Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 707 707 Delicate Overlord Flower

But by the time the banquet was over, I no longer had so many worries.

According to Su You's plan, she only planned to stay with the mermaid tribe for a maximum of five days. Today was already the third day, so she planned to take a rest and go directly to the water prison to solve the illusion copy early tomorrow morning.

After the dungeon ends, everything on the Mermaid Tribe's side will be truly settled.

At that time, whether she wanted to leave or stay to continue and explore other issues, that was okay.

After learning about the fantasy dungeon, Luya expressed great interest and wanted to play in this dungeon.

Su You's first reaction was definitely to refuse. Not to mention how dangerous the dungeon was, whether she could enter or not was still a question.

So far, she has never tried to bring non-territory residents and non-human creatures into the instance.

But according to her idea, Luya should not be able to enter, otherwise the difficulty of this copy will be greatly reduced. Even though Luya is not particularly strong, she is a mermaid princess after all. The most important thing is that she Still the blood of the Son of Two Pearls.

However, Luya was so tight that Su You had no way to deal with her, so she could only agree to ask the fifth elder first. If the fifth elder agreed, then Su You would take her there. Whether she could enter the dungeon would wait until then. Say it again.

"Thank you Youyi! Luya knows you are the best!" Luya happily gave Suyou a hug, and then happily took her hand to find the fifth elder.

Su You: "..." That's not what you just said.

Just now, Su You had revealed that he didn't want to take her into the fantasy dungeon. As a result, Luya looked abandoned and pitiful. Although Su You knew that she was pretending, she still couldn't help but feel a little soft-hearted, and then I had no choice but to agree.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Luya was a little worried that she regretted it, but since Su You had already agreed to the matter, she would never regret it, unless the dungeon wouldn't let her in, in which case Su You had nothing to do.

"Let's go and talk to the fifth elder about this matter." As soon as these words came out, Su You saw a trace of confusion on Lu Ya's face.

She added helplessly: "Don't forget, what I just said is that I will take you there only with the consent of the fifth elder." Now, it's good that she has probably forgotten about it and just regards it as her consent. It's time to go.

Suyou dragged Luya to find the fifth elder, and happened to meet the elf princess who was chatting with the fifth elder.

The matter of the fantasy copy was not a big secret, so Su You didn't hide it and told it directly in front of Anita.

Unexpectedly, after he finished speaking, it was not the fifth elder who spoke first, but Anita, who was also interested.

Anita: "Since Su You can take her with you, can you also take me with you?"

Su You: "?" Now it was Su You's turn to look at the confusing plot trend.

When the fifth elder heard the words "Dungeon of Illusion", he could guess how dangerous it was, so she subconsciously wanted to refuse, but after he heard Anita's words, his original idea changed.

"If the elf princess can also enter this illusion, then Xiaoya can't go." The fifth elder's idea is very simple. Children will have to fly when they grow up. The illusion is dangerous, but with Suyou, a special human being, Lu The probability of Ya encountering danger is low.

If the elf princess also goes, then nothing terrible will happen.

So the fifth elder succeeded in making Suyou enjoy the feeling of being surrounded by the two princesses' hot gazes with just one sentence. Su You: "..."

Facing this kind of offensive, even if Su You is hard-hearted, she may not be able to bear it, not to mention that she is not, and she was initially prepared to take Luya with her. In this case, taking one is taking, taking two They are also belts, and Luya and Anita are not bad at fighting.

Compared with other mermaids, Luya looks a little weaker, but compared with humans, she is a proper 'delicate overlord flower'.

Not to mention Anita, she alone can easily defeat more than a dozen people on Su You's side. If you really take her with you, Su You feels that they can all walk sideways in this copy of the fantasy world.

"Then let's go together." It wouldn't do any harm to him anyway. If Su You refused again, it would look like he was being taken advantage of and acted like a good boy.



When the next day came as agreed upon, Su You took his dozen or so people, and then the two princesses, directly to the water prison.

When they arrived at the water prison, the group looked at the ruin-like place and couldn't help but exchange glances with the people around them.

"This was done by the fishmen. They probably knew that there was a way to the forbidden land here, so they carried out a violent search for the water prison during the invasion yesterday." As the mermaid princess, Luya must have been the first to know. This news, so she told everyone about it.

"Are the fish-men so destructive?" One person couldn't help but ask.

Although the water prison had been destroyed by the formation before, only the internal structure of the water prison at that time had been changed.

But it's different now. Now the roof of the entire water prison has been lifted off, the walls have collapsed, and the ground is full of potholes.

If the area wasn't smaller, some people would believe that such a tragic scene was the battlefield of an ancient war.

"Their destructive power is indeed quite strong." Speaking of this, Luya felt a little distressed, because including her, the residences of other mermaids were also destroyed. Although it was definitely not the result of demolition like a water prison, it was similar to 'Dangerous house' is almost over.

Although building a house is not difficult for them, and the living conditions are not particularly high for mermaids, after all, this is the place where they have lived for more than ten years, and it is impossible to say that they are not reluctant to leave.

"Since they destroyed it, let them repair it." Su You said this casually, but the speaker did not mean it, but the listener did.

"Yuyi, you have a good idea. It just so happens that the elders and the others don't know what to do with those fishmen!" Luya had already thought about it. When she came out of the environment, she would tell the elders about it immediately.

"They are going to destroy you, but are you still prepared to let them live?" Although Anita is an elf princess, the grudge between the fish and the mermaid has always been an unsolved mystery in the entire continent, even she does not know.

Perhaps it was because she had a pleasant time with Luya just now, and Anita also liked this 'sister' who was younger than herself, so she didn't have so many scruples when speaking.

"I don't know about this, but the elders and the others do not seem to be planning to end their lives... However, they will definitely not live so easily."

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