Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 700 700 Deaf and Blind

Not to mention that he is currently weak, even when his strength is intact, he may not be able to deal with so many enemies at once.

However, the Great Elder did not feel scared at all. Even when others saw his actions, they couldn't help but wonder whether he knew he was in danger.

The Great Elder was indifferent to everything that was happening around him, but the fish and dark creatures around him would not be slaughtered like him.

After they made sure again and again that there were no mermaid traps around, and that this was not a performance by the mermaids, let alone a trap by the mermaids, they changed from being cautious to a ferocious look.

They sprinted towards the great elder. Just when they were about to approach the great elder... to be precise, when they were about to approach the altar where the great elder was, all the fish people and dark creatures were shaken by an inexplicable wave. The force repels.

They fell hard to the ground, looking horrified.

Although none of them suffered any substantial damage, the inexplicable energy that could repel them still made all the fish and dark creatures feel fear.

"What are you doing standing still? This is just the mermaid's bluff!"

"Our victory is ahead! As long as we can destroy the mermaid tribe today, we can take the mermaid tribe's place on this continent! From now on, there will no longer be mermaid tribe in this world, but only the mermaid tribe!"

"He is the great elder of the mermaid tribe. As long as we kill this mermaid, as long as he dies, the mermaid tribe will be leaderless! The current mermaid king is just a waste under our control!"


As a few bewitching sounds sounded, the fishman who was originally scared and flinched from what had just happened regained his courage.

Because they really don’t want to continue living in hiding!

Obviously everyone is a creature in the ocean, so why can the mermaid clan be favored by the sea god! Just be in awe of all the sea creatures! You can become the ocean elf that other races call you!

They want to replace the mermaid clan...replace the mermaid clan!

For a moment, all the fishmen had only these five words left in their heads. They struggled to get up from the ground, and then continued to attack the great elder.

They thought they might be repelled again, but what they didn't expect was that unlike the last time, this time they climbed up the altar easily and came to the great elder's side unimpeded.

A fishman looked at the seemingly attackless mermaid so close and smiled excitedly. This smile looked particularly terrifying on his gray and scaled face.

"Kill him! The mermaid clan will be destroyed!" As the words fell, the murloc closest to the great elder had already dropped his sharp claws, aiming directly at the very fragile neck of any creature.

As the claws fell, the fishmen let out an excited scream, and all the fishmen were cheering for the upcoming victory. But at the critical moment when the claws were about to pierce the fragile throat, the owner of the claws suddenly Fall to the ground.

Obviously, the fish-man who wanted to kill the Great Elder was killed instead, and the person who killed it did not seem to be the Great Elder, because the Great Elder still maintained his original posture at this time.

He was just as "deaf and blind" as he confessed, completely unaware of everything happening in the outside world. But even though they knew that the murderer of this murloc was not the Great Elder, they still subconsciously chose to stay away from the Great Elder. They turned around and ran away faster than they had rushed to attack the Great Elder before.

Obviously, although they also want to kill the great elder and replace the mermaid clan, they care more about their own lives.

What's the point of everything they gained if they lost their lives?

They don’t want to use their lives to contribute to other people’s future happy lives!

As these fishmen retreated, other creatures did not dare to move forward after seeing them.

But just because they don't dare doesn't mean that all creatures don't dare. At least dark creatures that don't have thinking, don't know what death is, and don't really die, don't feel afraid.

They were still approaching the Great Elder step by step. The fishmen watched their actions and were ecstatic in their hearts, because they all wanted the Great Elder to die, but they did not dare to do it themselves. Now someone would do it on their behalf. This was simply the best!

Although they expected the dark creature to kill the great elder quickly, they were also a little scared, because what had just happened seemed to indicate that the mermaid in front of them did not seem to be a mermaid waiting to die as they thought.

They couldn't help but start to wonder if all this was a conspiracy of the mermaid clan, and this great elder was just a bait to lure them into being fooled.

Just as they were thinking, the dark creature had already approached the motionless mermaid. All the murlocs couldn't help but hold their breath, staring at the scene in front of them with excitement.

"Kill him!" One of the fish-men couldn't help shouting subconsciously.

I don’t know if the dark creatures heard his voice, or it was just a coincidence. After he said these words, a group of dark creatures pounced directly, and the target was obviously the great elder in the center of the altar.

Unlike the previous fish-man, these dark creatures' attacks were surprisingly smooth.

Not only did they successfully touch the great elder, but they also snaked their way up the great elder's body like unwilling snakes.

In just a few seconds, the great elder's body was already covered with a thick layer of black sticky substance. After a while, everyone could only see an unidentified black object with the shape of a person kneeling on the altar. middle.

"Is he dead?" A fishman couldn't help but ask.

"Definitely dead! No creature can escape the energy absorption of dark creatures!" Everyone knows that the most common attack method of dark creatures is to contaminate other creatures.

But in addition, they have another way to make other creatures lose their vitality, which is to absorb the vitality of other creatures for their own use.

Doing so can not only directly kill their absorption targets, but also strengthen themselves. If it weren't for the fact that doing so is too time-consuming, then the dark creatures will only become stronger and stronger.

"Now that he is dead, can we just go and capture the other mermaids!"

"The most powerful mermaid among the mermaids is dead. No one can stop us from replacing the mermaids!"

As these two words rang out, all the fishmen picked up their weapons and walked proudly towards the palace hall.

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