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Chapter 706 706 White Moonlight and Cinnabar Mole

But before leaving, she gave Su You something. Su You looked down and found that it was just a piece of paper with a short string of text written on it.

'As a thank you, I will give you a gift when I leave the mermaid tribe. '

Suyou destroyed the note while thinking about whether there was any other meaning in this short sentence.

Keyena probably wanted to express her gratitude not only for Suyou's help to the mermaid tribe, but also for Suyou's sincere treatment of Luya in the past few days and her many actions in protecting Luya.

This is what Keyena cares about most.

As for the gift when leaving, Suyou believed that the gift was secondary. The most important thing should be that Keyena would find a suitable opportunity to meet him and answer some questions for him.

With Keyena's answer, Su You was completely relieved. She waited quietly for Luya, and after she appeared, she went to tonight's banquet with her.


Less than three days after Su You came to the Mermaid Clan, she had already attended two banquets. The first was the Mermaid Clan's celebration banquet to thank them for their help.

As for this time, it is also a celebration banquet, but the object of thanks has become the elves, so this can also be regarded as a welcome banquet for the elves.

Somewhat unexpectedly, the person sitting at the head of tonight's banquet was not the Mermaid King or the Great Elder, but the Great Prince.

It's not that the eldest prince can't attend this banquet, but no one could have imagined that the Mermaid King would give up such a good opportunity to show off his status.

As for the Great Elder's absence from the banquet, although he seemed to have some disrespect for the elves who came from afar to help them, everyone knew about the Great Elder's health. For this reason, Anita even brought Elder Bai Kou, who has superb medical skills, to visit the Great Elder. Elder, so no one cares about this matter.

"Youyi! Are you curious about why my father didn't come at night?" Luya mysteriously came to Suyou with the information she had learned from the fifth elder.

"Well, I really want to know." Su You said cooperatively.

After hearing what she said, Luya smiled with satisfaction and did not continue to talk about it.

"I would also like to thank the elf princess, the fifth elder said. It seems that the elder beside her saw something wrong with her father at a glance, and then the father became suspicious of Mrs. Sang... There's a lot of commotion inside now, so he doesn't have time to come out and disturb us."

Because the favorability level was already at full level, Luya had no taboos about speaking in front of Su You, and she just said these words freely.

"So that's it..." Although that's what he said, Su You had some doubts about the authenticity of the matter.

However, this does not mean that Luya lied. She suspected that the fifth elder had slightly concealed some disgraceful details.

For example, the Mermaid King 'likes' Mrs. Sang so much and has liked her for such a long time. It is definitely impossible for him to doubt her just because of a foreigner's words. Even if the foreigner is an elder of the elves, this must still happen. Some other things happened, leading the Mermaid King to believe that there was something wrong with Mrs. Sang.

The fishman leader who was captured before also revealed all their plans, including that Mrs. Sang is one of theirs, and Mrs. Sang is actually the apprentice of the wizard who can use the human curse puppet, so Mrs. Sang is also a wizard. .

This can also explain why the Mermaid King behaves abnormally and strangely, because he is actually controlled, but not completely controlled. Since the Mermaid King was able to become the heir, his strength and methods must not be weak. The reason why he was bewitched by Mrs. Sang was mainly because he himself had a guilty conscience.

The Mermaid King did patrol the sea area as usual back then, but the news that he was out on patrol was deliberately released by himself, and when the fishmen attacked, the Third Elder also sent someone to send him a message, asking him to come back immediately.

He received the news and had time to come back, but he did not do so.

Therefore, Keyena's death is indeed inseparable from the Mermaid King. He is not the most direct murderer, but the mastermind behind it.

Because of this, after Keyena's death and when the fifth elders were suspicious, the Mermaid King could not sleep well at night. Whenever he closed his eyes every day, he could see Keyena asking him why he betrayed the mermaid clan.

It was at this moment that Mrs. Sang took advantage of the situation.

She first used witchcraft to hint at the Mermaid King, and then paralyzed the Mermaid King's nerves with her gentle and considerate image. Finally, when the Mermaid King thought she fell in love with her, Mrs. Sang made a fool of herself and disappeared.

Of course she had a reason for doing this.

When she was with the Mermaid King, Mrs. Sang discovered that the Mermaid King did have feelings for Keyena, but he still liked power more than feelings, so he betrayed Keyena for power without hesitation.

Because he couldn't get what he asked for, and because of guilt, Keyena became the white moonlight and cinnabar mole in his heart. The reason why Mrs. Sang disappeared for fun was to imitate Keyena, and then use this to replace Keyena in the heart of the Mermaid King. status, and then let herself become Bai Yueguang, the Mermaid King.

This disappearance lasted for several years. When they met again, it was the well-known version of the first meeting between the Mermaid King and Mrs. Sang - she was a poor mermaid who was tortured by her husband. The Mermaid King took her away because he felt sorry for her. Come back.

Among the many rumors that followed, one was indeed correct, that is, the Mermaid King did regard Mrs. Sang as a substitute.

In his eyes, Mrs. Sang is weak and can only know the dodder version of 'Keyena' that is attached to him. He enjoys the feeling of being surrounded by Mrs. Sang.

He attached his guilt towards Keyena to Mrs. Sang as a 'delicate flower' who needed to be protected, so that he couldn't bear to hear anyone say anything bad about Mrs. Sang.

Unfortunately, what he didn't know was that his seemingly innocent and fragile little white flower was actually a poisonous and thorny rose.

The greater the contrast, the greater the irritation the Mermaid King received, because he could not accept that the image of Mrs. Sang, the 'Keyena' who needed to be protected by him, was destroyed.

But this is the truth of everything, so it doesn't matter whether he accepts it or not.


This time the banquet went very smoothly, because the Mermaid King was making trouble with Mrs. Sang, so he naturally had no time to come over. Without him, this time the banquet seemed much smoother.

During the banquet, Anita seemed to want to come over to find her, but after all, he was different from Luya. Luya was not the only princess. She moved more freely, but as an elf, Anita As the leader of the clan's outing this time, she certainly cannot leave her seat easily.

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