Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 703 Chapter 703 Why bother to explore?

"But I watched in the dark for a long time, and none of them struggled out of the swamp. I was thinking that they might have been stupid and accidentally fell into their own trap, and now they can't get out."

Su You knew that the reason she gave was actually a bit ridiculous. Not to mention that others didn't believe it, even she herself didn't believe it.

But there was nothing that could be done about it. Who made the culprit who caused all this run so fast? After finding someone coming here, he sneaked away without reminding her, leaving her to face all this alone.

Fortunately, although the reason she was looking for was very false, no one had the intention to pay attention to it now, because the great elder who had been in a state of half-death finally woke up.

Seeing him, the attention of the Fifth Elder and others were successfully diverted.

Afterwards, a group of them surrounded the great elder and asked him why he appeared here and whether he knew what happened here.

"...I have done something wrong. I am here to beg Poseidon to punish me and spare the mermaid tribe." The words of the great elder immediately silenced everyone.

But the mermaid's attention, which caused their silence, was attracted by the murlocs on the ground who were still struggling.

He approached one of the fish-men, squatted down and stretched out his hand. The fish-man seemed to be very afraid of him. Since seeing him approaching, he had forgotten to even struggle and just wanted to retreat.

"Big, big elder, let me go, I know I was wrong..." This fish-man was actually the one that Keyena had thrown around as a chicken before, so when he saw the big elder approaching, , the reaction was so intense, because he subconsciously felt that what he had just experienced was going to happen again.

However, the great elder obviously didn't have the intention to play a ball-throwing game with him. He came here just to ask a question.

"Did someone else come just now? Who was it?" Although it was a question, it was not in a questioning tone.

The fishman leader was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that he should have vaguely noticed the movement of Keyena when he sensed the chaos just now, but he couldn't confirm it, so he ran over and asked himself.

To be honest, the fishman leader actually wanted to tell him directly that Keyena was still alive, but then he thought about it and revealed that Keyena was still alive and it would not do him any good.

But if he told it and Keyena knew about it, then he would most likely be hunted down by that woman!

After figuring this out, the fishman leader immediately started to act stupid.

"What are you talking about, I don't know!"

Su You looked at the fish-man's poor acting skills and was speechless for a few seconds. Then she began to think, rather than letting the fish-man tell the truth about Keyena being alive, she might as well say it herself.

However, the development of the matter was beyond her expectation. The great elder seemed to believe what the fish-man said. After getting the answer, he stood up directly without even looking at him.

The fish-man leader was confused by this scene, and Su You didn't quite understand whether the great elder had discovered anything, or whether it was because he was so low on energy right now that he didn't even notice such a clumsy lie from this fish-man.

However, it is a good thing that the elder does not dwell on this matter, and it saves Su You from having to spend more effort making up stories.

"Catch all these mermaids. Others will check around to see if there are any fish that have slipped through the net. You must be careful when checking." Seeing that the great elder was okay, the fifth elder breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately ordered the other mermaids. Capture these enemies who have no ability to resist. "Fifth Elder, then I'm going to help." The fourth princess saw Luya next to Duaya and the others, and she felt relieved knowing that she was fine, so she volunteered to organize these mermaids to clean up the scene.

The fifth elder agreed, and then arranged for a few people to take the first elder to rest, while he turned his attention to Su You.

When Su You saw the fifth elder's expression, he knew what she should have reacted to. At least now she would be able to guess that she was lying just now.

"Miss Su, I have some questions I want to ask you privately." The Fifth Elder extended the invitation, and Su You accepted her invitation without hesitation.

But before that, the fifth elder arranged the things here first, and also asked a few fast mermaids to report to the third elder and the fourth elder, telling them that the fishman leader had been caught, and let them After dealing with the murlocs outside, come back and clean up the 'remaining garbage' in the palace, and interrogate the murloc leader.

As for the dark creatures at the scene, they were left to Ning Shi to deal with. Ning Shi happily accepted this opportunity to improve himself for free and get additional rewards.



"Miss Su, I can guess that everything that happened to those fish-men was not caused by themselves. No matter who helped the mermaid tribe catch those fish-men, the mermaid tribe will be very grateful to her..."

"But she doesn't need you to thank her." Su You knew that the fifth elder said so much just because he wanted to know who caused all this.

But since she told Keyena that she would not be exposed, she would definitely not be exposed. Anyway, the fifth elder would not do anything to her just because she didn't tell her.

Su You's direct words made the fifth elder a little confused about how to respond.

To put it bluntly, she still doesn’t understand Su You. Even if a normal person doesn’t want to say something, he won’t be so decisive. As long as he doesn’t say it to death, the Fifth Elder has room to persuade. But Su You is not a person who likes to be roundabout, so she Many topics were cut off directly, reducing the conversation time by half.

However, although she refused directly, she also slightly exposed some information about Keyena's identity.

"Since Miss Su said this, then the other party should know the mermaid clan and intend to help the mermaid clan, rather than helping accidentally." The Fifth Elder Council naturally has her own reasons for this conclusion, although she doesn't know How did she judge it, but her judgment was indeed correct.

Su You didn't want to continue this topic, and she was also worried about continuing it. With the fifth elder's intelligence, even if she didn't say anything, she would probably be able to follow the clues and come up with some clues.

The reason why they can't guess now is because this result is too unbelievable. After all, Keyena is a dead person in their understanding, and it is impossible for her to be alive now.

But because of Miriel's special situation, it was not difficult for the Fifth Elder to react.

"The fifth elder also knows that the other party intends to help you, so why go against her will and insist on exploring her identity?"

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