Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 712 712 Exploring the Fantasy 5

"It's a pity that the treasure house has been demolished and needs to be rebuilt." Luya regretfully touched the purple coral stone bed where she sat and lay on when she was a child, and touched it when she and her elder brother hid in the treasure house. Eating pristine fruit.

She waited here for a while, but before she could wait for Su You and the others, she could guess that she might have been separated from them.

Luya thought for a while and finally decided to find the exit by herself.

She carefully shuttled through the treasure house where a large amount of top-quality materials were accumulated. Looking at the familiar environment in front of her, her vigilance could not help but gradually decrease.

Even though she knew in her heart that this place was not a real treasure house but an illusion created by the environment, she still couldn't help but indulge in it.

"No...I can't be led astray by other things!" Luya was not stupid. After she found that her thinking could not be concentrated, she guessed that this might be something done by the illusion.

She closed her eyes and felt cruel. After opening her eyes, she blasted the treasure house with huge water ball magic.

Various precious treasures that were originally neatly placed were scattered on the ground with the powerful impact. If they were fragile, they were directly turned into pieces.

Without these things that always reminded her of memories, Luya felt much calmer inside and her head became much clearer.

"The exit should be at this location..." She muttered to herself, relying on her memory to successfully reach the main entrance of the treasure house.

Luya hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to push it tentatively. She thought that this illusion would not let her out so easily. Unexpectedly, with this push, the door seemed to be not closed tightly, and it was easy to let her out. 's opened.

Luya stared at this scene with wide eyes, eyes flashing with disbelief.

She looked behind her - it was still the 'post-war scene' that she had destroyed.

She turned her head and looked in front of her again, and found that the world outside the door was the scene outside the treasure house, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Just when Luya was wondering whether she should go out, she suddenly heard a familiar voice coming from outside the treasure house. The familiarity and specialness of the voice made her forget to think about it for a moment and left the treasure house without hesitation.

Following the source of the sound, Luya looked at the familiar and unfamiliar figure in front of her, and opened her mouth in surprise. The other person obviously heard the footsteps behind her. After getting rid of several phantoms in front of her, he suddenly Turning back, the coldness on his face gradually softened, turning into favor, surprise... and a hint of worry.

"Xiaoya, why are you here?"

"Second, second brother..." Luya looked at the living second prince in front of her, tears welling up in her eyes.

Because of what happened before, she was already prepared for the death of her second brother. Although the other princes and princesses were reluctant to accept this ending, they had to admit that this was probably the truth.

But now, Luya saw the living second brother standing in front of her, and when his face showed a familiar gentleness, she really couldn't help it.

She rushed over and threw herself into the arms of the second prince. The second prince was stunned for a moment, then patted her back gently.

"Why are you crying? Don't cry yet. Tell me why you appear here...did you accidentally fall into this illusion?" The second prince comforted Luya and wiped her tears skillfully.

"No, I came in with someone else. Second brother, why are you here? Did you never leave the mermaid tribe before, but accidentally fell into this illusion?" Luya was suppressed by the ecstasy of seeing her relatives. She seemed to have forgotten something at this moment, and all she could think about was the mermaid in front of her.

"Xiaoya is so smart." The second prince touched her head and then told what happened after he left.

The content was not much, and it was basically the same as what Luya had guessed. The second prince did want to leave the mermaid clan because of Mrs. Sang's incident, but when he was packing his things and preparing to leave, he found someone sneaking in. Water prison.

Because he was worried about being discovered and worried that the other party would slip away without him paying attention, the second prince did not go to find anyone else, but chose to follow the other party alone.

Then he entered the water prison and watched what the man seemed to have done. Then a downward passage appeared on the ground. The other person went in, and he wanted to go in too. Unexpectedly, when he reached the entrance, he was attracted by a strong attraction. Brought into a fantasy.

Luya listened to the second prince's explanation, and the doubts in her heart were completely eliminated bit by bit.

The illusion is indeed in the water prison, and it is indeed on the wall to the left of the entrance to the underground passage.

The person the second prince saw was probably the fishman. They learned about another road to the forbidden area, so they sneaked in and prepared to attack the forbidden area... All of this was reasonable and very consistent with the information she knew. consistent.

"Second brother..." After listening to the second prince's understatement about his experiences during this period, Luya didn't know whether she should be grateful that he was still alive, or pity her second brother for being locked up in this illusion for so long. …

Unlike Miriel, although she is also in the forbidden area alone, at least the forbidden area is safe and no one disturbs her.

But when they first met, Luya watched the second prince chop off the body of the phantom with his sword. Such skillful movements could not be developed overnight. In other words, when he was locked in the phantom, he not only had to endure Isolation and loneliness, and he has to stay vigilant day and night, because if he is not careful, he is likely to be attacked by enemies in the illusion.

"Don't worry, Xiaoya. Don't you think the second brother is fine now?" The second prince knew her thoughts and felt a little warm in his heart. However, when he thought that Luya had also entered the illusion, it meant that she would be trapped here too. .

"You shouldn't have come here..." The second prince sighed. In addition to the joy of seeing his relatives, he was also filled with despair and helplessness.

It would be okay if he was trapped here alone. He was already used to the life here, but how could his Xiaoya suffer here?

"I remember you said you came in with others. Since they brought you in, is there any way to get out?" The second prince didn't care whether he could get out, because he had already made up his mind to stay here for the rest of his life. preparation.

But Luya can't, he will send her out no matter how high the price is!

"Yes! Yui!" After the second prince's reminder, Luya finally focused on other things.

"Youyi must have a way to take us out... But I was too impulsive just now, and I got separated from them."

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