Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 701 701 Feeling honored

But just when they were about to leave here, they found that their exit was blocked, and the person blocking their exit was also a mermaid. Because this person also had his back to them, they didn't know what this mermaid looked like. What does it look like.

Before they could realize who this mermaid was, they saw the mermaid throw something onto the ground. The next second, all the murlocs found that the flat road under their feet turned into a pit like a swamp!

The characteristic of swamps is that the more they struggle, the deeper they sink. However, they did not realize what was under their feet at first, so when they fell in, their subconscious reaction was to start struggling. So not surprisingly, all of them Everyone is stuck in the quagmire.

The culprit who caused them to become what they are now slowly turned around, revealing a very ordinary face among the mermaid tribe.

"I didn't expect to meet again. I remember what I said before, you must not have any ideas about the mermaid clan, otherwise I will definitely not let you go." The mermaid walked towards the fishman who was stuck in the quagmire. While still on the road, he found a fishman who was about to struggle out of the swamp, and he pressed his tail back again.

If it weren't for the inappropriate atmosphere at this time and Su You not being present, this scene would actually be quite funny, because it's like whack-a-mole, where he'll be beaten back into the hole as soon as he shows up.

"Who are you?! What do you want to do!" The leader of the fishmen saw her approaching him, and he was so frightened that he wanted to get into the swamp.

But what is different from other fishmen is that if they want to come out, this mermaid will push them back. But he clearly wanted to go in and hide himself, but he was dragged out by this mermaid like a chicken.

"Who am I? It's only been more than ten years, why have you forgotten?" The mermaid smiled and shook the 'little chicken' hanging on her hand. Obviously she was not as tall as this fish-man, but because This fish-man huddled up in a ball in fear, which made her look very tall.

"More than ten years..." The fish-man was choked. For a moment, he didn't know whether to think about who this mermaid was, or whether he should complain about the phrase "no more than ten years."

But soon, he seemed to have thought of something. His eyes widened and he stared straight at the mermaid in front of him. His eyes were so hard that he seemed to want to kill her and someone in his memory who could single-handedly defeat them. The falling flowers and flowing water are connected together.

"Remember?" Looking at his expression, the merman knew that he must have remembered what happened back then.

" are the king...queen!" The fish-man trembled, revealing the true identity of the mermaid in front of him, but soon he frantically began to deny his results.

"No! That's not right! You can't be the queen, the queen is dead!" The fish-man shook his head crazily, obviously looking a little scary and crazy, but because of the state in which he was picked up at this time, it looked a little weird and funny.

But at this moment, he obviously didn't care much about whether he looked funny or not. He only had eyes for this mermaid who brought him endless fear!

If Suyou was present at this time, or if there were other mermaids present, then you would be able to guess her identity through the words of the fishman leader... She is the queen, Keyena!

Keyena seemed very satisfied that he recognized her. She threw the fish-man leader as easily as a ball, and showed a satisfied smile when the ball fell into the swamp.

But soon, her attention was attracted by the situation on the altar.

Keyena looked at the kneeling black unknown object, and the smile on her face faded a lot.

Even people who didn't know her could tell that she obviously didn't have a good impression of the man on the altar.

But even so, Keyena still slowly came to the great elder's side. Her movements were not gentle, she could even be considered violent and she started tearing apart the dark creatures on the great elder's body.

The dark creatures were very happy lying on the Great Elder's body to absorb his energy, but suddenly someone came to disturb them. This naturally aroused their dissatisfaction, so some of the dark creatures were tearing them apart while Keyena was tearing them apart. Follow Keyena's hand and prepare to climb up. If Keyena was just an ordinary person with little fighting ability at this time, her fate would be exactly the same as that of the Great Elder.

But it was obvious that her combat effectiveness, which could deal with so many fishmen at once, was still the same as before.

Although it took some time, Keyena successfully pulled off all the leech-like dark creatures attached to the great elder.

However, these torn-off dark creatures are not dead after all, so they still tenaciously want to climb onto the great elder's body, and some of the brave ones even want to climb onto Keyena directly.

"What a troublesome dirty thing..." Keyena sighed in distress.

Although she is no longer afraid of these dark creatures, she also does not have the means to kill them. All she can do now is to catch all these dark creatures like slimes and knead them like plasticine. of tuanba tuanba and throw them aside.

After finishing dealing with the dark creatures, she stared at the great elder for a few seconds, but in the end she didn't care about this person who didn't know life or death.

Anyway, with her own character, she was able to save this man's life after he did something like that. This is because he has protected the mermaid tribe over the years and given his children a stable space to grow... …

Once today's incident is over, she and they will no longer be considered members of the clan, so there will naturally be no other entanglements left.

"That human being is so powerful... If it weren't for her, I'm afraid I would be in trouble..." After doing all this, Keyena was about to leave. As she left, she couldn't help but murmur to herself.

"I am truly honored to receive your praise."

The sudden sound made Keyena pause. She was stunned for a moment and looked in the direction of the source of the sound, only to see an unexpected person.

To be precise, in her plan, she should be the only one here at this time. The appearance of the Great Elder was already unexpected, but considering what he had done, Keyena was not surprised that he would came here.


"Miss Su, why are you here?"

Su You looked at the familiar mermaid in front of her, and her inner guess was successfully confirmed.

Su You: "Perhaps I should ask you this question, Hongsi...or Her Royal Highness, why are you here?"

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