mermaids could have this ability."

Miriel's original words should have been 'So she is Ana's child', but she seemed to have sensed Luya's confusion and Su You's deliberate concealment, so she changed the subject and stopped mentioning it.

Although I didn't mention it, the excitement in my heart did not dissipate at all. After all, this is Ana's child...

Seeing that she had understood what he meant, Su You immediately responded: "Yes, Luya is the first friend I met in the mermaid tribe... Luya saved us when we first met, but we can do this Let’s talk about it after we get out.”

Luya felt that Miriel's words were a bit misleading, but Suyou had already started chatting with Miriel, so she couldn't interrupt midway and could only stare at Miriel from time to time. Eye.

"In this case, please take care of me." After knowing that Luya was Keyena's child, Miriel readily agreed to follow them out, but before going out, Su You still needed to find out what she had just discovered in the forbidden area. Another formation was cracked.

"Millie, we just found another formation in the forbidden area. I need your help to crack this formation." Su You brought Millie to the formation. Others, including Luya, They all followed.

Miriel almost didn't hesitate and directly agreed to help: "Suyou, tell me, how do you need me to help you?"

"I need your blood."



Miriel seemed a little strange about the fact that blood was needed to break the formation, but she did not doubt Su You. She decisively stretched out one of her hands, and the other hand grew a mermaid. She scratched lightly with the sharp nails that only appeared in the past, and the tip of the outstretched finger got a cut, and a drop of blood spilled out.

"Is it enough?" Miriel seemed to feel no pain at all, or it really wasn't painful at all. After all, the wound was not as wide as the width of a fingertip. With the mermaid's recovery ability, I'm afraid there won't even be any traces in a few minutes. .

"That's enough." Su You dripped blood onto the formation, then glanced at Vivian, who casually recited a magic spell, and the wound on Miriel's hand disappeared instantly.

At the same time, the formation that originally exuded golden light was instantly dyed red just because of this drop of blood. The original golden light was no longer there, and only a bright red was visible to the eyes.

"This is..." Someone wanted to ask what was going on, but before they could speak, they watched the color of the formation gradually dim, and then changed from bright red to dull gray.

The difference from before is that when the formation was cracked before, the formation would disappear completely, but this time the formation did not disappear, but only the color changed.

Someone asked the reason, and Su You quickly gave the answer.

“Because before, it was not so much about breaking the formation, but actually using violent means to crack it. But this time, we have the key to close the formation, so we can make it ineffective without destroying the formation. "This formation is only ineffective, not destroyed, so it naturally exists.

After hearing Su You's explanation, some people glanced at Miriel subconsciously, because they all guessed that the 'key' in Su You's mouth should be her, or her blood.

Miriel couldn't see what was going on, but she could guess that there seemed to be something special about her blood, which made her a little nervous.

"Now that the formation is disabled, let's go in and take a look." Su You directly made arrangements without giving them a chance to observe Miriel. After the formation failed, an entrance appeared on the ground where the formation was painted. This was obviously what the formation was hiding.

Following Su You's arrangement, they entered the small entrance one by one. At first, the entrance was a staircase going down, but within a few minutes of walking, the stairs turned into flat ground. After a few minutes, they I saw that the flat land in front of me turned into an upward staircase.

The route below looks like an inverted trapezoid, but there are more stairs going up than there are going down, and the route is longer, so they can easily guess that the final destination should be in the 'forbidden land' above.

"We seem to have arrived." The two people walking at the front shouted in surprise, "We see an exit ahead."

Everyone speeded up in surprise. When they came out of the exit and saw what was outside the exit, everyone froze on the spot.

"Oh my God! Am I right? This is a forbidden area?"

"Why are we back again? Could it be that the passage we just walked through is actually a circle?"

"No, this is not a forbidden area... No, it should be said that this is not the forbidden area we just went to. Look over there, there is no exit for us over there."


It can also be heard from their words that they have returned to the 'forbidden land'.

To be precise, they should have arrived at another forbidden area.

The reason why it is said to be another one, not the original one, is that many people have actually discovered that this forbidden area not only has no entrance to the underground stairs of the water prison, but also no exit from where they left before.

The most important thing is that there is no change in the place where they originally dealt with the pollution. The soil here is clean and has not been affected in any way.

"Why is there still a forbidden area..." Luya was extremely shocked. Obviously, she also recognized this place as a 'forbidden area', but unlike them, they recognized this place as a forbidden area based on the appearance of the environment. But Luya recognized this place as a forbidden area because she also felt the energy of countless shark beads here.

Miriel didn't know that they had arrived at a new place. For a moment, she had the same idea as the second person who spoke.

She was wondering if they had returned to the forbidden area again, but now she knew from other people's words that this was not the previous forbidden area, but the second forbidden area...

"Youyi, what is going on? You must know, right?" Luya's suspicion is justified, not only because of the conversation between Suyou and the fifth elder, but also when Suyou disables the formation. Her proficiency and calmness showed that she must have known something.

"Well, actually, your mermaid tribe has two forbidden areas..." Su You explained the speculation about the two forbidden areas, and then also explained the previous formation that could be disabled by Miriel's blood.

"That is actually a space transfer formation. This formation is of a very high level and cannot be accomplished by ordinary formation masters. Its function is to create a copy of a space and connect the two spaces to each other. This copy can be perfect Inherit all attributes of the original space.”

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