Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 709 709 Exploring the Fantasy 2

As long as you can ensure that you can distinguish the illusion in time, the disadvantage will disappear and the advantage will become a big advantage.

"There are generally two ways to clear the fantasy dungeon. One is to destroy the core of the fantasy. This is usually in a hidden place, and there will be many creatures guarding the core around."

"The second method is to kill the guardian beast that supports the illusion. The guardian beast is the pillar of the illusion. When it dies, the illusion disappears."

Compared to the two situations, Su You hopes to encounter the former.

From playing so many copies and destroying so many cores, we can also find that the core cannot run, move or attack. Although there are guardian creatures around it, it is generally not difficult to deal with.

But if there is no core and only a guardian beast, then this guardian beast must be very powerful. After all, this is the energy that can support the operation of the entire illusion.

And since it can create copies of illusions, it means that its own ability is related to illusions, and it must be more difficult to kill.

In comparison, the latter is much more difficult than the former, but the rewards are also much greater than the former, because the guardian beast counts as the boss monster. You can get a reward by killing it, and you can get another reward by clearing the level.

In the former, the mobs guarding the core are ordinary monsters, not bosses, and have no additional rewards, so they can only get a clearing reward, and at most some ordinary drops.

If it were in the past, Su You would definitely hope to get more rewards, and would not be afraid no matter how difficult it was. After all, difficulties must be overcome, not just shrinking back.

But this time, due to a temporary change in the system, she didn't have the confidence to kill the guardian beast... Just thinking that she might face a monster with at least one-tenth of the power of the elven heir later gave Su You a headache. very.

And Anita will definitely not be able to take action at that time, otherwise if she is allowed to fight a guardian beast whose combat power is only one-tenth of hers, what is the point of tinkering with the system?

So Anita will definitely not be able to help when the time comes, but the process will be different. For example, she will be forced to separate from them, or her attacks will be ineffective against the guardian beasts, etc.

If we really have to deal with the guardian beasts, at most Luya might be able to help.

But no matter what, it's not yet clear what's going on with this copy, so Su You doesn't think in such a bad direction yet.

"Luya, do you know that in addition to the forbidden areas, there are other places in this palace that few people go to?" The palace of the mermaid clan can be said to be big or small, but after all, it is in a fantasy world. , it is not impossible to directly use blanket search, but the more places you go, the probability of falling into an illusion becomes greater.

So the best thing is definitely that they can directly find the core location, or the location of the guardian beast, go straight to Huanglong, and clear this copy in one go.

From here, Luya's advantage can be seen. Because she understands the palace, she quickly gave an answer.

"There are really two places in the palace that no one usually goes to. One is the treasure house of our mermaid clan. That is where the important supplies of the mermaid clan are stored. Therefore, it is heavily guarded and ordinary mermaids are not allowed to go there."

"As for the other place, it is behind the palace where my father lives. It used to be the trial tower of our mermaid clan. The trial tower is opened every few years, and every time, underage mermaids from the mermaid clan will enter. Experience.”

Su You calculated the distance and decided to go to the closer treasure house first. Others would not have any objections to her arrangement, so everyone headed towards the treasure house.

On the way to the treasure house, they encountered some troubles. Either the originally flat road turned into sharp knives, or the surrounding buildings turned into ferocious and twisted man-eating monsters... They had never seen this posture at first. Naturally, they were startled, but when they discovered that whether it was the sharp knives on the ground or the surrounding monsters, one of them did not cause any harm when they stepped on them, and the other did not take action against them, they knew that these were all just illusions. .

Since this is just an illusion, there is nothing to be afraid of.

But Su You was also very worried. Among the strange hallucinations along the way, it would be terrible if some real weapons and weapons got mixed in, but they mistakenly regarded them as hallucinations.

So even though none of these terrible things have caused any substantial harm to them so far, they still have to be careful.

As they approached the treasure house, they suddenly discovered that the hallucinations around them that were just stationary and simply meant to scare people had turned into phantom monsters charging towards them with claws and teeth.

These fantasy monsters look like ghosts. They are translucent and light blue in color. At first glance, they look like aqua-blue jelly. They look attractive and cute, but you must ignore their almost human appearance. .

If it's an aqua blob, it's definitely cute, but if it's a jelly-like person, it looks weird and disgusting.

One of them happened to have a fantasy monster next to him. Perhaps because he had not been hurt before, he relaxed his vigilance a little and was not particularly scared when he saw the monster.

But when he felt the sharp pain on his arm, he realized that these monsters were real and could cause real harm to them.

"Everyone, stand together, don't scatter." Su You immediately spoke loudly, calling out to everyone who was in a panic.

Everyone gathered together according to her order, surrounding those without fighting ability in the middle, while others stood outside and took out their weapons and began to attack these fantasy monsters.

When they were attacking, Su You also checked the attributes of these monsters.


HP: 1000/1000

Attack: 400

Defense: 50


The HP and defense of these phantoms are not particularly high. On average, each phantom only needs two or three swords to be killed by them, but the phantom's attack power is not low.

With an attack power of 400, even if it hits a thick-skinned warrior, it will cause them to lose nearly a quarter of their health. If it hits a crispy body, most of them will have to be removed. Life.

I also knew that this difficulty level was a bit unreasonable for their strength, but this was the monster created by the fantasy dungeon after averaging their strength with Anita and Luya's.

But fortunately, they are also crispy and kill quickly. The most important thing is that so far, Anita can help.

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