Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 702 Chapter 702 Revealing Identity

As early as she guessed that Keyena was not dead, and also thought that what happened to the mermaid clan had a third party involved, she had already guessed Keyena's disguised identity - that is, she had always been with Luya. 'Hongsi' has been with her since childhood!

It is very simple to have this guess, because only this mermaid always appears in every key place of the entire incident.

She appears from time to time but is easily overlooked.

She seemed unimportant, but she provided Su You with a lot of information.

Moreover, she is also the only mermaid so far, apart from the five elders, who has the deepest connection with the queen.

In addition, 'Hongsi''s identity also meets many conditions that facilitate her actions.

For example, she is a child adopted by the queen and a person close to the queen, so only the queen knows her details, and no one else can doubt the authenticity of her identity.

Although she does not have high power in the palace, because she is a child adopted by the queen, and because she is a close confidant of Luya, almost no one dares to provoke her.

Under these conditions, she has enough freedom to travel almost unimpeded in the palace without suspicion. Moreover, she can also use this identity to obtain a lot of other information in the palace, and she can also do many things...

The only one who can meet these conditions at the same time is Hongsi.

Su You didn't know whether the person 'Hongsi' really existed, but at least the real name of the mermaid in front of her was definitely not Hongsi, because she was the former queen of the mermaid tribe, Keyena.

Facing Su You's ruthless revelation of her identity, Keyena was not annoyed. She just hesitated, but the hesitation lasted only a few seconds.

"You are indeed as smart as I imagined." In the end, Keyena did not waste her energy on this unnecessary concealment of identity.

"Suyou is very grateful to receive two compliments from you, the queen." Suyou's words made Keyena feel helpless.

She had never seen anything like this... It couldn't be said that she was being cheeky, because she could tell that Su You did it on purpose.

It's just that Keyena has never seen anyone like Su You. Perhaps this is related to the fact that she only had a short life of more than 20 years.

"The Mermaid Queen is dead. I hope to hear the name Keyena from your mouth." After Keyena finished saying this, Su You called out her name in cooperation, which made her think again. Somewhat speechless.

After a while, Keyena asked: "So what do you want to do now? Tell other mermaids my identity?"

Keyena didn't know why Su You appeared here at this time, just like she didn't know why Su You appeared here at this time.

"No, since you don't want them to know that you are still alive, why should I tell you?" Su You has always been very clear that her goal is to help the mermaid tribe survive this crisis. Everything else has to do with her. If it affects her own goals, she may be able to do whatever she wants.

For example, right now, she can tell other mermaids that your queen is still alive, or she can tell Luya that your mother is still alive, but she will not do so because it is not necessary, and Keyena does not want this, otherwise she There is no need to hide like this.

"Compared to this, I still want to know, what exactly do you want to do? Why do you do this? What have you already done?" Although Su You had already guessed that Keyena had probably designed a trap for the fishman to jump, but this trap She didn't know the specific situation. She was also curious about why Keyena was not dead, and why she knew that the fishmen were going to attack the mermaids and prepared for it in advance.

"Miss Su really has a lot of problems." Although Keyena said this, she didn't mean to be impatient at all. It was just that she looked in the direction behind Su You, and the inappropriate expression on her face suddenly disappeared.

Seeing this, Su You seemed to have thought of something. When she looked back, she saw the fifth elder, the fourth princess, Luya and Duoya who had come to find the great elder.

"Miss Su, why are you here?" When the fifth elder saw Su You for the first time, he even forgot the purpose of his trip and subconsciously asked the same question as Keyena.

Since Su You came here, she was already prepared to be caught, so she calmly gave out the excuse she had prepared long ago.

"I saw a lot of murlocs and dark creatures coming in this direction, so I'm going to come over first to see the situation and ask them to inform you." The 'them' in Su You's mouth must be referring to the ones she brought. of other people.

Although this sentence still sounds like there are many loopholes, the fifth elders and the others have no time to care about it at this time, because they are all stunned by the scene behind Su You.

Countless fishmen were trapped in the swamp, unable to move, and all the originally flat roads turned into swamps.

They were all curious as to why this place became what it is now, even though it was not like this before.

At first, they still suspected that this was the work of the murlocs, but when they saw that the murlocs had become victims, they could only dispel this suspicion, because it could not be the murlocs who dug the hole, but in the end they themselves Jumped down...then this is too stupid.

"Miss Su, do you know what happened here? Why did it become like this?" The fifth elder came back to his senses and asked Su You in a very complicated tone.

In their opinion, if the scene here was not made by the fish-men, then it was most likely caused by Su You. After all, she was the first person to arrive here besides the fish-men.

Su You was still wondering why they didn't suspect Hong Si, but when she turned around, she found that the mermaid standing behind her had disappeared at some point.

Su You: "..."

I also knew that Keyena must have slipped away while no one was paying attention. Otherwise, if she appeared here at this time, it would be more difficult to explain the reason than Su You.

Everyone had already run away, and Su You could only sigh, and then put all the blame on the fish man.

"I don't know why this place is like this. When I came here, these murlocs had already fallen into the swamp." Su You said nonsense without changing his expression.

"Then why did this place become a swamp?" The fourth princess really couldn't understand. Not only her, but others also couldn't figure out what happened.

"Perhaps this may be a trap set by the fishmen... I thought so at first. I personally think they did this to attract you. When you relax your vigilance, they will attack you again."

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