Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 698 698 Chronic Suicide

Attributes here include but are not limited to environment, size, and even everything in the space.

This is also why they feel that the two forbidden areas are basically the same, because one of them is a replica itself.

"So...have all those Shark Pearls been copied? This is impossible..." The Shark Pearls are obviously what Luya is most concerned about at the moment.

It wasn't that she didn't want the Shark Pearl to be copied, or that she wanted it to be copied. She just simply felt that given the special nature of the Shark Pearl, it shouldn't be easily copied.

According to Luya's guess, there are definitely thousands of shark beads in the forbidden area, not to mention a large number. After all, the mermaid tribe has a history of thousands of years.

The most important reason why shark beads are so sought after by humans is that they can be 'resurrected'.

Isn't this how Milliel was resurrected?

Since it is something that can resurrect a life, the energy contained in it must be unusual. No matter how difficult it is to arrange this formation, its value and energy are far from comparable to that of a shark bead, not to mention that there are thousands of copies of it here. A shark pearl!

If it was really that simple, the mermaid tribe wouldn't value the Shark Pearl so much.

This is not only a symbol of the life of their mermaid clan, but most importantly, every shark bead may become a trump card for the mermaid clan when they encounter crisis.

For example, the last barrier formation mentioned before requires a large amount of shark beads to support its operation. The 'large amount' here is likely to be all the shark beads in the forbidden area.

"Luya, you are right. The Shark Pearl cannot be copied, because the energy of the formation is only enough to copy a space. If you want to copy the Shark Pearl, even if you have to gather the energy of the leaders of the four major races, It's not even enough." Su You's words were definitely not an exaggeration.

Although the original owners of the Shark Beads are strong and weak, the mermaids are weak not because the Shark Beads have less energy, but because they cannot exert the power of their own Shark Beads. To put it more simply, they install high-level systems in on low-grade electronic equipment.

No matter how powerful the system is, it will not work because the equipment is too low-level.

What's more, the act of copying itself consumes energy, so if you need to copy one shark bead, you have to spend nearly the energy of two shark beads - half for copying, and the other half for condensation into shark beads.

After knowing that it was impossible to copy the shark beads, Luya did not relax because she felt that her feeling was right. She did find a large number of shark beads in two places. This was an indisputable fact.

Su You saw her confusion, so she continued to explain to her: "The person who arranged the formation also knew that it was impossible to copy the shark beads, and it was impossible to transfer the shark beads, but she needed the energy overflowing from these shark beads to do it. One thing, so it connects the two spaces together.”

To describe it in a very appropriate way, the Shark Pearl is located underground in the real forbidden area, but it is also located on the 'ceiling' of the copied fake forbidden area. After all, as mentioned before, their current location should be above the previous space. The two spaces are upstairs and downstairs.

So whether it was Luya or Miriel, the shark beads they felt in the replica forbidden land were actually the same shark beads from the real forbidden land. Although there was one more space, the shark beads were still the same batch.

With such a clear explanation, everyone understood.

After Luya figured it out, she asked in surprise: "If that's the case, then the pollution in the fake forbidden area shouldn't affect the real forbidden area, right?"

Su You nodded: "At least that's the case now. Because the source of pollution no longer exists, it is basically difficult for pollution to spread. There is no way for the contaminated soil below to come up." Unless they can 'fly', but this obviously doesn't work. Reasonable.

Hearing this, Luya breathed a sigh of relief.

But before she could completely relax, she suddenly thought of a question.

"Yuyi, do you know who set up this formation? And what's the matter with resurrection?" Luya finally caught the point. Su You was already prepared for her to ask this question, so she didn't panic at all.

"Do you remember the Son of Two Pearls I just mentioned? She arranged this formation." Su You didn't lie, she just didn't say who the Son of Two Pearls was.

Luya was obviously very interested in the identity of the son of twin beads, but seeing that Su You didn't tell her, she thought she didn't know either, so she didn't continue to ask.

"So that's it. The Son of Two Pearls is so powerful, so it's normal for her to be able to arrange this formation." Although there were big problems with what Su You said, Luya ignored these problems herself. .

"As for resurrection... the resurrected life is now in front of you." Su You was not prepared to hide the resurrection, otherwise she would not have told Lu Ya before, so since Lu Ya asked now, she also Just say it directly.

Luya's reaction was quick. He just thought about it for a few seconds, and then his eyes moved directly to Miriel next to him.

"Yes, the resurrected life is me." Although she couldn't see it, Miriel could still feel Luya's gaze, so he admitted it calmly.

Because she didn't know that the twin-beaded son was her mother, Luya felt very unbelievable and curious about the resurrection, but she didn't have any bad emotions because of it, nor did she doubt anything else. .

"Now that the mystery of the forbidden area has been solved, we can go back to find the Fifth Elder." Su You didn't plan to stay here any longer, mainly because the biggest secret here had been discovered by them, and there was no point in staying here. .

What she has to do now is to take Luya and Miriel back.

Everyone had no objection, so they took Miriel and prepared to return to find the fifth elder.



Not long after Suyou and the others left, the fishmen suddenly launched a very violent attack.

From top to bottom of the entire mermaid clan, many dark creatures suddenly appeared in every place and corner.

Because these dark creatures are hidden and move very fast, it can be said that they caught the mermaids by surprise.

Even though they thought they were fully prepared, many mermaids were still injured, and for a while, the entire mermaid tribe was in chaos.

In order to prevent the mermaid tribe from continuing to be in chaos, and to prevent other fake mermaids from taking advantage of the situation, several elders could only gather all the mermaids together.

However, although doing so can avoid being taken advantage of, it is also equivalent to actively giving up the opportunity to attack and turning to defense.

This may seem safe and sound, but if you don’t find a breakthrough opportunity later, you are undoubtedly committing suicide slowly!

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