Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 710 710 Exploring the Fantasy 3

I saw that she used her own energy to transform into a stringless bow. She held the bow in one hand and pulled the string with the other hand. As she moved, illusory bowstrings appeared on the bow that originally looked empty and disabled. The shadow of the arrow.

'call out--'

A sound broke through the air. In addition to Su You, Duo Ya, who was particularly familiar with the sound, also looked back subconsciously.

After seeing Anita's movements, her eyes lit up, but she did not forget the attack on her hand. She just looked at it for a few seconds, then turned around and continued shooting arrows.

What was different from before was that, perhaps affected by Anita's attack, Duoya's attacks began to become faster and more violent.

Obviously these phantoms were just the first batch of monsters in this fantasy copy, but she started to deal with them with a very serious attitude. If uninformed people saw her like this, they might think that she was facing them. should be an extremely powerful enemy.

With everyone's strong output, and the help of Anita and Luya, it only took them more than ten minutes to kill nearly a thousand phantoms.

That’s right, thousands of them!

Among them, Anita killed half of the elves, and this was even when she only contributed a small amount of strength, because after entering the illusion, she also knew the strength of this illusion and knew that she could not attack at will or with all her strength. , so she transformed into the elf bow she had only used when she was a child.

If she were really allowed to use her original power, it wouldn't take even one minute to kill these thousand phantoms.

As for Luya, she uses water magic to attack. Her strength is about the same as an intermediate human magician, which is about the same as Yue. It is an incredible achievement at her age.

But because she is a mermaid with natural water attributes and racial advantages, her real strength is about the bottleneck of a high-level human magician.

It's okay for Meck to come with this level of strength. Even because Meck has more combat experience, Luya may not be able to defeat him, so Luya doesn't need to restrain her strength too much in this illusion.

"Lord, these phantoms seem to have dropped a lot of powder." Someone discovered that although the bodies of the phantoms disappeared after their death, they left sparkling powder all over the ground.

Obviously this phantom is transparent and doesn't have any shiny parts, but it's still a bit strange that something like this has fallen off.

Su You glanced at the powders, and relevant information immediately appeared in front of her eyes.

【Phantom Powder】

Quality: blue

Category: Material

Introduction: The blue glitter powder dropped by killing the phantom. Inhaling a small amount will cause hallucinations and slightly paralyzing oneself; inhaling a medium amount will cause symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting or coma depending on the body's constitution; inhaling a large amount will cause nerve damage. , permanently in a state of madness between half asleep and half awake.


After reading the information, Su You can only say that this thing is indeed in line with the drop characteristics of the 'Dreamland' copy.

This powder looks scary, but it is very effective. A small amount can be used as an anesthetic; a medium amount can be used to deal with enemies, or special medicines can be made for treatment; a large amount can also be used to deal with enemies.

Just how to make the enemy inhale the powder without inhaling it yourself is something to consider later.

Thinking of this, Suyou pulled out some strips of cloth from her backpack. "Cover your mouth and nose with these, wrap your hands, and then collect the powder. Discard all the strips after collection." Although inhalation of a small amount is not fatal, in the copy, the consequences of mild anesthesia are also very serious, which will Affect combat effectiveness.

Everyone followed Su You's instructions while listening to her introduce the functions of this powder.

The one who had the biggest reaction after learning about Phantom Powder was undoubtedly Vivian. Just hearing the first two effects, she already had a long list of suitable herbs in her mind.

But if these are not enough, there are many things with anesthetic effects. Lin Mu has cultivated anesthetic flowers before. What Vivian really values ​​​​is its third effect when used in large quantities.

It is said that medicine and poison cannot be separated, and Vivian herself took the meaning of this sentence to the extreme.

"Lord, when you go back, can you give all these phantom powders to me?" Vivian came to Su You with a smile and said seriously, knowing that she would not refuse.

"Otherwise? Could it be that there is a second doctor in the territory?" Su You rolled her eyes, knowing that Vivian was definitely not here for this.

Sure enough, after hearing Su You's words, Vivian continued to test further: "Really? All these ghost powders were given to me? Then I can use them however I want~"

Su You: "..." She knew that Vivian had bad intentions, and she must want to study something dangerous again.

However, Su You doesn't care what she studies, even if it's dangerous, as long as she doesn't use it to harm her own people, then she can play with it as she pleases.

Of course, Vivian is definitely not such a person.

"I knew you would agree~" Seeing Su You's silence, Vivian didn't care what her true thoughts were, and simply took her silence as acquiescence.

While chatting, all the sparkling powder on the ground had been collected.

Next, they continued walking forward. It was obviously only half an hour away, but they walked for two hours. One and a half hours were spent killing enemies and collecting their dropped items.

In addition to the phantom, they also saw two other monsters. One was an old friend from before, the water element that appeared when fighting the big octopus, and the other was a seaweed monster.

The seaweed monster takes its literal form. To put it simply, it is a seaweed spirit. Its appearance is seaweed, and its attack method is to use its long green grass blades to beat the enemy.

These two enemies are relatively easy to deal with, even easier than the previous phantoms, because they have low attack and high defense, but Anita and Luya's attacks are instant kills against them, so there is no advantage.

After they died, the water element still dropped the familiar ocean mud and blue mud. Although the acid rain disaster had passed and repeated natural disasters would not be refreshed in a short period of time, Su You still collected them.

What the seaweed monster drops is seaweed, and there are various types of seaweed. They are still classified as materials, but they are just cooking materials.

While Su You was thinking about adding a few more recipes to the territory, she put all these things into her backpack.

"Yuyi, do you like these seaweeds?"

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