Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 711 711 Exploring the Fantasy 4

Luya looked a little puzzled as she watched her put away all the seaweed.

For humans, food in the ocean is rare, but for mermaids, these things are equivalent to steamed buns on the streets of the human world.

It's common, not unpalatable, but already boring.

"Of course I like it. These are all materials that can be used to make food." Although seaweed is not a valuable thing, it can only be obtained by going deep into the seabed.

There is currently no fishing industry in the territory, so this collection opportunity is rare.

If she hadn't known that this was in the dungeon, Su You would have thought that there would be more of these seaweed monsters.

After all, these seaweeds are blue-quality materials, which are already considered high-grade among food materials. You must know that the top and highest food materials on the market are only purple quality, and they are extremely rare. There are not many blue-quality materials. More Still white and green.

For example, the fruits and vegetables grown in the farmland of the territory are actually of white quality, and only a few mutations will be of green quality.

Blue-quality ingredients have a chance of making purple-quality food, and usually this kind of food will come with special effects. With Meck's current cooking skills, this is basically inevitable.

"It's easy if you like it. Our mermaid clan has a lot of seaweed. I'll ask the elders to send you half of it when the time comes." Seaweed is daily food for them mermaids, so they naturally have a lot of reserves, and This thing is also very cheap for them, after all, it is everywhere under the sea.

Not to mention giving away half of it, even if she only gave Su You a tenth of the seaweed in the mermaid tribe's warehouse, it would be enough to fill her backpack from nothing.

Su You was not polite when she heard what Lu Ya said, mainly because she knew that this thing was indeed worthless to the mermaid tribe, so she readily accepted it.

"Then you're welcome, but I can't take these seaweeds for nothing. If you have anything that can only be obtained on land, I can help you collect it." The value of seaweeds is not easy to define. For the mermaid tribe, this is It's not a valuable thing, but for humans, a piece of seaweed can be sold for several silver coins in the market.

Suyou didn't lack these few silver coins, but she still felt that exchanging things for things was the most appropriate.

"Okay, actually I really have some things I want, such as the runes you gave me before..." Luya chirped and didn't stop until she reached her destination.

"This is the treasure house of our mermaid tribe. Over there is the entrance, but it is heavily guarded. And to open the door, you need to have the keys of two elders at the same time." Although because of the illusion here, the so-called heavy guard does not exist, but there is a sign on the door. The lock still exists.

Just when Su You was thinking about breaking down the door violently, Luya mysteriously led them to the side and back of the treasure house.

"Actually, there is a secret door here that can directly enter the treasure house!" Luya pointed to a wall and said seriously.

Su You didn't expect that Luya's familiarity with the mermaid tribe would actually surprise them, but she soon thought of a question.

"It's not appropriate to tell us this kind of thing directly, isn't it?" This is the treasure house of the mermaid clan, and its importance is second only to the forbidden land.

Luya nodded and explained without hesitation: "If it were before, I would definitely not have said it, but now the damage everywhere outside is so serious, and the treasure house is also the hardest hit area, so it needs to be rebuilt."

Since it is reconstruction, what Luya told them here will definitely not apply to the outside. The treasure house may or may not have a secret door by then, but it will never be in this location. Hearing what Lu Ya said, Su You nodded with relief.

She actually guessed that the reason why Luya said that was because the treasure house needed to be rebuilt, but she knew that, but that didn't mean that others also knew.

With such a huge benefit, there is no guarantee that none of the people she brought will be tempted. Even if they don't take action this time, it's hard to say whether they will talk too much after they return.

So her question was ostensibly because she was worried about Luya, but actually it was to warn them.

"Let's go." Luya didn't think too much. She successfully led everyone into the secret door of the treasure house. This secret door is located on the ground in the corner of the treasure house. There is a floor tile with a pattern that is almost indistinguishable from the surroundings. When you pry open the floor tile, you will see a switch. Push the switch, and the perfectly fitted wall will automatically open, revealing an entrance that can only accommodate one person at a time.

"I'll go in first." Luya volunteered and walked in. Before Su You could stop her, she found that she had gotten in like a slippery fish.

"Let's go in too." Seeing this, Su You had no choice but to ask the others to go in immediately and join Luya as quickly as possible.

"I won't go in." When everyone was queuing up to enter, Anita found Su You and said softly.

Su You glanced at her and didn't ask why. She just nodded and reminded: "Then you should be careful."

Anita smiled: "Don't worry, nothing in this place can hurt me." But if she takes action, the strength of the illusion's derivatives will be strengthened, and then Suyou and the others will not be able to deal with it.

On the contrary, if she helps guard here, it can at least ensure that the creatures outside will not enter the treasure house to trap them.

After everyone went in, Anita found a place to sit down, seemingly resting, but she still had the bow transformed with energy in her hand.



"We're finally here, here is the treasure house!" Luya shouted happily, then looked back and found that there was no one behind her, and the secret passage that was supposed to get her here had disappeared.

Luya had a bad feeling in her heart. She actually regretted it. She knew that the primary target of this illusion would be her, but she still walked in the first place so impulsively... Yui must be worried about herself now, right?

"Oh, if I had known I wouldn't have followed... I'm just a drag..." Luya pursed her lips, but she didn't feel much fear, because the illusion here was a place she was very familiar with.

The reason why she knew this secret door was because the eldest prince once brought her here to play when she was a child. At that time, she played all day long, and sometimes she even forgot to go out.

There are many things in the treasure house, so for her at a young age, there are many 'treasures' to explore.

Once she and her eldest brother didn't go out for three days in a row, and everyone in the palace was so anxious that they were all wandering around. Finally, the fifth elder discovered them after hearing from the mermaid guarding the treasure house that there had been strange movements in the past two days.

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