Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 708 708 Exploring the Fantasy 1

The weakness of the Shark Pearl, the son of the twin beads, the secret of the forbidden area... There are indeed many secrets of the mermaid clan. Not only are there many, but few people know about it, not even the mermaid himself. So Luya’s answer is also Suyou’s. As expected.

"Let's not talk about this for now. The entrance to the illusion is here."

【Underwater Fantasy】

Difficulty: varies with the number of people, the lowest is ★, the highest is ★★★★☆

Number of people: no limit

Number of times you can escape: 1 (each time you leave consumes the number of times you can escape*1. When the number of escapes returns to 0, you can only escape by killing the boss or clearing the dungeon)

Introduction: This is an illusion that exists underwater. No one knows who created it, and no one knows how long it has existed. Everything in the illusion is virtual. In this, who can stick to the truth? Illusion... Illusion... This is an illusion...

(Note: Because this dungeon is in an underwater area and there is no barrier protection within the dungeon, there is a risk of drowning. Please prepare relevant props before entering.)


Because it is the entrance to the dungeon, the wall where the entrance is located has not been particularly severely damaged. The damage is only less than 20%, and these damages have not had any impact on this environment dungeon. What Su You is looking at now The information received is exactly the same as before.

Because they had already supplied supplies before coming here, and Su You had distributed all kinds of supplies, so when they arrived at the entrance, Su You opened the copy directly.

【Entering 'Underwater Fantasy'. 】

[Number of people in the copy: 21 people. 】

[The difficulty of the dungeon has been refreshed...The difficulty of the dungeon has been adjusted. 】


Before Su You could complain, she was teleported into the dungeon, along with the remaining eighteen people, plus a mermaid and an elf, all entered the dungeon.

"It's not kind of the system to do this..." As soon as they arrived at the dungeon, Su You finally had time to say this.

There is a reason why the system is said to be unkind. After all, it was clearly stated that the difficulty would be adjusted based on the number of people, but in the end it suddenly changed to "adjustment based on the total combat power entering the dungeon."

Although Su You brought these two killer weapons with the intention of taking advantage of the loopholes, the system could obviously prevent her from taking advantage of the loopholes by preventing them from entering the dungeon. Unexpectedly, the system actually played a trick of 'playing tricks' and going back on its word. Adjusted the difficulty rules of the dungeon.

What's the fighting power of Luya and Anita?

What kind of combat power do these dozen of them have?

Can this be used for averaging?

So isn't this a replica of 'if my money is equal to that of the richest man, I am also a rich person'?

Su You saw that the dungeon seemed to be safe for the time being, so she opened the system interface at a very fast speed, then selected 'Complain', and wrote an essay of a few hundred words in this interface and uploaded it, and then she was satisfied. Close this interface.

"Is everyone here?" It had been less than three minutes since Su You had completed the operations just now, and no matter what dungeon you entered, you would be invincible for at least five minutes.

During the invincible time, you are immune to any damage, but cannot fight back. Once you fight back, the invincible state disappears. This is mainly to avoid the situation where some special copies are killed at the beginning and cannot pass the level.

The three minutes that have just passed are enough for everyone to understand the general situation around them. "Lord, everyone is here, no one is scattered." Duoya counted the number of people and confirmed that there was no problem.

Su You looked around and found that the location they were currently in was actually the Mermaid Palace... To be precise, the scene inside this copy should be exactly the same as the Mermaid Palace.

"This place is very similar to the palace, but it is not a palace." Luya looked at the exquisite and luxurious palace in front of her with some nostalgia, recalling the ruins outside, her original thought that the fishman could be let go disappeared instantly.

"This is indeed not a palace. This place already belongs to the realm of fantasy." Suyou, his party, and Anita were fine. After all, they did not live here, and they were not so close and dependent on it.

But Luya is different. This is the place where she grew up, so whether this illusion is made here accidentally or deliberately to confuse Luya, this is not a good thing for her.

"Luya, you must be careful, I suspect this illusion is targeting you." Comparing the two possibilities, Su You preferred the latter.

Even she could already guess what this illusion was going to do to Luya.

"Aimed at me? Why?" Luya couldn't understand. After all, it was her first time to enter such a place.

Anita knows more. After all, she has entered many secret realms. Although it is slightly different from the secret realms that players like Su You enter, she can still figure out some of the rules.

"Because this illusion is located in the Mermaid Palace, it is most familiar with the palace, and the scenes it creates are the most realistic. And you are the most familiar with this place, so it will naturally attack you." Anita's words sounded a little bit Contradictory, Luya is obviously the most familiar with this place, so the illusion should not attack her, because it is easy to fool her.

But just the opposite.

Among them, the one who was most easily confused by this scene was Luya.

It's not that she has lived here the longest and is the most familiar with it, so she is the least likely to be tricked.

Because Suyou and the others are not familiar with this place, they will always be vigilant. Even though Luya knows that this is an illusion, in such a familiar environment, it is extremely easy for her to indulge in it once any inducing factors appear.

This is like a saying in the past, most people who drown are those who know how to swim, because those who don't know how to swim know that they are afraid of water, so they never take chances and basically avoid the water.

"Luya, you have to be mentally prepared. In order to make you lost, the illusion may transform the people closest to you, and then lure you into the abyss step by step..." Familiar environment, familiar people, multiple factors superimposed, Even though Su You has repeatedly emphasized it now, she is still worried that Luya will fall into the trap.

Seeing that Suyou and Anita were both so serious, Luya couldn't help but feel nervous.

"Sorry Yui, maybe I shouldn't have come." Luya regretted a little, but her regret was not that she was afraid of encountering danger in the illusion, but that she was worried that she would hold them back.

You must know that the most terrifying thing in this world is stupid teammates.

"No, Luya, you know this place well. This is both a disadvantage and an advantage." The disadvantages have just been mentioned, and there is no need to say more about the advantages. The advantage of being familiar with a place is that you can naturally avoid detours.

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