They obviously couldn't have known this, but they did it anyway, apparently because they had no choice.

Now is night, which is the best time for dark creatures to take action. The mermaid tribe has no way to gain the upper hand at their advantageous time, not to mention the pollution brought by the dark creatures itself is a natural defeat for the mermaid tribe.

Therefore, the activity range of the mermaid tribe gradually narrowed. Because both the dark creatures and the fishmen felt that they did not dare to act easily, they were gradually compressing the mermaid tribe's activity space.

When the mermaid tribe retreated, they advanced. Although the speed was very slow, this change did exist.

All creatures know that as long as the mermaid clan takes a step back, it will be a dead end.

At this time, almost all the mermaids in the palace hall felt very desperate, because they all knew that the situation of the mermaid tribe was not very good at this time.

They recalled the failed sacrificial ceremony, and all of them were thinking about a question... Was it because the failed sacrificial ceremony angered Poseidon, so Poseidon punished them, and why they encountered this?

Or perhaps it could be said that Poseidon had already become dissatisfied with them, so yesterday's sacrifice failed.

But no matter which possibility it is, the final result is the same, that is, Poseidon abandons them.

A loyal believer is abandoned by God. This is the most unacceptable thing for any mermaid!

Several elders watched the tribe's momentum gradually slump, but they were powerless because they all knew that if they just couldn't defeat the enemy, then everyone would be far from that. The last thing they could accept was to be abandoned by the Poseidon...

After resting, he finally recovered. The great elder became increasingly silent as he watched the once prosperous mermaid tribe become what it is now.

Originally he was a majestic and dignified elder. Although everyone was afraid of him and feared him, they also respected him.

But now it looks like he is a silent loner. No one knows what he is thinking, and no one can learn anything from his mouth.

The fifth elder on the side couldn't help but frown while watching this scene. She seemed to want to say something, but she heard someone calling her. When she turned around, she saw that the person calling her was the fourth princess.

"Fifth Elder, do you know where Xiaoya is? I've searched everywhere but I can't see her!" The fourth princess didn't know that Luya followed Suyou to the forbidden area, so when she searched almost the entire mermaid clan , but still didn’t find Luya’s whereabouts, it was absolutely impossible to say that she wasn’t worried.

She was so worried now that she wanted to leave the protective circle immediately and search through the entire mermaid clan again.

But when she was about to do so, she was stopped by the third princess. The third princess asked her to ask the fifth elder first, so she came.

"The sixth princess is safe, the fourth princess doesn't have to worry." The fifth elder looked back when he said this, and it was at this glance that she saw that the elder who was supposed to be sitting behind her had disappeared.

The fifth elder sat up suddenly. The fourth princess was startled by her sudden move, and then she quickly asked: "Fifth elder, what happened? Did something happen to Xiaoya?"

The fifth elder took a few seconds to calm down, and then replied: "No, no, Xiaoya is with that human being, and that human being will protect her."

The fourth princess frowned slightly, not seeming to fully understand the fifth elder's trust.

But since the fifth elder said so, she was too embarrassed to refute, and she had to admit that those humans were indeed powerful. At least she was rescued by them. Otherwise, she, the third princess, and the fifth prince would not know it now. What will be the outcome?

After knowing that Luya was not in danger, the fourth princess was very concerned about the fifth elder's reaction just now. She turned around and walked away in a hurry after seeing the fifth elder saying those words to her. After hesitation, she also followed.

As soon as she got closer, she heard the anxious voice of the fifth elder.

"Are you sure you didn't see where the great elder went?" The fifth elder never thought that the great elder would disappear just as he turned around. The most terrifying thing is that she asked several mermaids here, but they didn't know where the great elder had gone.

It's like the whole person evaporated out of thin air!

"Sorry, Fifth Elder, we have failed in our duty. We really don't know where the Great Elder has gone." The mermaid guard who was questioned lowered his head in shame, not daring to look directly at the Fifth Elder.

"This is not your problem. If he really deliberately wants to avoid you, you really won't be able to find it..." After the impulsive anxiety, the fifth elder calmed down. She knew clearly that this was not the fault of these mermaids in front of her. question.

Although the great elder's current condition is indeed not very good, it is more than enough to fool these mermaid guards.

"Fifth Elder, is it the First Elder who is missing?" The fourth princess didn't care to think about the quality of her behavior just now. She walked directly to the Fifth Elder and asked about the situation.

The fifth elder obviously didn't care, and she nodded with a heavy face: "I just kept noticing something was wrong with the great elder, so I kept staring at him here, but I didn't expect to let him run away."

As for what the Great Elder went to do, the Fifth Elder didn't know exactly, but she could roughly guess something...



At this moment, on the altar prepared by the Mermaid Tribe for the sacrificial ceremony, the Great Elder, who had disappeared without the Five Elders noticing, appeared here.

He knelt on the altar devoutly and kept uttering words that were close to confession.

"It's me who is stubborn and doesn't know how to adapt, forcing your favorite child to do things that go against his will..."

"I was deaf, blind, and misidentified the correct king. I knew the truth of everything, but chose to conceal it for my own obsession. In the end, I let an incompetent person lead the mermaid tribe to its end step by step..."


"By God of Poseidon...this is all my fault. Please let Pavek bear the responsibility alone."

Pavik is the name of the great elder.

Ever since he became the Great Elder, his name seems to have become 'Great Elder'. Even the Mermaid King, the highest-ranking member of the Mermaid Tribe, must respect him. No one has ever dared to call him by his first name.

But in front of Poseidon, he was just a believer who made mistakes.

What great elder?

He's just Pavek!

I don’t know how long he knelt in front of the altar to repent, but the originally quiet surroundings gradually began to become restless.

If there is a second person at the scene at this time, then you will find that at some point, the fish people and dark creatures have surrounded the altar.

The great elder located in the middle of the altar is simply equivalent to a turtle in a urn!

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